Knowledge, in and of itself is not evil. However, when one knows the truth, it can anger a person enough to lead to evil actions. Yeah. I mean, to know that your whole life you have been lied to, and then to suddenly wake up and find out that all that has been taught to you is a lie,tends to make one angry.
I know a Sam Knowledge, he lives a few doors down from me. And yes, he’s a real son of a bitch. Mind you, Bill Ignorance did beat the living shit outta him in the pub last weekend, kicked him right in the balls.
Knowledge isn’t evil, however, there are certain kinds of information that human minds cannot handle properly. Certain images and sounds cause people to do evil things. This kind of knowledge is like a virus for your mind, just like a computer virus.
Knowledge you can handle properly helps you to do the right thing, and it is called wisdom.
Seek wisdom, but avoid the viruses. Don’t look at evil images.
I’ll tell you what guys, let’s set up an experiment. People on one continent will believe that knowledge is evil, and the people on the other can believe that ignorance is evil. Then we’ll see who has more problems.
We have problems because of selfishness and inequality but that is a political issue (the fault of capitalism).
In response to the knowledge question the speaker of truth is on my boat, the more I learn about human history the more depressed I get. But scientific advances and discoveries on the other hand are healthy and fascinating because they’re fresh, whilst the flaws of society and human nature revolve in a repetitive cycle of suffering and misery.
I believe knowledge is simply information, it’s the choice mechanism that makes the magic of Wisdom and Foolishness in ones actions, and we are judged by our actions, not our thoughts.
Wisdom being the proper (selfless) application to knowledge, and. foolishness being the selfish one-dimensional application, in other words biased.
When you add choice to information, lots of information (really smart), you have an even better chance of making some really bad mistakes if you cannot control the selfishness. That’s why I think the pursuit of knowledge before control and the humble acceptance of “I’m not the center of the universe†is a lethal mind and soul killer.
I categorically and completely disagree, Love is what fuels the human race, the evidence is overwhelming to the point that I shouldn’t even have to site then many examples and hard proof.
There seems to be a misconception that knowledge and users of knowledge are the same thing.
Knowledge can be beneficial or damaging depending on how it is used. Alone, the knowledge doesn’t do anything.
I’m sorry to ruin the fairytale but the only reason every person on this board is here is because of natural selection, you kingdaddy have inherited superior genes to another human being who died in say the last ice age, this is because one of your direct ancestors had to adapt to be more creative and more knowledgeable in reaction to a hazardous environment in order to survive, and with that new knowledge he survived, not because of his love for a weaker friend but because of his desperation to survive; instinct takes hold and knowledge and experience is gained and passed on down the bloodline.
The same thing will happen during the next great natural catastrophe (that is if we haven’t already wiped ourselves out before then, or if we will be completely helpless against the next natural catastrophe), only some humans will survive (the fittest) and the weak will perish. Survival of DNA is what drives humans when we’re pulled from our comfort zone, that is why you go to work (it’s the only way you can feed yourself and your family) and thus you maintain the present system of capitalism and inequality because the system has exploited your drive to survive and kept itself going because you have to keep on working for it. I’m not saying it’s right or fair, I agree with you that love and cooperation rather than competition should drive us, I’m just stating how it is.
The Natural Selection BS don’t work in the modern society anymore, we have medical science that supercedes this natural process and weak genes are allowed to prevail as was I. So much for that idea.
I’ve already brought up a good acid test to prove the idea that people are here and all about Love and this has been verified by many people, not sure how you missed it. Probably so intent on just contradicting that you forgot of skipped over that part.
As I stated, try isolating yourself from all with no hope of ever seeing anyone again and see where this idea of survival in a vacuum goes, it has been proven time and time again, there is no will to live without a purpose and the purpose is others and that is Love.
Only half true, there is more to life then the physical biology of your body, the will to live comes from your soul and we are social creatures and need others and “Hope†to survive, I dare you try living without it, no one has or can, the proof is in the pudding as they say. If you’ve ever been isolated for a period of time and lost all hope you would understand what I mean.
Here is a good example for you to prove that there is something other then the physical:
What hurts worse, a broken limb of a broken heart? Why is there emotional pain and why is it so great? Ponder on that for a while and see if you cant see that we are more then this flesh.
And love is driven by your DNA seeking to be replicated. I know what you’re saying though, there is more than flesh and blood to humans, and if I am just a selfish, multi-cell organism that needs to replicate itself and all my emotions are just chemical towards that purpose so to speak why do I feel the most intense love that could bring me almost to tears for say a fluttering robin or sparrow that has no relevance to my survival whatsoever, I would argue that it’s because our brains have developed to such an extent that we can relate to and understand all forms of life, you argue that we have a soul but I wouldn’t go so far as to name something that can’t be empirically explained or defined even though something is undeniably there.
Why, to what end and means and what did we do before we had this in our DNA. Is there any evidence to suggest we humans were ever without this Love? How is this idea of Love a fairytale as you put it?
Again why?
Are we really so insignificant, if so why do we have the realization of our surroundings and of the universe and its wonders, why do we even wonder, what other animal does this. Until someone can show proof of others in this existence that are intelligent enough to understand these things I will contend that the universe was created just for us as we are the only ones that can even realize and acknowledge it.
We are as fragile and insignificant as a grain of sand in this universe, just like every other animal and plant we are contingent moulds of carbon, the only thing that seperates humans from other animals is the evolution of consciousness, before that evolution of consciousness the earliest ancestors of humans lived by the same patterns of life as other animals, bound by their inability to use intelligence rather than mere instinct as a means to overcome the brute strength of predators and subsequently dominate the natural food chain:
Whilst animals lack self-awareness, the human brain has simulated its surrounding environment to such an advanced extent that it has included a model of itself within the universe and by that means we have learnt to manipulate our environment to our own benefit and have subsequently come to observe and consider our effect on the world around us… All you have to do is read some books on evolution to go a way to understand what you’ve asked, these scientific theories can be experimented on and subsequently proven or disproven, whilst religious theories are based on an assumption of faith which cannot be experimented on because there is no substance in which to test.