is socialism good or bad?
- good
- bad
In short, yes a socialistic government is very dangerous it’s citizens. Once a group of individuals gives too much power and trust into their government, corruption starts to occur and the government becomes too powerful over their citizens. Since the beginning of civilizations we have seen this happen, where the ruler is given too much power and respect where the system revolves around him. But not until the 18th century is when people have started to realize this divine right they worship their rulers with is destroying their economy, society, and of course their natural rights. This philosophical movement of the 18th century helped fuel the American Revolution, French Revolution, and influenced many monarchies to become constitutional monarchies. Even though this has changed most of the first world countries into democracies or flawed democracies, there are still many examples in the last 100 years of the rights of citizens being taken away by their government. Some extreme examples are Nazi Germany, North Korea, and Communist Russia. These examples show clearly how a powerful and trusted central government can become disastrous quickly. Nations like these not only affect their citizens but cause major issues around the world.
As time progresses, less monarchies/dictatorships are established and are replaced by democracies. This is very beneficial to the people in the reign, but sooner or later, the middle/lower class become frustrated over their lack of representation or become envious of the upper class’s success and feel that their government is rigged towards providing to the upper class(which is mostly the case). All of this is just natural human behavior and thoughts, when someone does nothing more than you did and achieves greater success(mainly addressing wealth inequality). This causes the middle/lower class to want to reform the government into a socialism or something comparable to a socialism, where everyone is treated “equally”. Of course not all socialisms are created that way, some are created out the greed of rulers. Which whom want to deceive their citizens into thinking they will be treated fairly and equally.
From the philosophical point of view, socialism has it’s pros and cons. Idealistically through a socialistic government, everyone is treated equally and given the amount of money everyone thinks their occupation deserves. This allows for no envy since everyone is given the same opportunities through their government’s programs. But since everyone is created and given everything the same as everyone else, this allows for no creative work and little progress in a society. If one doctor is more trained and more professional than the other, they deserve more pay for the service, but in a socialism this is not the case, which prevents anybody from being progressive and creative since it will not have any added benefits.
From a statistical point of view, socialism is terrible in the long run (3+ years), ruining economies and businesses all throughout the country. Let’s take Venezuela for example; for over fifteen years Venezuela has been a socialistic society, which seemed to have great benefits at first. In the first three years, unemployment went down and income and spending increased which boosted their economy. This is mostly due to the fact that before the ”socialist revolution”, Venezuela was one of the wealthiest countries in South America, allowing more money to be put into the government at the beginning of the reformed government. But after fifteen years and many elections, their economy has grown to be the worst in the world, and it has come to the point where there is no more food or toilet paper left on the shelves. Major companies have left Venezuela, such as Coca-Cola, and the unemployment rate is one of the highest in the world. There are many more examples of socialism failing economically, such as Greece, Cuba, and many many more.
Socialism overall allows for no growth and little variation in the market and society. Putting too much power into a centralized government is an open gateway for corruption and an economic disaster. Hopefully in the next few years, Venezuela and countries alike will look around them and see how they should take a stand and change their government into a fair and justice system.
comment below if you agree or disagree with what I’ve said