Impulse to Overcome: survival (life) & resolution (death)

survival/resolution instinct
or instinct to overcome

make this stop to keep that going — to choose/love is to kill/hate one/some option(s) to preserve/love the other(s)

to love/serve your enemy & hate/leave your LOVEd ones is that swerving to the opposite impulse (Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics) that overcomes slavery to attachment/instinct & pivots things out to self=other & real reconciliation

Of course, literal slavery has instinctly been enclosed within the slavery of willingness to internalize that conditional configuration.

That will to learn is variably interchanged in all methods of learning, the option to sustain an unconditional necessary method and that where such method can be chosen, can set the stage of double standards.

Two separate conditions to learning can be sustained, and in a medium that can function as best effecting a cumulative happy medium, things work differently, but functionally and transcendentally, that can come close to mean sufficiently clear meaning , as to separate such association at appearent limits whereof.

The limit between universal and singular intersections to the self/other model, has been degraded utterly, so that a singular/ singularity cohesion be achieved, namely by adhering to sign-signal binding with an intentive temporal prediction

The impulse serves as a foundation to establish a link from this transcendental ideal to the most probable reassiciation of fractured elements.

Put those big words down and be cool with the normie you, and no one gets hurt.

Yes, a ‘normal’ that only magical connecton to a miracle can sustain. That is why I appear to place that on ‘sky hooks’

The miracle of love attached to Peace, that is…

ok go back to weird. this is scarier.

@Ecmandu scary good