In Defense of a Nation

My fellow humans, I must apologize for the emotionalism of many of the Americans you see online in social media, or by certain media personalities defense of Trump.

A large part of the country has been going through an emotional tantrum rooted from their anger. What has become of them have been nothing but emotional compulsory outbursts devoid of intellectual integrity, aside from rare possible glimpses of what may have been their former selves. You will see and have seen in this forum on a regular basis, emotional outburst after emotional outburst, whether it be a response, or a new topic, they are usually devoid of any coherent reason as to why they are having an emotional outburst. On display currently, you can and will see that they are angry and have let anger take over them, perhaps years ago, and this has reduced them to trolls and anti intellectual emotionalism.

There is no reasoning with unreasonable people, there is only a way to emotionally connect with these emotional thinkers. Donald Trump does that for them. He satisfies their desire to validate their anger. He is the representation of their anger that has built up and culminated to a point where they have begun to present apologist arguments in defense of the likes of Nazism as long as it is compared to what they have been directed to become angry at. That being, anyone who is a reasonable person, those who are critics of Trump’s wild and reckless behavior, critics of his mind numbing stupidity and own blatant emotionalism. He is them, he is their anger and that is all he actually represents.

Their anger was built on many things, but first it was built on ignorance and their own failure to comprehend complex matters. It was built on their own failure to navigate through an ever changing economy, their own failure to plan accordingly for the future, their own failure to understand human nature and the necessity of love, particularly for the strength of a nation. It was built on their own failure to prepare for our culture that has and will continue to change, and it was built on their own failure to understand that their anger and emotional outbursts are not going to solve their problem, it is just going to exasperate it.

They are sustained by only propaganda that directs their attention to things they must hate, because they are scared inside. They are scared because of their failures above, and have nothing left but anger to react emotionally, which leads to them electing the most unreasonable, emotional blithering fool our nation has ever seen step into the white house.

You will not see well reasoned thought come from them, you will see trollish anger that boils over into hate often. We can see that anger and hate lead the nation nowhere, the President is stuck in a routine of failure, because emotionalism is not a way to understand complex geo political issues, let alone complex internal issues. It is apparent to me that this huge emotional outburst that you see here and see in our president, is the death throes of a dead, hateful ideology that has risen from their own ineptitudes. For that, I am sorry, as these death throes will last some time, but it will die eventually. As these death throes can reverberate, it can do a lot of damage for us all, but there are still a majority of reasonable people in this nation. Please bear with us through this reckless time, our nation will be back after we vomit out the dying that are aforementioned.

Thank you for your understanding.



Who are these major network, primetime, media personalities? How did I miss their glowing reviews?

Alex Jones

Mike Tyson

Ann Coulter

Sean Hannity

James Woods

Katie Hopkins

Lauren Southern

Milo Yiannopoulus

Paul Joseph Watson


Those are “Primetime”??? :laughing:
Yeah, right…


Your list would be much longer if you made it rather than Forbes…ya know? I mean…no Whoopi Goldberg :question: :evilfun:

James S Saint:

K: and 45 should be despised by these people and more…45 is on pace to become
the worst president in American history… even worse then George Bush Jr. who up to now
has been the worst president in history…


By “media personalities”, that is not restricted to major network, primetime media personalities.

We are not in an age when “major network, primetime media personalities” are where people get their information from as well.

TY Mr. Kropotkin

It was just the most influential 25 out of hundreds of the haters.

There is no argumentum ad populum argument to defend against here.

Finally, some of the leftie media personalities are starting to condemn ANTIFA and that is a siding with Trump’s assessment of the Charlottesville riot that both sides had bad people in their ranks. Finally, the left has no choice but to side with sanity. ANTIFA fascism to kill the first amendment’s free speech and peaceful assembly are now becoming the new targets of the media. The Altleft has big problems with their rampant physical violence and destruction of property.

MSNBC…the rebels… :laughing:

Fox News “people completely misinformed” that describes the left

Ah, some good ole whataboutism. Excellent display of confirming the emotionalism I speak of in the OP. Not a reasonable response to deflect to this, but it does make you feel better, yes? Yes. It does. Because whataboutism seems like it is often a defense mechanism.

Companies have outsourced manufacturing to countries where labor is cheaper or moved the entire company there.

Explain why American workers should not be angry about that, how they should plan for it and why they should accept it as an reasonable change to their society.

So they should because the First Amendment protects the right of the media and also protects the right of ANTIFA up until the
point at which they engage in criminal behaviour. Not that they care

That First Amendment protection does seem to be the irony of it in the case of the media cutting off their noses to spite their faces, but on the other hand, if no free speech there will be way less fake news. :evilfun:

Actually, it’s an example of the left’s defense mechanism of falling in line when they no longer can steer their run away train of insanity. The left has no choice but to make concessions at this point or be silent, made silent by the laws protecting the freedoms they wish to eradicate in the nation they wish to dissolve.

Are you a Commie Traitor like Peter as well?

I had a vision…

Fellow humans, I believe that you share my modern Western liberal sensibilities of 2017 (which are by now a far cry from 20 even only 10 years ago) and that you would not burst into uncontrollable laughter when my address goes out to you as I tell off those Naaatzees in America what the nation is really about. I can’t wait for America to be freed from the majority of former Americans so it can be filled up with people from different nations and ethnicities.
That’s a core value of America, to not want to be a nation of Americans, that’s just culture, man, as it changes.

Btw. this obviously does not apply to my Chinese listeners, you can obviously keep your nation because I know that saying this kind of nonsense to you would upset you right now. Gotta take baby steps. How about those Tibetans?.. never mind, still not blessed with enough education to prepare you for those reasonable revelations of how your culture is just gonna happen to develop, inevitably.

P.S. 10 years ago I had no idea what would inevitably happen to the whole world. Or to be more precise, at that time I got told, I mean I had a different vision. But this one I currently have, this one is the inevitable, natural way how things gonna play out, promise.

So long, comrades and a happy Kwanza to you bigots too, :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that is fair - but then one must wonder who exactly they should direct their anger to, government or corporations or both? Did anyone really not see the inevitability of globalization which began decades ago? I would question the decision of anyone within the past 30 years to attempt a career in manufacturing items that are non-food, why would you risk it? This isn’t a secret that labor is cheaper overseas and will be for some time. Is economic isolationism the way to go? People want their cheap crap from China, the same people that complain about losing our jobs overseas, including Trump, act in ways that cause our jobs to be lost overseas. The success of Walmart from the 80’s and 90’s glares the manufacturing midwest in the eye and exposes their inability to not understand complex geo political issues and their failure to navigate through an ever changing economy.