
You’re funny, Monk. Explain two things to me: 1. How does a writer declare war? and 2. How can a pacifist declare war on anyone?

You’re an idiot.

Don’t have a Moore quote, but maybe you could give me one in which he declares his support for Saddam.

Monk wrote again:

Aid and comfort has not yet received full definition by the judiciary, but it’s usually interpreted as at the very least encouraging acts of violence against the United States. How have these people encouraged acts of violence against the US Monk? I want direct quotes. You’re a man of few words (unless of course they’re insults), but I challenge you for once to present some real evidence for you’re bizarre claims.

And kindly keep your fantasies about what you’d like to do with Ann Coulter et. al to yourself.

So what are corruption, inequality, poverty etc? Lovable quirks?

Flaws of human nature not flaws of capitalism… :unamused: