This thread is proposing the infinite-infinite universe where all conceivable possibilities exist within our infinite universe. This theory completely allows any contradiction within it’s terms because that would be just another possibility (or combination) so a red planet exists and doesn’t exist at the same time. Anyways the theory is COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY and makes no attempt as to limit the contradictions. IF every conceivable idea, concept, matter, universe, planet etc. exists then there is no need for any explanations of anything since everything is just a given combination from the infinite amount of combinations. You need to explain something if there is only one possible path within a multitude, but in the infinite-infinite universe all the paths are simultaneously present including no paths and only a few (there goes the contradicton which is acceptable). This is somewhat an aesthetical view of the universe.
The theory of the infinite-infinite universe is the theory where everything including all contradictions are present and acceptable.
I also want to add that you must be careful as to what you are referring the infinite to. If you are referring to an infinite universe in space extension or time extension but within the physical laws of our universe as known so far, then all these weird possibilities (planet of elephants) are most likely not possible. But if you refer to an infinite universe in terms of “possibilities”, “concepts”, “laws of physics”, “combinations” in other words an infinite universe in terms of all possible “concepts” conceivable, then you are no longer dealing with the realm of physics but metaphysics and philosophy and thus the infinite-infinite universe with all its acceptable contradictions.
This is the ultimate theory. The grand unified of physics etc. because by accepting an infinite universe in all possible concepts like combinatorial, conceptual etc. (therefore not only in dimensions or time) you automatically get everything. Therefore for example the presence of life in one slice of the universe is brought about through the theory of evolution, in another it just pops out all done out of nowhere, because it is just another conceptual combination.
Actually if you think of how many quirk chances have to be met for us humans here to communicate through the net using are traditional scientific explanations, this confirms the theory. There are just too many combination of elements and chemical reactions and evolutions of mankind to possibly be done in a few billion years. Why does our planet have just the right amount of metals and extractable just in the right combination for humans? How did humans even possibly develope science when we know that in primitive societies no one has any kind of individuality or inventiveness because peer pressure of the group is extremely high, so even science is a really long shot quirk chance. It is like trying to explain the appearance of a color TV on mars without the humans. But if you accept the infinite-infinite universe it is all explained as being just another combination. It is like trying to explain how a color TV evolved on mars from scratch. You could probably invent some insanely impobable combination of events that ultimately bring you your TV but it is less far out to just accept an infinite-infinite universe where it is all present.
Explanations are just washed away by the shear number of combinations. Cause and effect is just one possible mechanism amongst an infinite combination of inventions of mechanisms.
Sooner or later somewhere in our quest for the ultimate you will have to deal with contradictions. So this theory makes no attempt to avoid them but considers them an integral part since infinity contains all including contradictory elements. It is hard to graps but this is the ultimate last theory. All explanations are an aesthetical device.
Amongst the infinite combination of universes there is a universe where being alive is the same as being dead etc. We are only in one particular combination where this is not true. In our local slice the laws of physics are operating. Of course there are all kinds of permutations and you can envision a slice that is half like our universe and half like one where alive and dead is the same etc.
We can’t grasp all the combinations and the contradictions, but if the universe is infinite conceptually, then the infinite-infinite universe is the final theory.
What may be confusing is the word “infinite”. I am referring to infinity “conceptually”, that is every possible idea, implementation mechanism etc. along with infinite extension in space or time. But it is maybe better to imagine a universe of all possible “possibilities” or all possible “concepts” more then extensions. That is why the theory doesn’t challenge any of our science, it is just a superset of universes with along all imaginable concepts. It is different from the parallel universe theories because they are somehow tied up with our physics, but this is a superset of all possible physics. I would say that it is more a philosophical and metaphysical idea and cannot be proved scientifically in any way I think.
As an analogy it is like when they discovered the zero. No one noticed that there could be an entity that is zero. This is similar in that this theory proposes a kind of totally full set of every conceivable idea, possibility etc. It is even hard to explain exactly because it is infinite exactly in the “conceptual” sense.
Cause and effect is just an aesthetical choice.