Many say that god is the awnser to all lifes aspects. Some say that it is an easy way to explain events. But my question is how do you explain the unexplainable? When science has no awnser? Are you suppose to believe nothing, when there is only one way to believe and that is GOD.
Just make something up untill your are HAPPY…
You eager for faith and certainty. I recommend you to search for the truth and the right path so they ye msy feel comforted and not afraid of death.
You are keen to observe that a primary belife system can create a secondary.
I have had quite a few friends tell me they started beliveing in God when they saw something Science couldn’t explian. *
I don’t have that problem. I have little faith in current Science’s ability to predict everything, therefore my world is not upset if something a bit weird happens.
Fear, like other emotions, is quicly non-existant when ominpresent. Why should I be afriad of a bus hitting me, or hell, when I can fear a lack of personal identitiy. I why should I let such a treat bother me, when It has been present throught my assumid life. Ooo, I finnialy know what I wan’t my signature to be.
- (And a couple cases of the reverse. They saw something so awful that they could no longer percribe to any sort of Occuasionallism and had to allow a mechanism such as Science keep God away from the trigger.)
no such thing is in existance or has ever been. how do i know, because i have not been presented with facts supporting his/her/it existance or otherwise. therefore i took it upon myself to interpret it as i wish.
let me tell you something about people. in their moments of weakness, failure, misery they need to cry out to somebody in hopes of thier all mightyful powers and existance to change their lives for the better. and the whole idea of GOD wreaks of weakness, lack of control, lack of belief in one self. y? every one knows it is harder all by yourself, and everyone needs to rely on somebody thereforth the idea of god cameabout as cavemen were scartching their heads thinkin of ways how to make things better while others were trying to think of ways of fooling people. it all worked out, billions, well hundreds of millions of people attend churches, mosques, sinagogues, templs etc. in hopes of a better life/afterlife. y? because they need the idea in backs of their head that there is a back up plan that nothing will ever get too fucked up!!!
idea of god and the concept of science do not mix, because one is an idea and the other is a concept, its like attempting to compare a rose to a car.
Most atheists fear dead although many say not. They have no idea what will happen in the grave or in that matter still exist. The idea you’ll be nothing than dirt is true but the idea your being, conciousness sease to exist is still hard to swallow for most atheists.
The point is that fearing death is silly, because there is no good argument for saying that I will exist in five minutes even if I don’t leave my room.
In fact, I’ve never heard a really good argument that I have lived five minutes ago. I’m not really one to trust my memory.
All in all I must say that the probability is pretty high that I won’t be I, by the time I die, if I was even I in the first place.
Heck, I’m not even convinced people do die. I certianly im not conivnced that I will become dirt.
Just think my friend, in the next five minutes we might switch places. I start seeing through your eyes, and you through mine. And as long as it does not effect the memories, we will never know it. That is someting worth fear, no the simple matter of a heart ceaseing to beat.
Five minutes ago you wrote down your name and I took your finger prints. 1 month ago I proceeded to sweep you off your feet with thoughts of a better time when I loved you and you loved me. But then you decided to love another…… yourself…. Pity for not knowing anything came over you and you sat for days pondering whether your life was real or only some catastrophic nightmare in which nothing is real or can be known. Doubts ceased your hours and a new sun came out and a new moon sat in the sky laughing at you. Do I exist it says…. is this world real. Sadly, behind the scenes of this tragedy is the real orchestrater of the Chaos of your life.
He planted similar thought into the minds of the angels some believed some did not. Confusing the reality of his status as merely a creation he tried to overtake the one that created him. “Why did you think that the one that could create magnificent sunsets and stars in seconds might not have known of your plan before he even created you.†Such an oversight proved fatal and GOD sent him to earth along with all that chose to follow him…. his name was Lucifer. Some might say that God is a God of Wrath, or God is a God of mercy. But I say that He is a God of order and if the theory of God is proven to be accurate and if your theory that somehow you and I are being teleported though time and space into each others bodies that are then uploaded with each others memories by some sort of being, than move to Hollywood and write a script…OOPS some one did it was made into a movie and you should Check it out. Other wise abandon this lala land of reality and use that creative genius to Glorify God. He has provided a way out of Perdition my friend. It not such a long shot either its been told thousands of times and its in a man by the name of as Yeshua haMashiach and is interpreted as "Yah who is Salvation, the Anointed One.†Better known as Jesus the Christ He is not a fable. Change your mind about Him and Your sin…. realize you need Him and then build a life on that truth if you already have continue to enjoy redemption and share it with others.
Where is your argument, or more importantly where is his. Surely I belive there is a possibility of this Lucifer being, and that for some reason he wants me to doubt and question. But one seems three times as likely is that such a being would not want me to doubt and question but simply belive. Lucifer is supposed to be the deciver correct? One might call him the ultimate con man? Well to con men ask for you to actively question and examine, or do they call for your trust so that they may lead you to where ever it is that benifits him?
I really hope you can examine your ideas and realize you have been led into the wasteland on the unexamined life. People who wanted certianty more than truth, or power more than truth, or well-functioning socites more than truth, they are the decivers. They are the real lucifers of this world. One must question or one is dead already.
hahah nice one lostguy, that was a powerful statement at the end of that last post.
Anyways, I feel Faithandreason’s post to sound alot more like a story than lost guys simple abstract thought.
Faithandreason, you seam to have taken lost guys abstract thought and expressed it like it was one of his main beliefs. He was just stating a strange thing one can ponder, there is no harm in that. It helps open our minds to much greater thinking. Helps us think outside the box a little easier.
Yeah, actully I kind of want to retract it. It’s too metaphiorical. It should read, if one fails to question than the essential part of their autonmous identity has been subsumed by a larger entity, and therefore cease funtioning as an indivisual. Or something like that. I’ll have it right when I finish my book (in 50 years.)