Interesting find … could.html

Some things need to be weeded out, refined, changed, etc. But I had been thinking a while about humans and ants. How humans could create a system similar to a colony, without social classes and all of that monarchy, and perhaps caste stuff of course, but a collective bunch that works towards a better ‘colony’. Ants are all united, humans are all united due to consciousness and fibonacci, etc. … -hive-mind

Do you have a thesis to present for discussion? :slight_smile:

Well I was posting it to get help building on it, refining it and such to make it more fair, less primitive, modernized and human evolved. If anyone is interested in that.

Well I was wondering if people could create a society that is similar to ants, not with a monarchy or perhaps not a Caste system, but one where people could work for the betterment of their society/colony.

I don’t think the social classes and such would really matter. People would still have jobs, such as what we have today. We would have a military, not to fight other humans, but just in case anything ever happens to where arms need to be used, perhaps a corrupt organization, aliens, chaos prevention, etc.

A society where people can work for the betterment of the colony, instead of themselves and their lust for more power, wealth, necessities, etc. Ants work for the colony, this is how it grows to get big, or spread all around, how they become so complex with their system.

What does anyone else think?

What’s the good of the colony? Ants don’t think about this, they just reproduce, the colony grows and grows, that’s it. The ants themselves don’t have a better or worse life as a result. Is the human good to maximise population until we deplete our resources?

Is it a complex society? A safe society? An equal society? A powerful society? Why should intelligent, rational people subsume themselves to the good of ‘the colony’?

Isn’t it a foregone conclusion that with the growing of populations, leveling into larger and unfied colonies that it is inavoidable that more uniformity will reduce an over complex and unmanagable society? That a tehchnocracy must replace it, and that is the price to be paid for it?

How can we say ants don’t think about this. Ants will overthrow their queen of she is not fit, do they think about that? Well don’t they have to think about that? to rebel? They do a lot of interesting things, some ants even enslave other ants. It isn’t so simple as to just reproduction. They also send off queen ants, and I believe drones but am not sure to reproduce with another drone/queen from other colonies to build a new colony. They have working classes for their system. Well if they rebel and the rebellion fails it can cost them their entire colony, if it succeeds they may replace the queen with a new one.

Complex, safe, equal and powerful. Perhaps a wise society. Monkey see, monkey do, it all starts with a leader that is the actual wise man instead of the fool.

Geniuses/wise men already do, so why shouldn’t intelligent beings? For the advancement of mankind without delay.

Ants create create other colonies as well, by sending off a drone ant, I think it is a drone ant not for sure. But they also send off a queen to reproduce with with other colonies, it carries genetics from the main colony and creates a new colony in whole.

Similarly, we should be colonizing other moons, planets, etc. We need to advance, in order to advance we need a viable productive society that sets real goals. Instead of a society where people live for the self, that who alone is not really that important.

What happens if I don’t want to be in a class system?

What happens if I don’t want to live for society? What if I want to live for myself?

Living for oneself is the reason we’re here… You’re pretty much asking. “What if I want to live in a garbage society like this, fueled by greed, fear and hate?”

You aren’t living for simply society, more so living for the universe. Living for it by doing what people and ‘life’ are here to do. I said not a class system or monarchy.

Okay. What if I want to live in a garbage society? What happens to me in your ideal society?

Okay. What if I don’t want to live for the universe? What happens?

You live for the universe whether you like it or not, you are it. Why not be the fullest instead of the smallest?

Why would anyone want to live in a garbage society? The rich enjoy it while a lot of others suffer at the bottom. You enjoy watching suffering, poverty, inequality, etc?

or perhaps you argue just to argue. Talk because you have to say something, instead of having something to say. Like Plato said.

I don’t have to do anything. Excellent.

Maybe I don’t think your utopia will work and I want to set up an alternate society where people use money.

Seems perfectly reasonable.

Well it’s not a utopia. So no point associating it with such… That’s what all of the people like you say “Oh, if it’s possible of working better than this garbage society, it’s a utopia!” Sorry, but change is better than expecting new to derive out of the same. Already has been proven in history, and it’s proven right now that your society doesn’t work well. Nothing reasonable about it. There is no such thing as a utopia.

You don’t have to do anything, you’re the universe experiencing through awareness. The concept really that lost on you?

Okay, not utopia.
In this proposed society of yours… can I opt out and form my own society and use money for transactions?

The concept seems to have no practical bearing on my life. Therefore, it is reasonable to ignore it.

What a tragic insanity, that this is how otherwise capable minds choose to spend their days.

The curve upward to truth is an exponential one - unless you are willing to put in increasingly greater amounts of time and effort you will merely collapse into whatever convenient brand of death happens to satisfy your individual psychological topography.

All of this is exactly what socialists have been promoting and programming into society for about 50 years now; “The ant and bee colonies are perfect survivors” - FOR THE COLONY QUEEN!!

… and that is largely why I refer to so many people of today as “ants”, “drones”, or “workers”. They are literally programmed for a colony function, including phagocytes (aka “faggots”).

If you don’t like today, then you don’t like the plan you’re promoting.

It is true that there was/is caste system in the Indian subcontimnent but it is/was not related to skin colour by any streach of imagination. I do not know who put this thesis forth, but he got it all wrong or altering the facts to push his own agenda.

By and large, all North Indians are fair (less than Europeans), Cental Indians are wheatish and South Indians are black (but far less than Africans), irresprective of their casts.

Secondly, there were/are no red or yellow castes whatsover ever existed throughout the history of India.

All South Indian Brahams were/are blacks and all North Indian Shudras were/are fair.

Anyone who has any doubt, can verify that physically in the daylight by his own eyes even now.

with love,

He wasn’t talking about skin color.

with love,