Jesus came to Earth again! What?! Would we recognize Him?

Oh look, proof that catholic/saxons stole the tradition from Greece/Babylonia

I don’t accept the Christian resurrection…nature would say a coming up of the plants

@ Artimas.

The contacts between e.g. the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Persians, and the Ancient Greeks on the one side and the Ancient Germans on the other side are not as important as the contacts between the Ancient Romans and the Ancient Germans, if you want to know whether “Easter” (“Ostern” > “Ostara”) has anything to do with the Christianisation in Central-, West-, Northwest, and North-Europe where the Germanic languages / dialects have survived. Many Ancient Germans lived also in Ancient Greece and in the Balkans, but their dialects (mainly Gothic) died out. I was mainly referring to history and to linguistics, especially to the language history of those Germanic languages / dialects which have survived until today.

The contacts between e.g. the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Persians, and the Ancient Greeks on the one side and the Ancient Germans on the other side had also existed for a very long time.

And by the way:

Almost everywhere where the early agriculture alraedy existed existed also something like godheads (deities) of the four seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn), similar to our example here: the goddess of spring named Ostara (the root for e.g. Ostern / Easter). The words “Ostern” and “Easter” are Germanic words and their linguistic root is the Germnaic goddess of spring: Ostara.

The people of agriculture were /are very much connected with the four seasons. The people of the cities (citizens, urbanites, the townsfolk) destroyed / destroy this tradition.

Actually, You may both be right! let me explain.
I forgot the source but here it is.

On interpretation is that the word came down from
the goddess of fertility Ostar,Ostere,Estrada,Elster, easttre,eastur, Austra and maybe auric derived from an ancient Nordic word for spring.

An alternative explanation is that the Frankish church named Jesus resurrection as alba meaning white, (because of white robes worn at the festival)
-may have been given another interpretation ,albeit mistakenly, that of sunrise, which became Ostern in German .

So you seriously think that the Canaanites believed that rabbits laid eggs?
Emmm… who is the more gullible.

The entire concept behind Easter is “A New Beginning” (hence the association with Spring, eggs, and fertility) and that is why Easter is celebrated as the resurrection of Christ in Christianity. The particular child-like associations have nothing to do with the religion itself, much like Santa-Claus and Christmas trees on Christmas. And none of those traditions have anything to do with anyone “stealing” any concepts from anyone else. They merely merged when they were compatible.

And not only would you not recognize Jesus, but there would be (and has been) great effort to kill him before you ever got the chance.

The entire concept behind Easter is “A New Beginning”, yes, thus spring or - in our example - the goddes of spring Ostara (later: Ostern, Easter) stands fo this new beginning. That is the sense of it. Like I said: All people of agriculture had to be and were very much interested in this new beginning, e.g. the birth of life after being below ground level and/or under snow (thus: after winter), the beginning of the sowing for the next harvest (in summer and autumn) … Thus this new beginning was very, very, very relevant to the early agriculture people. The urban people destroyed this relevance more and more.

By the way: 2007 the number of humans who do not live in cities was topped for the first time by the number of humans who live in cities. That has never been the case before 2007.

For one, learn to read. It says that the Canaanites, Egyptians, etc worshiped rabbits as deities. Persians, and Babylonians also. Gullibility has nothing to do with it. Rabbits breed fast, which is why it is associated with reproduction, is that eluding? It shouldn’t be, because it’s pretty blatant/obvious.

Secondly. It isn’t just “A New Beginning” it’s fertility, life, and reproduction. A new beginning would be more associated with the new year rather than Easter. It’s about life in general, not dying on a cross then being resurrected. So what exactly does a man dying then being brought back to life have to do with eggs, fertility, reproduction and life. Hardly anything.

Thirdly. you’re contradicting yourself in your own argument. “The particular child-like associations have nothing to do with the religion itself” “and that is why Easter is celebrated as the resurrection of Christ in Christianity” It doesn’t matter about the child-like parts. It’s still told that “Oh Jesus this, Jesus that!” The entire thing has nothing to do with Christianity itself.

So the symbolizing of fertility, reproduction, and sex is child-like? I had no idea reproduction and all of this was child like.

Fourthly. I don’t really know what your last comment is supposed to even mean, kill Jesus? what are you even… I can’t kill something that never existed, which is the entire point of why it was made… So it could never be killed and stay in peoples heads for generations. Which it has, not only that but be exaggerated and even more exaggerated a long time later.

Also, the only reason it is called Easter and celebrated/adopted by Christians now is because Greece had lost a lot of followers to Catholic.

Not merely gullible, but also can’t read even your own quotes?

And misread what others write. What I said was;

Seven days after his birth is associated with the first day of the new year.

And YOUR extreme prejudice doesn’t get to dictate what THEY were thinking when they chose to do things.

Yes, eggs and rabbits. What is your point? We all know they don’t really come from rabbits, but they used it as symbolizing for something else. You’re trying to use something obvious that we all already know scientifically against me because I wrote a fast sentence with what should already be clear meaning.

Except fertility, eggs and sex have nothing to do with a dead being rising, it’s not a holiday/tradition of necromancy and magic. No matter how hard Christians try to twist it and say it’s about his zombie magic it isn’t. Because the holiday is OLDER than he is.

And your bias doesn’t get to dictate where Easter derived either or what it is. it derived from Greece and other ancient civilizations with specific traditions and meanings. I give 0 fucks what Christians say, it isn’t their own tradition. They didn’t come up with it, all they did was steal other traditions and gave it their own twist.

We aren’t talking about his birth, and he wasn’t “born” on the new year. We’re talking about his death, which has no association with a new year. It’s spring, not winter.

Hello skakos
It is a good question. The issue comes down to faith. On reason alone one could not determine who is the returning Jesus. This problem is not new. It goes back to the problem with identifying The Messiah from Messiahs wannabes. Miracles are not proof of much. Only through faith did Jesus become the Messiah for some eyes.
Jesus alluded, according to scripture, that no one comes to him unless the Father draws the person. What this means, in my opinion, that faith is not equal to will. It isn’t–only-- a choice. It Is brought in part by a person’s character.
So, can anyone Know? No.
Can anyone believe? With faith, yes.
Now, I don’t believe that Jesus’ second comming will be a peaceful stroll, like a tourist, at least by the apocalyptic narrative out of Jesus’ mouth in his response to Pilate and others.

Happy Easter to everyone. Different people have different views. We are saved only from ourselves. Easter for me is New Year’s day, a new and fertile beginning. Religion en masse has all but destroyed the realization of personal resurrection.

In this sentence the word “Easter” refers already to the Christian Easter which is not the original Easter; it refers to the historical fact that the Christians tried to Christianise the Ancient Germans by a mix of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and Ostara, the goddess of spring, If they had no tried this mix, then they would have been unsuccessful. The original Easter is a heathen Easter referring to spring, a new beginning, birth of life, seed / sowing.

The birth of Jesus Christ (in English it is called “Christmas”) has to do with the beginning of winter (24. December in those days), the winter solstice which was also a very meaningful date for the Ancient Germans. The Christians tried to Christianise them by a mix of the birth of Jesus Christ and the winter solstice. If they had not tried this mix, then they would have been unsuccessful.

Yes, the original Easter is Greek, Egypt, Babylonia and Persia. Why call them heathens anyway, it’s easier to just say who they are.

You have misunderstood something. The original Easter is NOT Greek, NOT Persian (Babylonian), NOT Egyptian; the original Easter is Germanic or even Indo-Germanic (Indo-European), because “Ostara”, “Ostern”, “Easter” are Germanic words with an Indo-Germanic root and tradition. Other humans had similar traditions, for example the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Persians (they are also Indo-Germanic), the Ancient Greeks (they are also Indo-Germanic), and many other people, but the contacts and influences are no proof for the thesis that the one tradition caused the other. So the most certain source we have is the linguistic source, thus the language history.

The tradition of the (Indo-)Germanic spring feast / festival is at the minimum 4000 years old, probably older, and the tradition of the Egyptian spring feast / festival is older, but that does not necessarily mean that the Egyptian spring tradition influenced the (Indo-)Germanic spring tradition. If humans have agriculture, then it is very much probable that they also have developed a tradition of the four seasons with e.g. feasts / festivals and godheads of this four seasons, especially of the winter solstice (beginning of winter) and the spring equinox (beginning of spring). That is factually imperative.

Another examples are huts, houses, and even something like pyramids. If there have been humans for a long time, then it is probable that they have built e.g. huts, houses, or even something like pyramids, because huts, houses, or even something like pyramids are very useful and something humans are very much interested in.

Thread cleaned up… any further derailing will earn the derailers warnings.

I’ve actually thought about this question a lot. Can evil doers perform miracles too (assuming anyone can)? What type of criteria would we use to discern one? How would we specifically identify Jesus? Was Jesus even good?

The simple answer to the OP question is NO.

Got any non-hearsay evidence for what the Canaanites did or didn’t worship?

Paganism does. It also has nothing to do with magic and raising from the dead, so what’s your point Ucci.

And yes, Easter originated in Greece. It’s a Pagan tradition, I don’t care what the name of it was. The tradition itself came from Pagans in the ancient times before Christianity.