Ok bear with me here, because this is not meant to be offensive to christianity in any way, it’s just an idea I’ve been thinking about for a little while now.
Now not that any of us here have ever done drugs right? but for those that have there’s always stories of people who ‘talked to god’ on LSD, or they… found the lifestream through X, whatever. Nowadays you wake up the next morning and laugh at the messed up night you had, knowing that it was the effects of a particular drug playing tricks on your nervous system.
But what about back in the old savior’s days, drugs were prevelent, tons exist within nature, it’s not unreasonable that Jesus simply tripped out on something, and liked to do it frequently. This could go for moses and the whole rest of the crew.
Now at this point you’re probably like ‘get the mic out of this guy’s hands’ but just hang in there.
Recent studies have shown that the observer in all of us (consciousness, separate from our physical makeup, metaphysical brain) can actually influence the quantum field by what we think. I mentioned this on another post, but imagine a cup of water: A monk prayer, hateful thoughts, thoughts of lust, or love <— all these things will actually change the molecular makeup of the water, distinct for each thought.
In today’s world our brains are being bombarded by a whole world of messages and experience meant to subliminally scare, belittle and confuse us. – Back in the biblical days they didn’t know what was going on, there was no expectation (really) for the brain and so it was free to blow wide open under the right hallucinagenic experiences. It’s not so unlikely to say that Jesus had some sort of vision/experience and consequently after that truly believed he was the son of some sort of God. Whose to say he didn’t walk on water, if you believe with ever fibre of your being, something will happen, it will according to this extended quantum theory. Jesus could easily have been a very delusional, yet enlightened man. Put yourself in his feet back then, knowing you could walk on water, it might drive you to say some strange things.
Drugs can do incredible things, my parents are both cops and they’ve told me stories of a malnurished drug fiend taking on 8 well trained cops in a PCP rage. This isn’t so unlikely, especially in the face of new technological advances. Merlin, Legendary Asian warriors, all these ‘mythical’ things may have in fact existed at one time, perhaps we were once relative masters of the mind and spirit, only to have lost this ability with colonization and intelligence. But now on the eve of a technological exponential launchpad we’re seeing these once magical things rearing their heads again.