
Is independence possible?
If possible, is independence desirable?

Here is a brief discussion:

Can a creature, such as a man, or can an entity, such as a Nation, be independent of other creatures or other entities? And if a creature or an entity could exist completely independent of any other creature or any other entity, then is that a desirable condition? Here are some examples and food for thought.

No man is an island.
It has been said that no man exists in isolation, completely independent of his fellow men. Why not? Certainly there are rugged individualists who exit society and live remote lives in isolation, surviving on their own wits. A hermit and or a recluse can exist. Are such people independent? What are the pro’s and con’s of such a life?

Independent Wealth
It is said to be possible to amass such wealth that one is entirely insulated from any risk of poverty. The need to work or produce is permanently removed as a condition of continued survival. Is such independence truly independence?

Independent Nations
Nations are said to achieve independence. But do they?

Social Animals
In nature, we see many examples of creatures that seem to lose any purpose or meaning if removed from their social group. For example, bees and ants. What is an ant independent of the ant hill? What is a bee independent of the hive? What is man independent of society?

We also see many examples of the herd mentality, where each member fits neatly into the herd entity, thus insuring the well being of the herd but not necessarily the well being of each herd member. The pride, the flock, the pack, etc. Yet, we still encounter examples of a rogue elephant or a lone wolf, that leaves the herd or the pack and lives a solitary existence. Are men likewise creatures of a tribe mentality? Is this why men invevitably come together to forge Nations, Armies, Corporations, Cities, States, Tribes, etc. Does man run in packs by his nature? Is it then contrary to man’s nature to be independent? And if so, is independence desirable for a man? [/u]

In terms of survival, it is without doubt more beneficial for man to be involved in a society. It is easier to fight off a bear with 10 people rather than 1. Also, it is easier to come up with ways of fighting off bears with 10 people rather than 1.

Whether it is man’s nature to form groups and societies is a different question. I would say there is instinctiveness involved, but also basic reasoning would come into play. It does not take long to realise the obvious survival benefits of sticking together.

But is unity, being a functioning contributing part of a cohesive whole, is it something that is integral to man? Is independence contrary to man’s nature and thus not something to be desired?