ughh. It’s topics like this that make me sick. Is Athiesm a form of insanity? Well maybe before you IMPLY that it is you shoulf question your own mental freedom.
First off, It is not just that athiests can not “detect” your God with our senses it is also that with our MINDS (something christians are very good at throwing away) logically rationalize that it is pointless to blindly follow something with no reasonable evidence. Is it insane to put logic over speculation? HA! More like thee opposite. It isn’t about proving there ISNT a God (christian that is) it is about proving there IS. However there are so many unsolved questions and contradictions plauging that faith that the exsistence of such a God is highly unlikely. It just wouldnt make sense. If God answeres prayers (lets say from all those “faithful”) why didint he answer any of the Jews that were put to sleep by the aroma of Zyklon B in the Holocaust? Seriously. Answer that question. Oh wait, you can’t. The ignorant christian will say “God works in mysteries ways”. Bullshit. If God works in ways that a mere human ( ) finds illogical than i dont want to be following him.
Einstein once sais “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance”. Well having FAITH in something without INVESTIGATION(did you get that?) is an even higher peak. And almost all, (and i mean all) christians jump on the “mommy and daddy says he exists” band wagon. The bible pretty much states that predestination exsists. (revolutions?) So therefore everything we do is predetermined(according to the bible.). If everything we do is predetermined then how can one possibly be responsible for his or her fate? I.E going to hell.
It’s like this.
Your in the passenger seat of your friends vehicle. He’s driving recklessley. In fact, he’s driving so recklessley that he crashes and you both die. Thee End. The car represents your life and the driver represents God.
The bible has so many problems that it would be ridiculous for someone to actually follow christianity. You see, my thing is, i demolish one issue with the bible and then the rest just falls apart like silly putty. My Predestination tangent is an example.
Athiests are pro logic. Pro RATIONALITY. My favorite word of all time. Honestly can you christians actually say you have rationality?LMAO. How can you rationalize prayer working? Hmm? Why does God talk to some people and not others? Is that fair? No. But doesnt the bible say God is a loving a JUST God? Why would God let someone he loves be hurt? Espeially 6 million Jews. Better yet what about slavery?
The idiotic moron will say “Well if God solved your problems and didint let you experience things you wouldnt grow”. That’s a horrible argument for 1)That means he really is just playing “The Sims” with you, 2) It means he doesnt love you. Period. Any human out there will agree that if they could forsee a loved one being raped or mugged they would stop it from happening. Peiod.
Mick in England You totally distorted an athiest’s opinion with your stupid little radio metaphor. Which was pretty lame by the way. Sure, it’s comforting to a christian but logically and RATIOANLLY it doesnt make sense.
Rationality. No one. And I mean No one. Can rationalize the Holocaust with the situation that there IS a christian God. It makes it even worse that the Jews were God’s “Chosen” People. (Hmmm a loving and JUST God has a favorite?)
By the way, i say the most IGNORANT thread “Why are Atheists Nice to People”? hahahhaha I’m guessing that was from a teenage girl. On a random note i just want to say it’s threads like yours that make me sick and threads like HERS that make me LAUGH.