
The object of love at every given moment in time.

It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is

Concisely: $

Where’s the content for this thread?

Excuse me?

Where is the moderation in the other forums? Whats with all the tolerance for the most banal and depraved bigotry and the immediate moderators attacks on well intended concise threads? Why are you asking me this when I have a thesis in the OP?

I have content in each of my two posts. Where is your justification for inserting yourself in this thread with an accusation?

Furthermore, I figured you for someone not too foolish to have some respect for such a goddess, and such a definition.

Did you even think about it?
Rhetorical question - of course you didn’t. Or you’d be contemplating Isis right now.

Here, Ill help you.

Go watch this video and absorb al its content, then come back with a relevant question.


That was not a warning, it was a question between you and me.

And I am not in control of the other mods and their territory.
I was inactive because i thought the place would take care of itself.

It was meant as a request and a question, not a accusation.

I appreciate your video.

Alright man, that wasn’t necessarily self evident though. Plus, I think I made a very strong definition. Deceptively simple. Try to imagine how that works. The object of all love. Enormous contradictions, tensions that can’t manifest - - dark matter ?!
But here is some more content. I could rephrase all this but it is deeply vested knowledge.


The Arc de Triomphe seen across the Champs-Élysées, the path of which can, when the Sunset is aligned with it, be drawn through the Sun to arrive at Sirius. Many cities have been “occidented” like this.[/tab]
But all this is merely the reverence of Isis throughout our age of cognizance. How should someone of this day and age, who is sought out by Isis, develop his or her understanding? I can help, if the person is ready to go deep, which means in full understanding as well as fully emotionally engaged. This is what I see as valuing-proper, total engagement all across the world-tree. The world exists in all sorts of way at once. Most paths prescribe one or three elements to the equation to come to rest inside of. But some gods defy such manageable terms, and Isis is one of them.