[b]"I was in Dachau when the German armies surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. It was a suitable place to be. For surely this war was made to abolish Dachau and all the other places like Dachau and everything that Dachau stands for. To abolish it forever. That these cemetery prisons existed is the crime and shame of the German people.
We are not entirely guiltless, we the Allies, because it took us twelve years to open the gates of Dachau. We were blind and unbelieving and slow, and that we can never be again. We must know that there can never be peace if there is cruelty like this in the world.
And if ever again we tolerate such cruelty we have no right to peace." – Marth Gellhorn, Ernest Hemingway’s Mistress[/b]
“Iraq’s supposed cache of WMD had never been the most compelling casus belli [justification for war]. What I said very clearly is that we have from the beginning had three concerns. One was weapons of mass destruction, the second was terrorism, and the third — and all three of these by the way are in Secretary Powell’s presentation at the U.N. — the third was the abuse of Iraqis by their own government. And in a sense there was a fourth overriding one, which was the connection between those first two, the connection between the weapons of mass destruction and terrorism. All three of those have been there, they’ve always been part of the rationale and I think it’s been very clear.” – Paul Wolfowitz
I have nothing against ending oppressive regimes, but before we can end oppressve regimes, we have to stop creating them, i.e. the overthrowing of Mossadegh in Iran. But aside from that minor nuance, while we’re at it, we should probably overthrow China, for all of their crimes against humanity. Too bad they don’t have any oil. Still, we should bomb the hell out of China, just so we can send in Haliburton to rebuild it. But Haliburton shouldn’t have to bid on it of course. Only Dick Cheney and his friends can be allowed to make billions off of war.
If the White House was really doing a humanitarian act, they wouldn’t be trying so damn hard to make money off of it. The saving of the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein is merely a diversion to the lining of the oil and arms industries’ pockets. The White House NEVER peddled this as a humanitarian mission, not until they couldn’t find any weapons of mass destruction, and then later, weapons of mass destruction PROGRAMS. Very subtle variation. Now they’re slinging the humanitarian angle, in the hopes that it won’t come back to bite them in the ass like the previous two excuses they cited.
I sincerely hope that we can install a free and safe society for the Iraqi people, and it would be horribly wrong to pull out of Iraq now. But it’s a shame that the people who are risking their lives for the Iraqi’s freedom aren’t the ones making the millions.
If we’re going to actively seek out murderers and tyrants, we should probably start with our own:
I support an immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America’s addictive welfare handouts.
Mossadegh was a National Socialist! You think the US and Britain sought to overthrow him because he was an angel?
I disagree strongly with the word “probably.” We “definitely” and desperately need regime change in China and indeed all evil Bolshevik police states. All Bolsheviks are war criminals.
What does oil have to do with regime change? We had regime change in Yugoslavia and there was no oil there. We had regime change in Iraq and we don’t even get their oil – all of the oil is going to pay debts to anti-semitic France and genocidal Russia who supported the mass murderer Hussein.
I agree.
Dick Cheney doesn’t own a single share of Halliburton and it is impossible for him to benefit economically from their success or failure.
What planet do you live on? The White House is taking $87 billion from US tax payers and giving it to Iraqis for free (for nothing and we saved their asses from Hussein)! We should take $87 billion in oil as war spoils and give it to the families of the dead GIs!
Why the hell are you calling China “bolshevik”!!?? China is not remotely “bolshevik”. China is a state capitalist country backed by the US and her corporations (there are a plethora of sweatshops owned by US corps in China).
Secondly, how on earth was Mossadegh a National Socialist? Read a biography of Mossadegh. He wasn’t an angel, but Iran was certainly more liberal when he was in power.
Obviously you are completely ignorant regarding China. Do you no know how many millions of people have been displaced by the Bolshevik Yangtze Dam Project? Do you know how many people the Bolsheviks killed in Tiananmen Square? Do you know how many Bolshevik slaves are addicted to opium laced rice? China is a Bolshevik Police State. Naturally they need to sell shower curtains to America in order to survive economically.
Thanks for the link proving that Mossadegh was a National Socialist (National Front Party).
I sense your sarcasm, but I’ll take that as a compliment for the time being.
Mossadegh was democratically elected. Iran is free to be a socialistic country, if they choose to be. There is nothing immoral about socialism. The U.S. and Britain were pissed off because Mossadegh wasn’t going to allow them make money off the resources of the Iranians anymore. Iranina oil should be making the Iranians money, not the British big wigs that earned it by means of colonization.
Here is a brief synopsis of what I have discovered about the overthrow of Mossadegh:
The U.S continues to exploit other nations and steal their wealth. Osama Bin Laden once said, “[They] violate our land, occupy our land, and when we resist, they call it terrorism.†We are the targets of terrorism because we depict dictatorship and corruption. But how did we obtain such a foreboding reputation? There are countless examples of atrocious U.S foreign policy, but for brevity we will discuss the U.S.’s involvement in the overthrow of the Iranian democratically elected president, Mohammed Mossadegh. Mossadegh was elected democratically in Iran, on the platform of “Iranian oil for Iranian people.†Iran was having democratic elections because the British Empire no longer had the means to control the country after WWII, so they basically gave it back to the Iranians to avoid a situation that the French later found themselves in with Vietnam. Once Mossadegh was elected, he made good on his promise and began to redirect the profits of the Anglo-Iranian oil company to the people of Iran. Needless to say, the Oil Company and it’s investors were not too happy about this. Mossadegh is soon forced out of power in 1953 by the CIA. Head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, and his brother John Foster Dulles install the Shah into power. While Ike was out playing golf on almost every field in America, the Dulles brothers were doing the nation’s foreign policy. Coincidentally, the Dulles brothers were lawyers for the oil companies before their government positions. So basically we have oil company lawyers kicking out Mossadegh. The Shah is a puppet of the of the oil companies, and we benefit by paying less than fair market value for our oil, while the people of Iran get the shit end of the stick. If any Iranians complain, they are killed by the Savak, a draconian secret police force trained by the CIA. Not only are we responsible for stealing from the Iranians and overthrowing their ruler, we are also responsible for the torturing and murder of them. The Savak killed tens of thousands of Iranians, most commonly by giving them boiling water enemas. If someone did that to your loved one, you too would probably have a smile across your face as you drove a bomb into a Marine Corp. barracks.
Later, the Shah forms O.P.E.C (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), which has nearly complete control of the world’s oil. In the 1970’s, OPEC raised the price of oil by 10 times and dislocates the economies of the western countries, and caused mass inflation. But why would the Shah do this to the country that literally made him a billionaire? He stabbed the U.S. in the back, didn’t he? Yes and no. He stabbed the U.S. in the back alright, but only the consumers- his real friends- the oil companies grew to preeminence. Before the oil companies were 1/5 of the biggest companies. After the price hike by the Shah, they are now 4/5 of the most prominent. They went from being 7/20 of the richest companies to being 13/20 of the richest companies. The Shah not only lined his pockets, but that of Rocky and his friends [Rockefeller and other oil tycoons].
China definetely needs some help with the humanitarian department. I’m not arguing against that. But, if they are so bad, and we are so good, why haven’t we helped the Chinese people, like we are helping the Iraqis? Could it be that we aren’t helping the Iraqis to be helpful, but to make money instead? Don’t be fooled into believing that the U.S gov’t, is some moral hero- they aren’t. I really think that Bush could give 2 shits about the Iraqi people. Saving them is a side-effect. I wish that wasn’t the case, but it appears to be.
Must be nice to have your former CEO guarantee you get all the contracts.
If you sincerely believe that, I recommend you never set foot on a used car lot alone, human nature is not so altruistic. It’s not impossible for him to see any of the profit. In fact, it’s more than likely impossible for him to not see any of the profit.
What companies are getting paid by that 87 billion Monk?!? The ones formerly headed by current politicians! If something looks fishy, it probably is.
By this I take it you agree that Kissinger is a complete P.O.S. At least we agree on something. Don’t you think it’s a bit of a tu quoque that the U.S is persecuting other murders while we harbor our own? [/i]
Here is an in-depth report from a Chinese professor of government proving that China is not Communist. And again:
Moreover, China was never “bolshevik”. Bolshevism is either Leninism, Stalinism or sometimes Trotskitism. Maoists and Bolsheviks split sometime in the 50s/60s.
Sigh Mossadegh was fairly liberal in comparison to the Shah. Oh, and in Russia, the Nazi party is called the Democratic Liberal Party. Does this mean they are liberals?
Spare me the Communist propaganda. China is a Communist police state controlled by Bolshevik bureacrats. And I just gave you the long version.
The reason why slavery and human rights abuse exists in China is because Communism is slavery and Bolshevik culture is slavery. U.S. Corporations do not knowingly employ slaves. It is the Chinese Bolshevik people that knowingly employ slaves.
The only relevant difference between Mao and Stalin is that Mao is worse.
This couldn’t be farther from the truth. China isn’t real communism. What China calls communism is slavery, but real communism, Marx’s communism isn’t slavery any more than capitalism is. I suppose the best way to compare communism and capitalism is that capitalism enslaves the poor to the rich, while communism enslaves the powerful to the weak. Both have their flaws.
Well the simple answer is we are evil as well. What used to be a Western Judeo-Christian nation has now decayed into a degenerate Godless Atheist nation that tolerates Satanism. Bush is a Leftist who lies to us and tells us that the Satanic Saudis are our allies. Both the Leftist Democrat Traitors and the left-wing Republican Party have a “do-nothing” policy regarding Stalinist Nazi North Korea. The United Nazi Nations, the Democrat Traitor Party, the left-wing Republican Party – no one cares that there is a Nazi death camp at Haengyang. No one cares. There is a Stalinist Nazi death camp guilag at Haengyang and the world doesn’t care.
Does anyone care that biological warfare experiments are being performed on children in Nazi North Korea? The long answer is no – no one cares! Not the United Nazi Nations, not the Democrat Traitors, not the affirmative action National Security Advisor, not the affirmative action Secretary of State, and certainly not George Wahhabi Bush.
I pray to God that your absurd insinuation is true but it’s too good to be true. America is only going to lose money and life. Life and treasure. We are doing it because it is the moral thing to do and no other reason.
Cheney has no economic interest in Halliburton. None.
“Animal altruism is a myth. Even in the most spectacular cases of selflessness it turns out animals are serving the selfish interests of their own genes – if sometimes being careless with their bodies.”
– Matt Ridley after reading Nicholas Humphrey and George Williams and rejecting Wynne Edwards.
It’s not impossible for him to see any of the profit. In fact, it’s more than likely impossible for him to not see any of the profit.
That $87 billion is non repayable loans – not corporate contracts…
I think every Traitor should be tried and executed, e.g. Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Pinch Sulzberger, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, etc, etc, etc.
Good lord. The only concept of Capitalism that I have encountered which is the closest to being flawless, is John Stuart Mills’. This includes capping the inheritnace of the rich, among other things. I doubt you agree with that. The problem with capitalism is that it breeds a huge divide in wealth, and creates a form of slavery of the the poor to the rich. It is not direct slavery, but it is slavery nonetheless. I have argued with Kurt Weber about this several times, and I don’t care to have my efforts fall upon deaf ears once again.
So-called “real” communism has never existed. Neither has “flawless” capitalism. Both have the potential, but both depend upon mankind being altruistic in nature. Which isn’t case. The only form of capitalism that even attempts to guard aganist the self interested nature of mankind is John Stuart Mills’, as stated above. If you aren’t familiar with it, then I may take the time to post a synopsis of it if you like. I’m not sure what kind of capitalism you are claiming as “flawless”, but even Mills’ has flaws, so you’re wrong regardless.
Why would George “the leftist Wahabi Traitor” Bush go to war for merely moral reasons? He’s a leftist Wahabi traitor right? So why wouldnt he sit back and wait for his Godless Arab friends to come and nuke/anthrax God’s thrice-blessed land of plenty?
Why would traitor Clinton bomb Iraq, which was full of his evil Musselman collaborators, when he is a traitor to America, and a DEMOCRAT traitor at that?
But yeah, I agree with you about Bush’s staff. They shouldnt let coloureds near positions of power, they’ll just screw it up. Leave them in the cotton fields.
I have never been to a board with posts as bizzare and absurd as this, but, I’ll give it a try…
For crying out loud!!! China is a capitalist country as I have just proved. The US has sweatshops, in China, owned by capitalist multinationals.
What the fuck!? Why do you think these people deserve to be executed? Do want Noam Chomsky, Micheal Moore and Pinch Sulzberger executed because they don’t agree with your (illogical and weird) ideas?
Monk, you obviously haven’t read this before. Please do so now. Then perhaps you can explain how your manaically diseased imagination came to interpret this as extending to the people you mentioned.
And when you’re finished digesting Article III, perhaps you could take a look at the first amendment…which, by the way, is what keeps society from doing away with delusional, self-absorbed intellectual parasites like yourself.
Do tell Monk, why is it that you are free to exercise these rights while Noam Chomsky is not?
Yes this is what I mean:
Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.[/b]
Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore have declared war on America. They adhere to the enemies of America (Saddam Hussein and the Baath Nazi Party) or rather they themselves are the enemies of America. They give the enemies of America (Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Fidel Castro, the Wahhabi Muslim terrorists, etc. etc.) aid and comfort. They would easily be convicted of this in court with Ann Coulter, Chaim Ben Pesach, David Horowitz, Dinesh D’Souza, and myself as witnesses. The traitors would be sentenced to death, shot in the back of the head without remorse, and buried without funeral or honors – food for worms and bacteria.