Jesus Camp: The Movie

The worst possible move by American Christians?


What do you think?

It’s to be expected.

It’s very difficult for Christians to find out what exactly is the right move to make. In many cases it can be a bad move to some and not to others, if they go is to win souls or tell people about Christ, even if only a few, it’s a good enough cause.

I have not seen or read much about the movie, but if it is actually accurate and doesn’t freak people out…in my opinion it’s ok…

I guess this would bring up a new topic, more in a theistic bubble however. Such as, “If a Christian acts like a wierdo and freaks people out, makes a bad impression on people who were interested in Christianity, is that a sin?”

I’d kinda be interested in knowing that answer. :slight_smile:

No. Most of what Christians do is weird to the uninitiated or those who are ignorant of our beliefs. We should do what we do and ignore the bad press. It’s pretty much inevitable anyway, so why bother?

It may not be as bad as you make it out to be. It may turn out to be a very good movie, in the vein of “Little Miss Sunshine” in terms of popularity. You just don’t know…

But it has to be better than that fat camp movie disney put out a while back.

I like the Bright Eyes reference btw.

No, I would say any of it is wierd to anyone…A bit impractical and illogical, But then that’s Why Christianity is a “Faith” and not a Religion.

There is no Real evidence that anything in that faith is actualy a fact,and mistranlation peoples opinions and translation meanings have been lost as word in diferent languages confound each other since some words have meanings other languages do not so somthing is put in to make since of the mess a verse aded averse taken away pick and chooose what sounds best…You get what I am saying.

“EXCEPT”…The historical facts, such as who lived and did not live, what cities existed, what actuale events of nature took place that can be proven by mans curent level of science and technology. What “Miricals” took place that Science and mans technology can explain and prove happend.

Writing something down doesnt make it fact. And on that note History and science has proven “Curently” That the more Core beliefs and services are actualy originated from older Pagonic beliefs than anything else and that most are completely fiction (Acording to some).

IE, Genises the Ceation, Adam and Eve…Hmm, Mustnt forget Lilith(You’ll never read about her though Unless your a jesuite Priest in charge of the catacombs under the catholic church in Rome) Oh and dont forget Catholisism came first If it wasnt for Martin Luther Protestantism would have never existed (Protestantism is Christianity for those of you rusty on theology). The war between heaven and hell. About 65% of the whole book, Especialy since it was writen “after” everyone who knew jesus was dead…Um…Ah yes the simple fact that the people of the time had no ideal what a Gate was or understood the concept of Joining realms. Not to mention Hebrew has no word for a feminine Diety, Meaning anything ploral and feminine would turn into masculine singular. Thats right!!! God was feminine ploral at one point. And his name is Yaweh not ye-ho-wa, I realize you are trying to say Ijehova But then thats not even Jewish or Aramayic. Just like Jesus’s name is not Jesus it’s Yeshewa translated to Joshua, translated to Josu, Translated to Jesues (By the greeks meaning son of Zues) Translated to Jesus by western culture in that time.

Did you know the Days of the week and every single holidy that belief celebrates is from a Pagan Belief? Oh also why on any church over 400 years old you will always find a door on the north side. Its a pagan thing.

So you see it really is a “Faith” And the definition to believe in somthing that canot be proven or reasoned fits extreamly well.

^off topic

This movie is a good, as it is simply a documentary. People don’t really realise how big this movement is, and hopefully this opens up some more peoples eyes to the reality of what america may become. Or should I say, has already become?

P.S. this is NOT a documentary made by the religious right :slight_smile:

Ok as for my time I’m sorry I’m ignoring the rest of your post so if this is incorrect please explain.

You just said Christianity is a faith and not a religion? How is that possible? Christianity is a religion and that is a fact, to be a Christian you have to know of something that God wants for your life so you need religion, if you discard religion you’ve just created your own religion anyhow, there’s no way of escaping this.

Get 'em young and train them.

Sounds like a solid plan for creating a force that will rule.

Though I disagree with their aims, their methods are certainly impressive.


What is the definition of Faith?

What is the definition of Belief?

What is the definition of Cult?

What is the definition of Religion?

These are all very diferent and have specific things that make them fit in these catagories there are others but we only need…Belief and Faith right now.

Faith : (1) To believe in somthing that canot be proven.(To have Faith)
(2) A system of belief that requires its members to have faith in somthing unsuported by reason, logic or fact.

Belief: (1) To belieave in somthing or to have faith weather suported or not.
(2) A system in which the faith is suported by some historical fact.

While you are corect that anything can be labled as a religion The lables are given acording to how much of each is involved.

Islam for example is a religion. It is suported by logic and historical fact while at the same time alows Faith to play a mager role.

Christianity Is NOT suported by logic or any kind of reason, It is also ONLY suported in VERY limited amounts by historicle fact.

Faith Makes up about 90% of this Belief system. Therefore it is a Faith. And not a religion.

If Christianity did not exist and the Bible had never been writen although the events may have taken place If you wrote the bible and tried to sell it to a bookstore they would lable it fiction. Why? Because The only suported facts and histories are enough to say yes he existed and yes he was crucified, and yes Jurusilam exists. Cities places and people’s very few events that were labled as miricals have been proven ever to have happened. It’s called evidence, not written word or word of mouth this belief has almost None and is in fact more contradictory to itself than anything else.

Explain how it is contradictory. Explain how Christianity isn’t a religion? Yes Christianity is faith, but it’s also a religion man. You can’t be claim to be a Christian, live a Christ life, if you did not know how Christ wanted you to live, there are rules, principles, the bible, “religion”. And no matter how many words of mine you try to twist I don’t see how it’s possible to get around that fact.

yeah, how is christianity supported by less fact than any other religion?

and about the movie…I don’t like the idea. I think christians should not try so hard to keep kids christian, they should let kids grow old enough to make the descision to be christian on their own.

Christians should not try so hard to keep kids Christian…hmm…I’m not sure what’s so wrong with that, I don’t see how anyone’s forcing anyone here…and Christianity is personal anyhow…maybe you better explain this a bit better.

And yeah I guess that’s true that Christianity is supported with more fact than any other religion…I guess I’m glad It’s my religion. Maybe sycth better prove otherwise.

Sorry I wasn’t very specific…I mean that christianity often pushes children through the process too fast, but I’m sure thats not the case with all denominations. Baptism/confirmation and whatever happen at 13 or something, and at that age a person won’t really question what he/she is doing as far as religion goes. I think christians should target an audience that is old enough to really decide that christianity is the right path. Most kids aren’t mature enough to make decisions like that, so they shouldn’t have to.

Yeah…i’m not sure if I believe in that 13 thing, I think that’s jewish. Most aren’t you’re right, but then again most aren’t to make a decision against however. In the end a kid will believe what they want later in life, I’m not sure why it’s bad we push them either way, as long as we aren’t giving false facts, we just give the information and let them decide for themself, in the end it’s that person’s decision anyhow.

yes it is.

My point is that kids will just pick the easy route if they are pushed early on, and may never question their beliefs again, because they have been raised not to.