Hmmm, if you equate God with existence, then God is present in every situation. Now if you equate God with consciousness, then God is wherever consciousness exists. I have a soul synonymous with a consciousness, a God given piece of Himself, a part of his eternal energy form that transcends this one lifetime and this one dimension. Every situation from my perspective is felt by God but not directly controlled by God since he is not the only being in existence. No suggestions at the moment, carry on.
God is the situation itself? An interesting statement. But the situation is the present state in a room or space. So God is this present state in a room or space? Then he must be everything at this moment in this room or space - except me. Is that right?
I consider God as the universal-good-essence.
It creates a lot of stuff, especially positive beings.
You can pray to God this very moment and it will hear you.
But God won’t have the power to save you from suffering.
The whole point is to do what god is not doing.
God has already done his thing.
The left overs need your support.
But if God can not affect your fate, e.g. as “universal-good-essence” as you say, then he is really only an ethical being, probably rather physical than metaphysical.
Creative, genetic evolution, the part hungering to be whole, is personal proof of God in action.
The living situation is Being;, which can be characterized as becoming and belonging. The miracle of stem cells becoming organ and organism is proof of God working through evolution. Belonging is in the fact that this happens to all living creatures.
I hesitate to respond to your questions. I am not the only one who is curious. I am also interested in man’s role in the universe and all aspects of the cosmic fabric. Is there anything god-like about any situation? Human nature seems to be the greatest example of god(in the sense that there is nothing godlike about human beings). Perhaps not every situation has a godlike explanation.
As God creates a machine in the midst of the becoming, the entire being is being copied into an organ and directed into being a part of being. All living creatures are created for being like us. And all living things are created to represent a perpetual state of being as being. All our attributes are similar to being on earth. Perhaps there is no god but man. Man. Existence is the entire known universe; meaning one, multiple perspectives, and the existence of four particular Christs. Each person can be defined as the entire universe, which is literally separate and intertwined. Being the one who speaks to all his conscious thoughts. In reality, each individual is already capable of being an individual, so how could one be incapable of becoming an individual? The ability to speak is a quality one holds for all humans.
God is the ground of being out of which every situation appears. The logos is the structure of being out of which the light of consciousness shines thus making the situation intelligible. Christianity identifies Jesus as the incarnate logos who saves via the law of love.
Is it right that you are in agreement with Obsvr, who says God is the sitauation, and Ierrellus, who says almost the same, although with emphasis more on dynamics (“becoming”) than on statics (“is”)?
He also posted about God being the principle that allows every situation to be what it is. So whether God is the principle behind the formation of every situation or the situation itself - seems a distinction without a difference. Every situation causes the next situation - so the principle would be that consistently the creator is the created which is the creator - forever creating itself - forever becoming.
And then that “praying” means to attend to the real situation for answers and your needs (which goes along with the Buddhist concept of awareness to achieve heaven).