As advertised, it looks like at least 3 indictments are a coming.
Which suggest. rove, libby, and chaney are probably the three.
more, it is possible, I just can’t say for sure right now.
Look for the news conference on Thursday, look for
resignations on Thursday or Friday, including Chaney.
It is looking like a truly good day in the neighborhood.
bush being indicted would truly be my wet dream, but I am not
holding my breath.
Politics is a dirty business. I think Imp and Peter are a little too gleeful at this, (for totally different reasons obviously.) When the dems had the senate, they were corrupt, the republicans just stepped in and filled the corruption void, (nature abhors a vaccum after all.) I’m not justifying any of this, but it’s hardly a new thing.
And c’mon, we all wanna see Clinton vs Rice in 08.
Clinton - A well to do white woman who married a man and he became president while she later became a Senator in the esteemed state of New York. She has law experience, she’s a woman to help with some of the liberating factors happening in America, and is sympathetic to many causes that will gain her support from various parts of the nation.
Good resume, but…
Rice - A staple grain crop that is grown in many places all over the world. Able to be used in countless numbers of dishes, it is nutritious, delicious, and can be flavored in just about any way possible. It is low in fat, calories, and has helped Japanese people to live with a diet that continues to help them exceed the 100 year mark for now and decades to come.
sniff sniff… all the liberal dreams crushed again…”
Oh, almost any good news source
(which of course excludes fox news)
will show you the winner was…
scooter libby. 5 counts of lying, perjury and
obstruction of justice. The total years in jail
possible is up to 30 years and over a one million dollar
fine. sounds pretty serious to me.
Now the fitzgrald made it clear that he was not
done investigating maybe rove is next, maybe not.
Stay tune people.
OH, by the way, I suspect what will happen to
any trial figure is a plea bargin to avoid a high
profile trial.
Now the only way this story is gone by Monday is
the world ends. Now the story may be gone a year
from Monday, that is possible. But I think that a
plea bargain is what will happen for libby at some point within
the next six months. The only place this story dies is
on fox news, because they are the conservatives mouthpiece.
Any real news organization will have the story for a long time
to come. By the way, if you want to know the lies out of
fox, go to mediamatters on the web. quite interesting how
the media and fox lies about bush and the white house and
Chuckle, V.P Cheney is in deep shit, along with Libby and Rove at the moment. Bout time, I am waiting for something on Rummy, but he may be too clever to catch.
At this moment, Libby is being indicted, he is big guano. Cheney may soon follow.
And I am not a liberal, just a realist.
All world leaders are corrupt, including our leaders, at least IMO, but we all know everyone has an opinion.
I am LOL, always believed Libby, Cheney, Rummy to be corrupt, just waiting for the dirty laundry to be aired.
Also, look at the UN’s Oil for Food Scandal, or how about the day 48 of Chirac’s key advisors were indited, the French front page was a rant against Bush, on the last page there was a short article regarding the French political problems.
They are all corrupt, with perhaps a few exceptions.
Chuckle, I was pushing AM radio button looking for Fox news, since many believe I listen to it, found a Laura Ingram, smart cookie, lawyer, and she was lambasting Libby, Bush, etc. She was also lambasting Meirs. Chuckle, I pulled up Bill Handel, I think this is Clear Channel, he was on a roll against Libby too, but he lampasts everyone, including Bush, Cheney & company.
Actually, he said he was done investigating with this grand jury, because the time limit was over. He stipulated that if in fact it was necessary he would open a new grand jury to continue the investigation.