Is anyone capable of loving his job?

Yes I know that you are not interested in anal either

If I was a male gigalo maybe…

Who told you this?

I like Trixie for her mind not her body even though she does talk a lot of nonsense most of the time
I have a soft spot for her for reasons I do not fully understand so am not bothered by what she says

But you don’t even know my body. I am the only personal not egotistical enough to show myself to the world. i am the great and humble trixie.

Kelly Jones is wrong, showing her full name and body is ego building, not ego reducing.

But I do not want to know your body as I can never see it even if I wanted to
I only want to know your mind as it is a safe space I may visit any time I wish

I never accused you, S-57, of sexing Trixie, but Trixie and Ultimate Philosophy, who are the same person. I am also Contra Nietzsche, Joker is HaHaHa, Mr. Reasonable is Smears… we all changed our names on this forum.

And it doesn’t matter if Trixie doesn’t take it in the butt, he is a tranny addicted to mansex with other male trannies. Calls them women, but also claims to only very rarely of been with real women… so it’s easy to figure out these aren’t real women he is hooking up with. Thats gay enough, not doing Anal isn’t going to ein him any hetero award. Trixie isn’t like Jakob, a gay guy who admits to gay Sex, but claims he hates gay men missing, etc… Trixie already committed to I largely respect this… not like there is a whole lot of reason to tell him to stop after lopping off his privates. One of my brothers was a cross dresser, was convinced to stop by a church and his now wife before he took it to the surgery stage, he has a child now.

While respecting it, it will still be made fun of by default… you gotta, it’s a impulsive rule, even societies highly tolerant of transgenders still do this… but I do t hate Trixie for it AFTER THE ACT… at this point it’s too late, might as well tolerate him. But for those on the fence on chopping their junk off, I’m fighting tooth and nail to stop them. Its a very bad idea.

I just don’t get shy trixie wants to be a woman so bad when he hates them. Women are really great, they have nice hair and soft skin, and some even let you put your dick in them. Whats not to like?

I do not understand either because she actually thinks that all women are evil
Now does it mean when she finally becomes a woman that she too will be evil

I said all women are evil. Not all females.

Im tired of repeating myself to simple minded fools.

Last chance to get an explanation, I know Tard Fargeson will go in one ear out the other but since you said you were interested in knowledge…

There’s nothing to become. Boom. I slapped some water balloons inside my chest and become a woman?
Males are inherently females, they become men over time.
Become a woman? There is nothing to become. Womanness is the default state. Womanness is the opposite of becoming anything, is a reversion to a prior state.
If you want to become a woman, simply shut off your mind, think childlike thoughts and dress in something nice.

Hope that clears things up for your simple minds.

Females, are simply males which are more womanlike, or more accurately, males are females which are less womanlike.

What if he was just talking about certain kinds of work? Back in the old days a blacksmith was a pimp in his little spot in whatever town. He probably liked that shit. Hammering out all the fly iron and steel things that everyone wanted and doing a good job and making a living…he was probably proud of himself and feeling pretty good.

Then came factories and they started buying shitty steel and iron stuff from China, and even though the products broke all the time, it was ok because they were cheap. Some Chinese dudes got rich, the blacksmith couldn’t sell his shit anymore because so many people just went for the cheaper stuff, then he had to go get a job at the warehouse and he hated his life, and then there were huge piles of broken Chinese shit all over town in all the trash dumps and life was a bitch. Dude got disconnected from his products, wasn’t getting to hammer steel anymore, didn’t have time to bond with the members of his community because he had to stay in the factory for so much of his time just to survive because the pay sucked, and eventually just robotically kept doing the same thing, making someone else rich until he died a miserable lonely death.

A boss has a boss so everyone is a boss and an employee except the dude at the very bottom of the food chain, if you’re one step up from that you become a boss and an employee at the same time.

Employees have almost no protection under the law right now. Of course they should.

This is a distinction entirely of your own making and not one I agree with given how nonsensical it is. For me there is zero
difference between female and woman for they are interchangeable terms. And I find it interesting how you your self are
very androgynous despite your hatred of feminists. You may have some man in you but you have quite a lot of woman too

Just a quick word:
“fe-male” means “soft male”.
“wo-man” means “low or lesser man”.

And of course the words were invented by patriarchal, women hating males with nothing else to do with their lives but go around hating women so as to oppress them and reduce their chances of reproduction (much like male feminists of today).

While the epistomolgy of that word is understandable James, it is understandable why they would consider women as “soft males” or lesser versions of males, it is actually a wrong way of looking at it.

The right way to look at is, is males are harder women, or upgraded mutations of women. Thing of it like a zerg drone mutating into something else, and women are the zerg drones, males are like the mutated objects they become.

I have a woman like mind and I am affected by the disease of love but I have to shut it off at times so I can appreciate male things like hard work and creativity.
Like all women I have the propensity to lie but I try to lie in a comical manner and turn my lies into harmless fibs because I dont like serious liars like religious people and such.
You being male and all I am dissapointed in your assertions, because they are incorrect. Obviously you havent even bothered to read Sex and Character because people respect dead guy’s more than the living. If I say females can be different from women you wont believe me, but if a dead guy says it you will believe him. So I will say it again, woman refers to a set of traits embodying the 100 percent woman, females are not 100 percent women.

My statements are based on empirical fact, for example if a male does not have enough testosterone he will stay as woman growing a vagina instead of a penis. Woman is the default state, that is why men are so feminine these days, tv puts them in a trance actually, hypnosis is feminine as hell.

I still do not accept your classifications or distinction between female and woman so we are just going to have to agree to disagree
However although I am male I also have what I refer to as female traits or characteristics which are ones predominantly associated
with females but not exclusively so. And personally speaking I think they make me a better human being and I am glad I have them

Quite frankly, I don’t see how you are a good human being. You are passive as fuck, which means your life is meaningless, with no affect. How can that be good? Thats like saying a leaf blowing in the wind is a good human being.

Then why are they two seperate words?
Females does not refer to the subset of females, women.
Males does not refer to the subset of males, men.
Men are not boys. But men and boys are males.
Women are not girls or tomboys. But women, girls and tomboys are females.

Yes I am passive because I do not want my mind controlled by anger. I am also not afraid of death so
am totally at peace with myself. I fully intend to carry on being in this state of mind till the day I die

Because male and female are classifications that are applicable to humans and non
humans while man and woman are classifications that are exclusive to only humans

Ultimate Philosophy 1001


Very few people are indespensable to a job, Trixie, when it comes right down to it…if they are not doing their job. I will admit though that there are some jobs which we could do without.
But people actually do care who is working at a fast food chain. Who wants to stand in line forever when someone is a slow worker?

You left out the teacher, lawyer, firefighter, police, soldier, social worker, office workers, among others. I don’t know why you would exclude those people. They are also necessary for a well-run society.

People are capable of loving their job, enjoying it, getting great satisfaction from it though realistically speaking not every moment.
That doesn’t mean that they would change jobs.