When suddenly, or after contemplation, one has a rhythmic thought which cannot be expanded upon without mortifying it, which cannot be debated without losing momentum, and which cannot even be commented on without losing all sight of it…
…post it here.
Often times we all have these moments. When we have an idea but we don’t want to make a thread about it, rather than throw it away, there should be a place where it belonged. Here we can collect these moments.
The rules are:
No commenting on, arguing or questioning a phrase. Simply read it and thats all.
They cannot be longer than, well, …I don’t want to set a limit, so you guys just keep the length in mind. There is no minimum requirements.
It must be philosophical, and although we all have our unique opinions about what ‘philosophical’ means, I think that in the least everyone can summon up some amount of wit in the action of the phrase.
They must be original. No quoting allowed. This is our show, people.
One from Nietzsche to fit the occasion and give an example:
“Against mediators.- Those who wish to be mediators between two resolute thinkers are marked as mediocre: they lack eyes to see the unparalleled; seeing things as similiar and making them the same is the mark of weak eyes.”
A decent length and in good logical formation. They should be something like that.
“He who…” no, um, I mean “THEY who live life fully as a thoughtful being,” um, “being” being a being that’s “being a being” as opposed to merely “being,” not just…oh nevermind.
Great, now I have to break my own rules to come regulate.
Gamer, you are quite capable of being serious and writing something with substance, though you want to play the clown. Please, take your sense of humor (which I adore, by the way) somewhere else more appropriate.
Dunamis, you got the right idea, but it was kinda short. (see, I’m breaking my own rules. I am criticizing your work.)
Okay…let’s try this again.
“And don’t make me come down there either, tough guy!”- Frank Rizzo
Wine is an acrid, rotting liquid designed to tickle the fancy of perversely bored, aging homosapiens of leisure. No other species on Earth would choose wine over, say, kool-aid, in the same way that no other species would revel in the perverse human folly of altruism.
Okay, okay. I apologize, Dunamis. Please, allow me to redeem myself by a complimentary interpretation of your piece.
“Analysis is the stain of mind.”
When evidence is found and a decision is made, a concept is formed. By analysis, a mind follows just such order: perception, comprehension, concept. By doing so, it takes the idea as a final result of such a process, that there was such certain evidence, and a certain decision in its comprehension. This is when the idea becomes a stain. The stain is what saturates the idea and stops it from moving, from changing. It suggests that the concept is clear and distinguished, while in reality, the mind cannot close in on a final state, a concluded idea, for these are in motion. Analysis is a depreciation of the integrity of mindfulness in its own paradoxical realization that knowing cannot be certain, but certainty comes from knowing.
Was that alright? Was I even close?
(look at us, breaking the rules not two posts into it) Fuck it, I give up.
…because what is philosophy to me? But an attempt to infuse my sui generis, myopic existence with words, accessorized by logic, perhaps of propositional kind, maybe Wittgensteinean, in the hope of denying truth as the only worthy cause.
Let’s allow commentary but no objections. For once I want people to flow uninterupted and not feel confined by threats, retorts, and disagreements.
I only thought that the first rule would preserve the thread and make its reading a little smoother. For example, imagine what it will look like in two weeks. Whereas with the first rule implied, one could scroll gracefully through them all with no interuptions. There wouldn’t be four or five posts of commentary between each subject. I guess that isn’t a terrible danger to the thread so we can revise the rules.
De’trop, this is a great idea. Here’s my contribution.
"The basis and value of all life is the struggle; back to the image and metaphor of the earths creation within the primordial myth, and perpetually incomplete scientific theory of intemperate climate and volcanism which progressed forward to the earliest formation of solidity, and the beginnings of the particles which gave rise to life.
From the safe haven within turbulence comes genesis. From despair, and anguish come self knowledge, but it also rises or is to be found in the patient, and diligently slow moving. Knowledge is nothing more than the edifying realization that you stand upon a precipice, as the possesser of an individual existance. From knowledge to know ledge to no ledge, and then flight. The forgotten pain of birth repeated much later in life to be rediscovered in the heat of a new more violent strike which is only found by holding seriousness aloft to the detriment of all other distracting, futile pursuits. Those that fail the promise of your potentials promise, and diminish instead of coaptate.
Decision coming from the word to cut which brings to mind the image of a sculptor who searches out the fine form from stone. We make of our lives our sole options, and our lone possibilities."
I broke this up into paragraphs in the hope that it maybe easier to read, although the three parts are supposed to go together.
THE THREAD OF THOUGHT is just as fluid and constantly incomprehensively endless as time itself in the sense that chaos and order coincide with the overlapping singular, yet dual, forms of causality by which cause and effect attribute a constituate matter of reasoning which is decided by the reflex of any emotion to a given situation and thus forming a never ending line of consistent thinking to remain stabel within the confines that hold our minds on the thin line between madness and sanity, but this invariably and always ever-shifting line of thought is due to the rapid emotional change that is expirienced by the human essence of every living being no matter how big or small (‘big’ or ‘small’ states that all living beings have some degree of humanity no matter how great or tiny), but I hate and refuse this stinking humanity within me as I can always be thinking something no matter how wild or organized it may be and because this horribly infatuating line of endless thought drives me up and down, I must damn the emotions that cause it and …
just real quick… may come back and revise to be more articulate… was a thought that didn’t really fit anywhere because it doesn’t make for ‘serious’ discussion… Not saying this is “quotable” or anything…
Thinking of the bonobos and how the females band together to be more powerful than the physically stronger males… Perhaps humans started out in a similar way… and through abstract thought, began to see that they could imitate eachother… and through some sort of concept like, “imitation is the highest form of flattery”… became their opposites… and we see it slowly going the other direction… and like clashing galaxies… they will eventually become one galaxy, with no genders distinguishable from eachother, and thus no gender at all?
i am me, nobody else is me and i am nobody else. me will end oneday even though it’s the only thing that i’ve ever had. If only i could always be here.
I have a thought that is not quite worthy of a thread of its own, so I’ll post it here. Although it won’t be spoken lyrically. I’ll just tell you about the situation.
If it had to have a name it might be called something like: “creating a little danger to save some lives.” I’m not sure what metaphorical value can be gained from this, so I’m not sending it out in a tradtional epigram fashion.
When I was driving home from my friend Paul’s house earlier this evening I passed roughly five kittens (they were just precious) on the side of the road. Three of them were approaching the side of the road cautiously, but they appeared determined to make it to the road and see what it was about. There was a line of brush three feet from the side of the road from which they came, where the other two or three kittens remained just watching.
I drove by doing five over the speed limit which was 55mph and I saw them. They hadn’t yet made it all the way to the road but I knew this could be a possible tragedy and I had to think fast.
I turned around quickly and pulled off to the side of the road and got out of the van. The three kittens that were there obviously scampered back into the bushes, so I didn’t attempt to catch one and look for a collar and/or tag. There was a house about seventy yards away and I suspect that the kittens belonged to whoever lived there, but thats irrelevant. So I’m thinking that maybe I can scare them off and away from the highway, but they just sat there concealed in the bushes watching me.
So either I stay there all night chasing six or more kittens through the woods to catch them and bring them home with me (where I certainly can’t keep them) without a flashlight, or leave them to die.
Then it came to me.
I dragged a big broken tree trunk over to the very edge of the road but not actually in it. Then I scattered various limbs and pieces of what looked like old concrete bags which were white and quite large, and other pieces of litter, in a length of about thirty feet along the side of the road. I was creating a visible obstacle for oncoming cars to see, and force them to slow down. And although I placed the items just barely in the road, the road was straight enough for oncoming cars to see them in enough time to not hit them. The idea was to get them to slow down and become quickly aware of things, perhaps even merge into the left lane a little (theres light traffic so a collision with another vehicle is unlikely) while passing.
I imagined that the kittens would be there for a while and might likely come back out of the bushes and into the road. And as we all know that curiosity killed the cat, we don’t want to leave such things in the hands of fate.