Is anyone here a recovering atheist?

I think those who are attacking Freespirit are missing the point…
and I think Freespirit himself is missing the point…

he holds the holding to the beliefs of jesus is the path to the “truth”
and as those “truths” seem to work for him, more power to him…
but where he has run into trouble is suggesting that the ONLY possibility
to find the “truth” is within the Christian context… that the ‘‘truth’’ for
everyone on planet earth is within god/jesus… and because it works for
him, it must work for everyone… this ability to reduce everyone on earth
into needed exactly what he needed from Christianity… he assumes that
everyone is the same as himself and in need of being saved…he assumes
that we are ignorant because we don’t know/need god or jesus like he does…

the fact is that we are different folks and we have different needs, desires,
wants and hopes…and what drives someone like Free to hold his beliefs
isn’t what drives me or perhaps drives Mia or UR…thus we can hold to
different beliefs and still be ok with existence… I don’t need god or jesus
to make sense of my life…but the assumption of Free is that I must need god
to make sense of my life…and that free is just making an assumption…
nothing more…

but to others attacking free, his assumptions are just that, his assumptions…
you have your own assumptions that you claim is the “truth” just as I have
my own assumptions that I hold to be true…

the question isn’t whether free is right or wrong, but what assumptions
is he making and are they your assumptions?

if not, then perhaps your time will be better spent in understanding why
you hold to your assumptions, what drives you to hold your assumptions…
just as free holds to his assumptions, you hold to yours, why?

what makes your assumptions better or worthier then his?
why your truths and not his? ask yourself… why do I hold my truths?
what drives me to hold those specific truths and not other specific truths?

make an examination of the values and truths you hold dear and ask yourself,
why these truths and values and not others?


Excuse me, which ones?



He may have threatened whoever wrote them to make them lie.

I gave you the answers to your common points but you didn’t want to read them.

No one can force you to.

Apologetics just means a defense of something.

It’s like how you’re an atheist apologist and deny the self worship of famous atheists like Nietszche and Sartre in spite of vast evidence to the contrary.

Are all atheists the same?


In the Koran, for example.

Can you think of any other reason why devoted followers of a self-styled prophet might wish to exaggerate what happened?

But you said ‘contemporary.’

The Koran was put together from reports written while Muhammad was still alive.

Sorry, which reports are those?

And again you lie.

I was never talking about Nietzsche or Sartre though I think you misrepresent both. I was talking about myself. You said that I (and all atheists) self-worship. I explained why that is wrong. You ignored my explanation and go on making the same slur.


Perhaps you’re the exception.

What or whom do you worship?

Most everyone worships something.

That’s where you err.

Or you could be deceiving yourself, as humans do.

Giving me yet another opportunity to expose that as complete bullshit:

Actually, I was thinking more of you providing hard evidence to back up your claims about the Catholic God in regard to the points I raised here:

Or the point I note here:

Let’s continue this exchange between us. One you abandoned in my view precisely because it requires you to go so much deeper in your assessment of religion in general and the Wager in particular.

A substantive exchange between us that goes far beyond whether there was a historical Jesus Christ. Sure, there might have been. There was after all a historical Was Muhammad , right? Same God, different prophet.[/b]

Note the answers you provided me in regard to the points I raised.

Then you knew what it was like for you to be an atheist. But you don’t know what it’s like to be an atheist. Because other atheists may be among those that are different than you were.

K: and most Americans worship money, titles, fame…
but the problem with your question is the assumption that
people are, well most people, are engaged in worship of something…
I seek the truth… that isn’t worshiping… and those who seek
knowledge isn’t worshiping and those seeking that much overrated
goal of happiness, they aren’t worshiping…

you assume that people are busy worshiping and I don’t think so…
most people are busy doing the busy work that society demands
one to do…very little worshiping actually goes on… feel free to
visit a local church to see the truth of that…if, if America has
a house of worship, it would be your local retail mall…


Everyone puts something first in their lives, though.

I agree many Americans worship money.