i dont speak italian but i had a dream with an italian couple and i knew they were speaking italian. where do dream stories come from and how does my sub conscious know italian?
Interesting. Were you able to understand what they were saying?
Couldn’t one who doesn’t speak Chinese, but has experienced others speaking Chinese, possibly be able to recognize when Chinese is being spoken? Understanding Chinese is another thing.
I’ve had dreams like that before, where I heard a foreign language and could translate it – I would wake up and wish I could remember what I heard and write it down and see if it was actually a (real) foreign language and if I had actually correctly translated it – but I could never remember what I heard. So I think maybe my mind just made up a bunch of jibber jabber and added meaning to it.
Italy. Italian dreams are specially imported from Italy - on an ether-like wave of metaphysical probability detectable only when one is asleep.
Kasey, you may have thought you knew what they were saying, but the fact is the subconscious mind cannot know an extensive subject (such as a language) that the conscious mind hasn’t learnt. Why, even the claims & techniques for so-called “subliminal” conditioning have now largely been debunked.
I think it may be due to past lives. If you spoke Italian and lived in Italy in a past life that could attribute to your recognition or even comprehension of the language. Another possibility may be that because all human unconscious minds are connected, perhaps the conversation came from the unconscious realm of an Italian, and spilled into your dream realm. Just theories…
i would have to agree with the collective unconscious. i went to school with italian exchange students and i DID recognize the dialect, that is the reason for this thread. i want to hear about peculiarities in your dreams.
i have known kung fu in my dreams, i have known how to operate machines i have never seen before but when i wake the knowledge is there momentarily until i gain full concsiousness.
There’s also another possibility.
A woman was once observed to dream of jewish speech. She, herself, couldn’t remember having learned jewish, and sure didn,t know one word of jewish consciously.
However, further investigation proved that she had been nursed by a jewish woman, who sang songs in her traditional language to her to calm her down, to put her to sleep, etc.
Maybe you should wonder if there might be sources that could’ve affected your subconscious, and implanted italian in it? Maybe only having heard it casually is enough for some to dream about it.
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