If an earthworm is cut in two both sides will live and grow as two seperate worms. With all that is in the universe and that incluse that which we do not know and what is out side of the universe, Yes I would say The universe is a life form.
Im afraid that i would have to simply disagree overall, we do use the words “life forms”, and “living things” to qualitatively describe what we as humans can understand, extending this form of classification to the very medium that supports our existance is only showing us our own limitations. Objects that we consider dead or alive may appear to us as having a very distinct set of characteristics not in anyway interchangeble with one another. And from all experience it is safe for us to classify things as living or dead. However to exemplify my reasoning, I ask you to acknowledge the fact that you consist completly of atoms. Are atoms alive? rocks consist of atoms yet they are not classified as such. The classification of interacting systems of matter are not absolute, they are created to help us understand that which we can not. The universe is neither dead nor alive, these catagorizing systems are not adequate when attempting to explain large concepts. The universe cannot abide to this classification as a definitive answer. Any attempt to subject it to such an assumption does not answer anything, for it can only lead to a cyclical argument.
Well, during the BigBang, within the fifth dimension all possible outcomes of the BigBang exist in the exverse of our fourth dimension, single universe’s time.
One of these almost-infinite other universes which exist in the realm of potentiality will cause another BigBang.
It’s like our universe has* almost infinite tries at reproducing itself, and one of these methods has to work, even if the rest of the tries do not work.
There is toooo much we don’t know. Scientists have only studied for a realitively short time and studies often get refuted and or changed by new information. I would not dismiss the unknowable, the future has yet to show itself, in the future lies more knowledge that may prove things wrong or lacking. So yes it is possible the universe can be a life form. Heck we have microscopic and sub microscopic parasites, germs, viruses, living in us and on us. We are their universe.
Well in my own body I am a godess with dominion over everything.
I even think I have the equivelent of earth floating around, Its somewhere near the bladder area or bowels
Seriously though, if our bodies are a universe to such little critturs it is entirely possible that we are mere parasites or germs or viruses. Think of how our bodies look when viewed through a microscope.
I just don’t want to be around when it sneezes us out.
John 3:16 (KJV)
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Geez Dan could you maybe cheer up, we are not insignificant to ourselves and that is what truly counts.
Why would the universe Worry about us in the first place? Unless we start colonizing like bunnies or cockroaches on different planets. Then we would be like a cold germs spreading throughout the body.
And How the devil would I know what god thinks? He hasn’t returned my calls. The secretary keeps telling me he is out of town.
Size is so relative, we are important at the same time that we are unimportant. We are huge compared to germs, we are small compared to the universe that we know of. The universe we know off is probably small compared to what else it is made up off.
Size goes in many directions, we are just caught in the middle, or maybe we are not in the middle.
I have not had enough coffee yet to jump my brain into first gear, so I apologize for not understanding your post. Could you explain to this fuzzy brain what you mean?