Did anybody else, as a philosophy lover fucking love Inception? Just everything about it, all the different avenues it explored was just awesome. I know there are a few basic flaws in it but I think I nearly cried because it was so good.
i liked it, but not as a philosopher. “a dream within a dream within a dream”…i guess i just didn’t see that as particularly philosophical. it’s interesting, it’s cool to think about, but it’s no more philosophy than a chess game is philosophy, imo.
however, i’m open to the possibility that it was in fact philosophical. if you’d like to explain why you think it is, i’m all ears.
I thought is was fun as hell.
I liked the whole premise of it, not that it is at all realistic. It explored dreams and their reality (Descartes, obvs), paradoxes (like the stairs illusion), played with the ideas of time and all sorts.
Right, i understand, but like i said, it’s all very interesting but I fail to see how it’s more philosophical than a chess game or a rubik’s cube.
I haven’t seen this movie yet, but the story (dream within dream) reminds me of a japanese anime movie called Paprika (and also ofcourse of Waking Life)
I’ll try and look Inception, got it now… hopefully i like it…
How someone can steal your dreams??? the answer is in this movie.
I got this in my stocking for Christmas, I was looking forward to watching it for awhile and refrained because I figured I’d get it soon enough. I enjoyed the premise, yet when I began watching this movie I became disappointed. It had potential to be mind blowing but it became predictable for me.
For one, I have a huge gripe about people dreaming up projections when someone shares a dream with them, and these projections are armed and dangerous, with guns of course. Seems like an excessive gratuitous action plot, yet it could’ve been done in so many ways that reflect more accurately a dream like state, which anything is possible. The dream’s were too rigid, too lucid, and too concrete for dreams. “Dreaming big” means bringing out a grenade launcher. Really, thats dreaming big? I mean c’mon I can dream up a million methods of eradicating gun toting “projections” (which is still ridiculous, that are better than a grenade launcher. The dream within a dream is overrated, its still ultimately a dream. The fact that the movie tries to portray some sort of scientific time dilation in it, as if each dream has a standard time rate and the subsequent dream’s within a dreams have a direct relationship to the other dreams is just conjured up bullshit that has no basis in dreaming. I would have enjoyed a more accurate portrayal of dreaming as a whole but this really let me down, particularly when past movies that weren’t critically acclaimed were able to do a much better job on portraying the human subconsciousness or unconsciousness, whatever you prefer. One of which, was The Cell, which provided a great job of the inside mind of a killer. If you’ve ever seen that, you should know exactly what I mean when they portrayed the minds. I don’t mind the whole “Living for 50 years or so inside of a dream” which was then this reality was able to be reaccessed in subsequent dreams (upon will?) which doesn’t really accurately portray dreams either. They seemed to be too controllable, too rigid, too lucid, to gratuitous, I couldn’t get over these aspects of it to ultimately fully enjoy the movie, which certainly was better than most, but I felt disappointed because it threw away a ton of potential which could’ve resulted in something epic.
The movie you wanted to see would have been very very cool, WW_III_ANGRY. I’ve learned not to set my expectations so high.
Yes so have I but when we have wonderful precedence of portraying dreams or the conscious mind in prior films and inception gets a buzz among supposed “thinking men” about its profound nature yet falls short of any sort of practical relation of reality in this area, I will get disappointed. It was rated the #3 movie of all time on IMDB. But I don’t go in expecting much because of course that is my nature as well, to not take other people’s word for it whole heartedly, I just didn’t enjoy the movie much because of what it was, not what I expected.