Though no one has stated it specifically, the impression I get is that humans alone possess free will. Who’s to say bonobos or lowland gorillas don’t possess a degree of free will?
On what do you base the assumption that a spirit is behind the Bible? Is a spirit behind all literary works? If so, of what significance is the Bible in comparison to other writings?
Thanx for that Lasko.
It is perfectly logical: Jesus must be a sinner if sin is a thought or spoken word or action.
The only thing wrong with that is the premise: that sin is a thought or word or deed.
Sin is NOT and can NOT be a thought or spoken word or deed. If sin were a thought word or deed, God and Jesus and us all wd be sinning by any thought, by any word or by any act since each word and act involves its opposite and reaction or opposite action.
Here is the right premise:
We are to love all words and their opposites.
matthew 22:36-40. 7:12. 5:43-8.
That premise of unconditional Love makes the first and only sin as:
the sin of the hatred of any word: the misuse of hatred for any word, that first thought or attitude of hate for any word,
while preserving the proper use of Hatred for the sin of hating any word.
That is how and why hatred for any person is
the spirit of murder: killing or taking the life of Love in hate,
the spirit of stealing: taking the life of Love in hate,
the spirit of idolatry: whatever we hate is our idol,
th spirit of lust: desring anything out of hate for its opposite,
the spirit of lying: pretending to lvoe all the way while hiding hatred,
the spirit of etc,
without thinking any other thought, speaking any word or doing any deed.
Hatred is what makes all killing sinful.
The killing is NOT a sin of itslef: it is only hating the deer that is the sin that then makes killing them sinful. As humans we have to kill to eat to live: and we normally LOVE and love to eat what we kill: so killing is not a sin and can not be a sin. But to hate a roach is a sin and it is that hatred of it that makes its killing sinful.
So once someone, Jesus or any human, learned to lvoe all words, they can not sin nor do they sin
since all thoughts, all spoken words and all deeds and their opposites are thought and spoken and done IN Love. see 1 corin 6:12; 10:23; 16:14. Romans 8:1.
See ecclesiates 3:1-8 for 28 such opposites, and matthew 5:43-48 for some more.
This Love helps us see that what JC was correcting others for was only and always that sin of hatred for themselves and so for hatred of others as themselves:
So you wd write what you wrote this way:
Therefore throughout the Bible of the new testament Jesus is said to be completely sinless, that is, completely Hateless-of-self-and-others-as-any-words
and free of such evil as the evil of hatred of himself as any word so that he is Love-equal to his Father (God), and so the bible also says no one shall be hated and cast outside of the church in Hate but will be loved and cast out in Love if they refuse to stop hating self as all others and so hating others as self, after having been brought it in Love for shelter or sanctuary away from the evil of hatred of self in their heart.
Therefore Jesus in Love eventually in the new testament IN LOVE throws people, who are in Hatred and refuse to change that Hatred of self as others and hatred of others as self, out of a church for having turned it into a partial black-market of over-pricing and over selling products to the poor with pagean coins by HATING THEMSELVES AS POOR and refusing to love the poor as themselves.
LASKO: “So would this a sin against the church, therefore a sin against God for throwing people out of the church that supposedly keeps evil out?”
No, since the sin would have been to hate the people he threw out even if he never threw em out. So since he loved em before letting them in and loved them to let them in, and loved them as he threw them out and so threw them out in Love, and loved them after he threw em out, he did not sin, nor did they sin when threw him out of the cities and killed him: they only sinned when they hated him! see john 3:16; 10:18; acts 4:27-29.
LASKO:"If Jesus and God are of equality, then does this also mean that God himself has commited some kind of sin… "
Yes, if any action were a sin.
But only to hate self as anyone and so to hate anyone as self is the sin.
LASKO:“I mean he did kill off the world with a great flood, so does this now make God a Sinner for killing the humans he loves so much.”
Yes, only if killing were a sin!
But Killing is NOT a sin: only hating is the sin, because hatred first kills the Life of Love which Love makes life worth living, and which hatred then leads to killing life of life in hate which is waht murder is.
So loved them and so He drowned them in Love as with that tsunami. And so they are already enjoying life in Love with him!
God also told abraham to kill isaac IN LOVE. genesis 22. So too God and JC planned to kill JC in Love but let men in hate do the killing!acts 4:27-8.
LASKO:“As well as being an imperfect God for allowing such corruption to go on in HIS world?”
God loves himself as perfect and as imperfect and so His Love is perfect.
God loves himself as corrupt and incorrupt and so his Love is incorruptible.
Which Love is why he loves us as imperfect and corrupt to teach us to love ourselves as such, 1 john 4:19,
so we can love each other as that
so we can get rid of the worse corruption that leads to all the other corruption we decry: the corruption of the sin of hate for self as any word. matthew 5:43-48.
God allows the corruption of the sin of hatred to occur in his world to get us to perfectly love sinners called haters!
LASKO:“How can a God of such perfection, allow so much corruption that he must kill off his own creations to start over.”
His perfection is NOT in perfection, but in Perfect Love for the perfect and the imperfect!
see the difference between that and loving the perfect and being perfect?
His Love is made perfect in imperfection!
So too his Love is made perfectly strong in weakness because he loves both the strong and the weak. see? see 2 corin 12:9-10.
LASKO:“Its kind of a conflicting topic”
Yes, the conflict of opposites.
U can only solve it by loving yourself as all opposites as per God’s first law: Love yourself as each word and its opposite so you can love all as yourself! The secret lies in YOU!
LASKO:“… but could prove to be an interesting one.”
Yes, THE most interesting topic!
“I think it’s fair to say that an understanding of the opposites is the key to understanding the psyche. And once you become familiar with the phenomenon of the opposites, once you’ve really got it, then you’ll see them operating everywhere, because they’re the very core of the psyche. Every war, every contest, every dispute, every game, is an expression of coniunctio energies concerning the opposites.”
Edward Edinger
“The canon
[The Whole Bible: Analysis of the Canonical and Apocryphal New Testament Scriptures:]
is neither a total nor a random collection of early Christian texts. It is both deliberate and selective and it EXCLUDES just as surely as it INCLUDES. I would even say that you cannot understand what is INCLUDED in the canon unless you understand what was EXCLUDED from it. When the [EXTRAcanonical] gospels are played over AGAINST the four canonical gospels, both the products and the processes of those latter texts appear in a radically different light.” — John Dominic Crossan, Prof. Religious Studies, DePaul Univ.
all love and respect,
Without running the risk of boring everybody to death with my trivial philosophical musings and getting severely off-topic, let’s just say that I do believe there’s an underlying intelligence to the universe and a spirit that pervades it. And I think that spirit shows up in all kinds of places, including other literary works, other religions, sunsets, the smell of the grass on a baseball field during spring training, a smile from a total stranger, and - most certainly - in the laughter of my son.
Sorry for my rash comments about making assumptions on all Christians. I have just had a hard time through my life believing in something that has never helped me but has rather destroyed my life more than anything else. While being a Xian I’ve had 7 people in my life and when I became Agnostic I have been happier and in search for a higher purpose and higher being other than the Xian God… such as another person on here has created his Omnisoul and various other Gods or Values behind there universe.
Dearest apologies.
sorry for the earlier post, i was in a bad mood while i was browsing the forum. i stick to the part about being an outside witness though. and saying Jesus took human form but wasnt human is not a contradiction. he was still God’s son, but he had a human body. the shape you take does not define what you are. after all, a wax apple looks an awful lot like a real apple, but it tastes like crap.
lol, shut up.