Is Hawking vindicated by ultrafast laser pulse?

And this is an ultrafast laser pulse that makes a desktop black hole glow, thus proving the existence of Hawking radiation and paving the way for Stephen Hawking to win a Nobel Prize. How the wheel of fortune turns, eh… … mments-bar

Good find.

Yes, this is very awesome. Next step, find out if the photons are entangled. It also means there’s a GUT in sight.

It isn’t really vindicated I’m afraid, there’s an element of hype to this story. Ever heard of Unruh? Have a read of this: … 008_03.pdf

“Recently Leonhardt [6,8] has suggested that slow light systems could be used to create such an analog, but that approach has been criticized by one of us [10]. In this paper, we look in more detail at the use of slow light in such an analog, and try to understand in what sense slow light could be used to create an analog for black holes, and why, despite that analog, it will not create the thermal radiation characteristic of the Hawking process”.

This article describes and discusses the desktop black hole experiment, and it also provides an assessment of the problem in trying to analogize it to actual black holes with gravitational fields. … -hole.html