I'm thinking of leaving this site...should I?


Fair enough. That’s a judgment by you, though. :slight_smile:

Wretched man that I am, it’s not the first time that I have fallen short of Jesus’ teachings in The sermon on the Mount. In fact, I have more than once thought that his purpose in those teachings was to set the bar so high that I’ll never be able to reach it. And that in itself demonstrates that I am wretched, and only God can save me.

Amen brother.

Yesterday you called me an atheist. Today you call me brother. Tomorrow, God if there is a God only knows.

OK so you don’t need to be perfect but he does?

Where did you get that idea? I need to be perfect, but I’m not. Neither, I suppose is he. Of course, it isn’t certain that I would know perfection if I saw it. Safer to say of such things “that’s how it seems”. That seems to apply especially when judging people. Don’t you agree?

Just sayin’.

Most philosophers are atheist as far as I can tell. If you don’t like that, or you would prefer a community that isn’t mostly atheist, then leaving is certainly an option available to you.

Source for claim:

Accept or lean toward: atheism 678 / 931 (72.8%)
Accept or lean toward: theism 136 / 931 (14.6%)
Other 117 / 931 (12.6%)

I’ve heard Philosophers of Religion are the opposite. This is the Religion and Spirituality forum.

I’m a former atheist myself.

Do you have similar data on Philosophers of Religion?

P.S. What does your username mean?

I don’t have the stats on philosophers of religion, but I’m not surprised that people interested in studying religion tend to be religious.

My username was uttered by me in passing about 14 years ago, when I was looking at a poem/art/clippings book compiled by one of my highschool friends. There was a guy on one page who looked like the standard sort of late-90s grunge, wearing baggy flannel, but he had a classic jesus look about his face and hair as well. I said he looks like flannel jesus, my friends laughed, and soon after I started naming certain things I was doing online after that. It doesn’t really mean anything… for now.

“Wretched man that I am, it’s not the first time that I have fallen short of Jesus’ teachings…”

“The despairing.-- Christianity possesses the hunters instinct for all those who can by one means or another be brought to despair - of which only a portion of mankind is capable. It is constantly on their track, it lies in wait for them. Pascal attempted the experiment of seeing whether, with the aid of the most incisive knowledge, everyone could not be brought to despair: the experiment miscarried, to his twofold despair.” - Nietzsche

And look what happened to Nietszche; he died insane eating his own feces.

“Sartre was even worse than Nietszche; a sexual predator with his partner in crime Simone.”

“The compassionate Christian.-- The reverse side of Christian compassion for the suffering of one’s neighbor is a profound suspicion of all the joy of one’s neighbor, of his joy in all that he wants to do and can.” - Nietzsche

“It is my fate that I am the first decent human being.”

-Delusional Nietszche

a nietzschean interviews a platonist


Thanks for the quote! And Soren Kierkegaard picked up the gauntlet with “Sickness unto Death”.

What did the atheist Nietszche think about the Christian Kierkegaard? Do we know?

I read that there is no evidence that Nietzsche read Kierkegaard whose works had not been translated into German. However, it was said that there is evidence that Nietzsche knew of Kierkegaard through the secondary sources.


Who were Nietzche’s favorite philosophers besides Epicurus and Schopenhauer?