Joe Biden 46th President

They are all that way anymore.

That’s something I never understand regarding American neoliberals, democrats, or Marxists, allegations of racism set aside, we can’t even take care of our own poor people already here and you guys want to import millions of foreign poor people here yearly.

Why? What does that solve? To what purpose and end?

And yes, I don’t like the idea of being a racial minority in this country, I’ve lived in areas of the United States where White European American people are already a racial minority and it isn’t fun, glamorous, or socially utopian, it’s damning.

PK, it is good that you were not trying to relate to him (and I don’t doubt that) because I think you have no means to relate to him - in fact do not understand him at all - quite the opposite.

For one, he was never saying (as Edmandu often does) that he is “the only one” and all alone. He instead said that he has lived in isolation on the social bottom - “cursed” by society - as have many. He is certainly not alone in that experience. And he knows that.

Unlike you he has shed the ideals concerning any social utopia - taking a rational and realistic perspective - as hopeless as it might seem - it is what it is. He is rational - but merely confined - impotent to do hardly anything about it. And other than being a rational person he reflects a very very large portion of the world’s population. But then so do you in that a very large portion of the world’s population lives in a fantasy (irrational) bubble of belief - useless to others except as an inept commodity.

And like you, though responding to your post, I am not actually trying to relate or even talk to you. Enjoy your bubble as you can as he enjoys his as best as he can (MIJOT) - until something changes - perhaps an unexpected, unforeseen but welcomed opportunity. :smiley:

now as promised, I said, I have a couple of statements and here is the second…

I believe in aliens because I saw a UFO once… and it is quite logical to think about
the size of the universe and how many, in the billions, number of planets that there
are and to believe that we are the only life in the universe? somehow, in the midst
of all those billions of planets, we are the only life… that doesn’t seem logical…

as for that guy on ancient aliens, I believed long before he was even alive…

so, given the fact that I have seen a UFO and that out of billions of planets
in the universe, we seem to be the only life and I hold that given only a
1% chance of life in the universe still leaves literarily over a million planets
that can have life…I like those odds for there to be life… it is an odds game…
and the odds favor there being more life in the universe then on planet earth…

I hold the math favors there being life in the universe outside of ourselves…

that isn’t random or arbitrary… that is simply playing the odds… and we all do that…


For me change will only come with overthrowing the federal government, the economic collapse of the nation, death of the dollar, civil war, and the absolute total chaos it will bring. I see no political voting platform doing much of anything, and now with democrats calling half the nation White supremacists, homophobes, nazis, or sexists I pretty much just see things accelerating spiraling out of control from here on out. Of course even with the collapse and absolute total chaos of this nation there will be foreign adversaries like China taking full advantage of that where it won’t be an easy thing for anybody that survives such a national calamity to contend with. Still, when you have nothing to lose like me and millions of other people there really is no other recourse.

It’s most certainly tragic that this is the road that the nation has chose to go down, but it is what it is.

K: ok, solutions are an attempt to solve problems…
what problems does a close border solve? what problems does nationalism solve?

Z: That’s something I never understand regarding American neoliberals, democrats, or Marxists, allegations of racism set aside, we can’t even take care of our own poor people already here and you guys want to import millions of foreign poor people here yearly.

K: import no, but allow yes… hasn’t it occurred to you that America has always
been about immigration… since the mayflower in fact…my own family and yours,
immigrated to America… on my mom’s side, we have been here since 1640’s and on
my dads’ side, since the 1890’s…why must we draw the line, here and now? we have
always had poor, and that didn’t stop immigration from coming in… millions of the poor
had nothing while living in America…as my family had nothing coming in… so what?
If we simply decide to end immigration now, because of our own poor people already
here, then what was the point of all that prior immigration done for centuries,
that allow my family and yours into the country even though there were already millions
of poor and starving already here… the fact that there are already millions in trouble
doesn’t really answer the question as to why we should stop it now? Because that has
been the pattern since the beginning of the American society…and there will always
be poor and starving people… why should we spend a moment thinking about them?
there are nothing more then disposable human beings…right? why do you even care
about the poor and starving in America… that is not your problem…taking revenge
and retribution an a America that doesn’t give a shit about you is your answer…
so, who give a shit about the poor and starving already here in America?

K: Why? What does that solve? To what purpose and end?

And yes, I don’t like the idea of being a racial minority in this country, I’ve lived in areas of the United States where White people are already a minority and it isn’t fun, glamorous, or utopian, it’s damning.
K: dude, I live in California… I am the only person who works in a check stand who
doesn’t speak Spanish…just about every single person who is front end, speaks Spanish
and that include the Starbuck’s people and the booth… and yet, it doesn’t bother me for
the simply reason, they have as much a right to be here as I do… and about half the
customers speak Spanish… and I have to get someone to translate for me what the
customers want…and because of where I live, we also get Asians who barely
speak English… it is rare that I can find someone to translate for me the various
Asian languages…it is what it is…I can whine about it and bitch about all those
“Aliens” taking my job or, or I can accept it as being what it is…who am I to
say to someone from a different country that you can’t be here because we already
have enough poor and starving people? I am from a family that also immigrated to
America as did your family… and what excuse would you have accepted that would
have kept your family from immigrating to America?

I am a minority in my own country and so what? why should I be butthurt over that?

seriously, come up with a real reason why we should not allow immigration into
this country…


Looks like Monday morning is going to be a wild stock market opening, rumor has it that financial traders along with Wallstreet are scared to death of what will transpire next week, the list of shorted companies squeezing out large institutional financial hedgefunds has only increased within the last four days where the insurmountable financial losses are piling on. Blood is in the water and everybody can smell the foul stench of fear everywhere. :sunglasses: The trap and ambush has been set.


For me change will only come with overthrowing the federal government, the economic collapse of the nation, death of the dollar, civil war, and the absolute total chaos it will bring. I see no political voting platform doing much of anything, and now with democrats calling half the nation White supremacists, homophobes, nazis, or sexists I pretty much just see things accelerating spiraling out of control from here on out. Of course even with the collapse and absolute total chaos of this nation there will be foreign adversaries like China taking full advantage of that where it won’t be an easy thing for anybody that survives such a national calamity to contend with. Still, when you have nothing to lose like me and millions of other people there really is no other recourse.
It’s most certainly tragic that this is the road that the nation has chose to go down, but it is what it is.
K: ah, the curse of being young… you misunderstand the nature of change…

change isn’t a fast, overnight, immediate thing… everything and everyone is always
changing, even you and even me…

I want to bring about the change you want, but I recognize change for what it is…
it takes time and time is the one thing that the young don’t seem to have…
we cannot overthrow the country, the government tomorrow… statement of fact…
we cannot even overthrow it next week, next month or next year… again, statement
of fact… remember, former anarchist who tried…

so think about the nature of change…

how does change happen? how does it occur?
what happens that allows change? what happens that allows
people to change?

think about that first…

you want change, but you don’t even understand the nature of change…

think about it…

as I must get ready to work today, I shall end this here and return later today or tomorrow…


I was taught that those who win the race are those who most delight in the required training - keeping a smile on face, in heart, and in mind (refusing to focus on the ugly and miserable) - attentively hoping merely for as many brief moments of at least a little fun for all time to come (the last part being my own addition). :smiley:

Looks like Monday morning is going to be a wild stock market opening, rumor has it that financial traders along with Wallstreet are scared to death of what will transpire next week, the list of shorted companies squeezing out large institutional financial hedgefunds has only increased within the last four days where the insurmountable financial losses are piling on. Blood is in the water and everybody can smell the foul stench of fear everywhere. :sunglasses: The trap and ambush has been set.

K: and again, to what benefit? the society goes down and then what? some imaginary
rebuilding of society will occur because you think it might occur…

you don’t have a clue about the next step after the collapse… and that is why
you are wrong… and until you have a plan for afterwards, it means nothing if
everyone goes down unless there is no plan for afterwards…so what is the plan?


You’re content with being replaced in population, I am not, and make no mistake about it, that’s exactly what it is, population replacement because somewhere down the line the elites in this nation got it in their heads that they want to destroy White European America. They want to transform the entire United States into Mexico, Central America, or even South America, likewise they’re trying to replace Australia, Canada, and New Zealand into a new kind of Asian conglomerate with the whole of Europe into a sort of Middle Eastern northern African outpost. Everyday we hear about the need to destroy whiteness and White Europeans where it is deemed completely totally acceptable to which there is no public outcry from anywhere. I’ve lived in black and Mexican neighborhoods as a racial minority, yes, as a White person you’re generally discriminated against living in those areas for work, education, and so on. As I seem to recall from the past you’re married to a Mexican woman and that is why these things don’t bother you all that much, you probably have children with her as well. I’ve been turned away from working in those areas simply because I didn’t speak Spanish, and really it’s just not becoming a racial minority, it’s becoming a racial minority where everybody else actively wants to kill or destroy you. Do you think racial minorities have political representation in your beloved political democracy? They complain about being racial minorities today, what do you think that looks like in the future being a White European racial minority by contrast?

I side with poor people because I am one obviously and have been most of my life, I sympathize with them understanding their plight where it’s a survival necessity sort of thing. I also understand that no nation can have a future or survive very long when half the population is poor barely subsisting.

Civil war. [There won’t be anything civil about it of course.]

Rebuilding happens afterwards depending who the victor is and thus goes the spoils of war.

Peter, change only comes when you have an able body functioning government system where there is a general consensus in a nation and its population, that doesn’t exist in the United States whatsoever currently. The current modern United States is a failed state, we live in a collapsing failed rogue nation. I know you have all this faith in the current government or leadership, but I don’t whatsoever.

When all means of political negotiation, diplomacy, or reconciliation fails violent revolution is always inevitable, we see this in history time and time again, there’s plenty of examples out there. The thing about violent revolution or insurrection as messy as it is, it changes things pretty quickly, for better or worse.

You’re content with being replaced in population, I am not, and make no mistake about it, that’s exactly what it is, population replacement because somewhere down the line the elites in this nation got it in their heads that they want to destroy White European America. They want to transform the entire United States into Mexico, Central America, or even South America, likewise they’re trying to replace Australia, Canada, and New Zealand into a new kind of Asian conglomerate with the whole of Europe into a sort of Middle Eastern northern African outpost. Everyday we hear about the need to destroy whiteness and White Europeans where it is deemed completely totally acceptable to which there is no public outcry from anywhere. I’ve lived in black and Mexican neighborhoods as a racial minority, yes, as a White person you’re generally discriminated against living in those areas for work, education, and so on. As I seem to recall from the past you’re married to a Mexican woman and that is why these things don’t bother you all that much, you probably have children with her as well. I’ve been turned away from working in those areas simply because I didn’t speak Spanish, and really it’s just not becoming a racial minority, it’s becoming a racial minority where everybody else actively wants to kill or destroy you. Do you think racial minorities have political representation in your beloved political democracy? They complain about being racial minorities today, what do you think that looks like in the future being a White European racial minority by contrast?

K: so many assumptions, I don’t even know where to start…
ok, it doesn’t matter if I am content with being a minority…I am not
going to throw myself off a cliff if I am a minority…so what if I am a minority?
what does that have to do with the price of tea? nothing…what difference
does it make that I am a minority? Ain’t no one around here trying to kill me…
majority or minority…that is your perception, not mine… and that is
why perception is everything…and you are feeding off of prejudice and
superstition about minorities… eating the bullshit lies of the CEO who sent
your job overseas and is pretending that it is minorities that took your job…

there is a entire cottage industry that feeds you bull shit about minorities to
benefit the business world… to keep your eyes on minorities and not
where it should be, CEO’S and big business…those are the ones trying to screw
you over, not minorities… you have been conned…

and what is so special about being white? it doesn’t matter that I am white, red,
blue or gray… as in aliens :-$

greatness that is the human factor is found in white and black and brown
and yellow skins… I don’t see color… I see if you are a douche or not…
that is what I look for, the quality of who you are, not the color of your skin…

and for the record, my wife is not Mexican… she is just as white as I am…
but I have dated black women, so the fuck what? why does it matter?
are they trying to kill me because they are minorities and I am not?

you say they are trying to transform America into a third world country,
and you are right, but not for the reasons you think, they can pay you less
if you exists in a third world country… the answer is always, always money…
it isn’t about race or religion or sexual orientation, but it is always about
making money… and turning American into a shit hole will allow them
to pay you less money… and that is the name of the game… it has nothing
to do with your fantasies… but it does have to do with making CEO’S money…
and corporations money…

the bottom line is never anything but money… what is the money motive for
anything they do… the mythical “they” that you keep on referring to… and who
are they? those trying to make even more money then they already have…
that is the motive to keep an eye on, not any bogus minorities or
whiteness or nationalism… but pure, cold hard cash is the name of the game…

so start with what will make them money and begin with that…

follow the money… and you will learn to the truth…

the answer is always money and economics, not race or minorities or
gender… but money…


Peter: ‘I saw some shit I couldn’t identify decades ago bruh, the universe is a big place bruh, ergo aliens are visiting us and government is covering it up, it’s like science, bruh.
You believe in conspiracies bruh?
You believe rich, powerful families use both parties to manipulate us bruh?
You’re attempting to make arguments and present evidence bruh?
You’re an idiot bruh

Dude…string theory, the multiverse, I saw a dude transform into a reptile, ergo shape shifting reptilians are traveling to and from our dimension, dude it’s science.

The great and wise philosopher Peter Kropotkin of ILP

Whilst I realise that there are many kooks and morons on this particular Forum, I was not aware quite how absurd this had got…
TIme to hit another “foe” button.

Here’s an old school pal that has gone loopy. His dad was a 9ft green alien.

I hope you get along.

So all those UFO aliens searched out Earth from billions of planets, traveled from 1000’s of light years away —
— for the money? :confused:


Congratulations, Peter. This is precisely the sort of substantive discussion I have attempted to have with him. To no avail.


Well, I can only speculate of course.

While admitting that he has changed his mind about politics and the world around him a number of times, he still basically clings to the belief that there is in fact a real Joker deep down inside him. And that sooner or later this core self of his [what Wendy calls her “soul”] will latch on to the one and the only right way in which to differentiate “one of us” [the good guys] and “one of them” [the bad guys].

That in regard to globalism and government and individual freedom and all the issues that divide liberals from conservatives there really is “the right thing to do”.

And that’s the part that I threaten. That’s the part that keeps him from going down this “substantive” path with me.

I’m like the philosophical equivalent of the Devil here. But it’s not his “soul” that I am after, but his belief in his precious “sense of Self” itself. Just as with all of the objectivists here. Left and right.

But: what motivates me here in turn is the hope that one of them might actually manage to yank me up out of the hole “I” am in here…

If I am always of the opinion that 1] my own values are rooted in dasein and 2] that there are no objective values “I” can reach, then every time I make one particular moral/political leap, I am admitting that I might have gone in the other direction…or that I might just as well have gone in the other direction. Then “I” begins to fracture and fragment to the point there is nothing able to actually keep it all together. At least not with respect to choosing sides morally and politically.


You’re the worst kind of nihilist, the kind that wants to threaten people’s sense of themselves and their own identity, probably the same guy that gets off on the idea of uploading people’s consciousness into computer mainframe matrixes. It’s almost like your personal war or crusade is to extinguish individual consciousness itself. In some ways you remind me of a behaviour neurologist who tinkers with human consciousness viewing people as glorified automatons to be programmed.
[Or reprogrammed]

I now become curious as to what motivates you and why you believe in what you do, but not in any of that rhetoric you spew fourth everywhere, I would like to know about your personal life that causes you to hate the human condition so completely that you wish to destroy it. Sure, I’m all for a violent global reset where maybe millions or billions will die, but at least in my reality people have their own sense of identity and consciousness still intact.