The bible says we made in God’s image.
What is God’s image?
In Genisis it would be the image of ‘The Creator’, so does that mean that the purpose of man to create?
As far as I understood, “in God’s image” = gifted with free will.
Please explain what you mean by “free will” and how it works? I am confused by the term and can’t seem to grasp its meaning.
Have you seen any mystic gorilla? Free will is that above the inclinations of the body, the deterministic processes inside the brain. At least in my point of view.
I am far from an expert but I understand that “image” refers to grace, love and communion with creation (Christianity 101).
“Creativity is our image of God”.–Nicholas Berdyaev.
The Act Of Creation is the only purpose of life. But it is not possible to create if not respecting Life in the way we think and act to start with.
the massive die-offs on the horizon may well prove us that, unless world populations wake up
I’d say union with creation, co-creation that is.
What is the difference between communion and union?
Union= The act of uniting or the state of being united
communion= To converse intimately; exchange thoughts and feelings
The “American Heritage Dictionary”.
In what way do you see these as similar or as synonymous?
Is your question directed to CelineK or to me?
You asked the question to which my question is a response.
“What is the difference between communion and union?”
Communion implies a united relationship but not necessarily united individuals whereas union implies united individuals who act as one (a bit like a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square).
Please explain what this has to do with “the image of God”. Is it union and communion?
I find no fault with that definition.
But–“Sometimes I feel that I am at two with Nature.”—Woody Allen
As far as creativity is concerned; you would have a relationship with poetry and your readers would also have a relationship with your creation (rather than to be at one with - Union).
The real God not only creates, but reclaims and preserves all that is created. Communion with God entails your knowledge of being an integral, interdependent part of ecosystems. Union with God is your image of creativity and preservation in thought and action.
The union part makes no sense to me.
Ahdam (the manager of Mankind) was organized by the Principle that is God (aka “Ahdam is made in the image of God”). And by similar principle was made Eve (a more persuadable version of Adham).