Is anyone capable of loving his job?

Karl Marx said we the employees are alienated or cut off from 1. the products we produce. 2. the work activities 3. ourselves 4. each other, Is he right?
Is anyone capable of loving his job? In your opinion, is it better to be a boss or an employee? Should the employees be given more protection under the law?

No! Jobs sucks! It destroys time and other things you can be doing with that time, like sitting at home playing online games, or watching your favorite day time TV series. No human being in this modern time should be working, this is what robots are for!.Governments are cruel to make people work especially for crappy pay to the point you have nothing left over after you have paid typical basic living expenses, this is like working for nothing. Why doesn’t anybody realize this? …Welfare is a better living opportunity, more money left over and all expenses pretty much paid by the system…The system seems pretty backwards to me, but whatever, who cares…that’s outside stuff…that nobody on here should really be concerned with.

Take Marge, for example…attempting to prevent bart and lisa from watching violent cartoons because it may influence their behavior in a negative way, Lisa said if kids are not allowed to watch cartoons then they will grow up and have no sense of humor and be like robots! although bart was pretty fond of the idea…well this is kind of how modern humanity is at the moment because work preoccupies them with work, which is incredibly mind numbing, there is no real stimulation so what do you expect?

They interviewed Said Arabia’s head executioner, asked him if he liked his job. He said he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t like it.

I think it likely satisfies most his needs. He gets plenty of exercise, meets lots of new and interesting people, is always in the center of attention, and nobody ever fucks with the guy… he has infinite street cred, better than Chuck Norris can ever hope for. He is one guy you never wanna have a sword duel with.

Is he cut off from the product he produces? Yeah… it’s his job, duh. I don’t think 2, 3, and 4 applies to him however.

Depends on what job.

Well, taking into consideration the execution method is Sharia established meaning it’s a quick chop, clean, smooth and most likely painless due to it being a quick death…So it can be enjoyable, especially when youre executing criminals who deserve it, plus you have God’s approval… as opposed to ISIS who pretty much saws the head off anybody who isn’t apart of ISIS with a blunt kitchen knife…Although i imagine they enjoy that too! a little too much.

The thing about the word job, is like, “This is your job”, implying that “this is your job” as if the person is actually needed. Couldn’t be further from the case, the world doesn’t give a shit about who is working at a fast food chain. Unlike spongebob land, fry cooks can easily be replaced.

That being said, there are some jobs where people are actually needed, mainly, artists, thinkers, programmers, and mechanics. Humans are needed for politics too, but unfortunateyl the corporations have a strangehold and ban good people from ever getting jobs as politicians.

So, people who don’t believe in Islam, witches, heretics, adulturerers, homosexuals, anyone who smokes weed, anyone who says “omg” all deserve to die? … udi_Arabia

Yes, that’s correct.

It’s true, back in the day, having a job really meant something and it was like apart of your identity, there was a lot of pride in doing it as well…now it doesn’t hold the same weight. The word “job” sounds feminine and infantile now.

Correct. It is asociated with hood rat-ism or rehabism…“i got outa rehab and got myself a job or”…“my man needs to get a job to support my ghetto ass self…” etc

Trixies eternal soul mate

What do you mean by this?

He means you and trixie has gay sex with one another on a daily basis. Its okay, I touch Contra-Nietzsche’s dick all the time, HaHaHa is always molesting Joker, Smears and Mr. Reasonable are always going at it.

The executioner in Saudi Arabia can be paid extra to sharpen his sword and encourage him to kill in a single blow. Sometimes, they get messy, takes a few wacks. He is a pretty good Muslim usually, but occasionally shows up drunk off his ass and had trouble making out where the neck is. Saudi Arabia is pretty strict on drinking, but is rather progressive in helping those who admit of their own free will they have problems, he is in AA meetings, trying to beat thus demon, and the government knows he will occasionally stumble on his path long journey back to sobriety. Its not easy to do, cold turkey. He is sincerely trying. Crowds seem to love it though, no matter how many times he misses, or where it gets stuck, he doesn’t stop trying till that head is off. Its very rate he has the sword taken away from him by a soldier to finish the job mercifully.

Your cosmic lover baby ha ha


Trixie and I have never had gay sex and never will so you doubly wrong

Seems like it bothers you. Reminds me of the time I was molested - it bothered me a lot. And then after that I fell in love

Does not bother me at all Trixie just not interested in it because it is not my thing but if you enjoy it that is fine by me

Never said I did, such a thing does not interest me.