Joe Biden 46th President

For now, rant about it on ILP. shrugs

What’re you going to do about it?

1st deny it, then backpedal.

More than that, he still thinks voting changes things and that his vote actually matters. :sunglasses:

I think national capitalism i.e. capitalism + protectionism and heavily restricted immigration (as opposed to crony capitalism i.e. international corporatism) is much better than communism, communism is the worst.
That being said, a mixed market, mostly national capitalism with some socialism and little-no corporatism, especially little-no corporatism for big business, is best.
In the Anglosphere, the more socially conservative or libertarian people and politicians tend to be, the more free market they tend to be, but it doesn’t work that way everywhere, in continental Europe there’re quite a few people and politicians who’re both socially conservative or libertarian and in favor of a mixed economy.
There is a 3rd party in America called the American Solidarity Party who’re both socially conservative and in favor of a mixed economy, but still you probably wouldn’t like them, as they’re very Christian and globalist.
There’s a lot of parties like that in continental Europe, like Germany’s Christian democrats, hard to find a NonChristian and nationalist variant.
I know you don’t believe in democracy, but dictators, for better or worse, have risen to power through democracy, it wouldn’t be the first time.

Yea, mainstream dems will offer a bit higher wages and more healthcare, but then they hit you with the corporatism, cultural progressivism, globalism, militarism, scientism, technocracy and all that, kick the 1st and 2nd amendment to the curb.
It works the same way with liberals and conservatives here, they’re both slightly different flavors of fascism, international, Zionist fascism to be precise.

Yea, it works the same way in Canada, except we have more healthcare and weed.
The Marxists are rebelling against crony capitalism, but little do they know the same people that offered them crony cap are now offering them Marxism, or something akin to it.
They’ll give them a bit more goodies at the expense of their life, liberty and what’s left of the working and middleclass’ property.
Gotta roll up your sleeve and take the soft kill shots first.

I love the “Add Foe” button, so that when I check back on a thread I can see two loons attacking each other without having to read their posts, or see their childish animated memes and hideous avatars.

I’m not convicted that it doesn’t, if the vast majority of people would just support 3rd parties, independents or at least more dissident candidates within the 1st parties, like Rand Paul for the reps and Tulsi Gabbard for the dems (not saying they’re my ideal candidates, but they’re a step in the right direction, just as Trump was), even with massive election fraud, we could turn this thing around.
There’s no way they could pull election fraud off if the vast majority of people voted for dissidents, like 90% of people, it’d be too obvious, if hardly anyone anyone knew voted for establishment republicrats/libcons.
But if that doesn’t work, if we can’t get enough of the masses on board, because they’re too dumbed down, they keep voting the same assholes in, if things continue to fall apart socioeconomically and politically, one of these 3rd parties could still get enough support to get organized, armed and seize power by force, it’s happened before.

Peter Kropotkin: this is a general message to both gloom and Zero…

a couple of things… first the more important thing…

I am quite aware of the state of the world…I am a child of Watergate…
and I have watched every crooked deal done under the sun over these last 50 years…
and as an lifelong amateur historian, I can trace the crooked deals back centuries…

I know the strong will take the weak and eat them for breakfast… and I have seen,
been a victim of such acts… where I lost jobs because someone wanted to make
a bigger bonus and couldn’t have cared less if I lived or died…been there, done that…

and I see brave words, from both of you, about the inequality of our lives…
ok, so, what are you going to do about it?.. not talk about it, but do something
about it… see that is the problem, what is your course of action that will end
this ongoing, as you say, “conspiracies to control the world” ok, let us assume
your thesis, so what are you going to do about it?

what course of action will you take to end these “conspiracies”? I would like
to see a plan of action… as a former anarchist who did try to destroy
the existing institutions and I might add, failed, what is your course of action
that I and thousands of other like us, generations ago, the 70’s and 80’s, also tried to do…

You seem to forget that generations of people have tried to change the world
and end the corruption and disease of the modern world… the corruption is still
there which means we failed… so what will you try that is new?

ok, I accept your idea’s, now what? show me a path that ends the powers to be
and install a new system where there are no more conspiracies and no more
“powerful” people running the world…

what is your plan?

G: For now, rant about it on ILP. shrugs

What’re you going to do about it?

1st deny it, then backpedal.
K: oh for the love of god, you have absolutely no idea what happens after the “revolution”
some hand of god will appear and set everything set… what the fuck?

no wonder you two are such fuck up and failures… you have no idea what to do…

what does it take to take down America? neither one of you have a clue…
and what happens the day after the “revolution”?

and you call me idealistic and a believer in utopia… you have some fantasy/
delusion that after the revolution that everyone will be around the campfire
singing Kumbaya… bullshit…you have no clue as to what to do… before the
grand revolution and what happens the day after…

remember, I plotted this when I was an anarchist… to have a plan to
overthrow the capitalistic system…what was the plan to take down the system
and what is the plan the day after the revolution?

and you two clowns don’t even have a fucking plan before or after the revolution…


spinning grandiose bullshit to fool yourself that you are one mean muther because
you dream of overthrowning the system and you will laugh at the dead millions…

and what do you have in terms of a concrete plan to make this happen?

nothing, absolutely nothing…just a bunch of wishful thinking…




Yea, I hope it doesn’t come to violent revolution, I hope the masses wake up and support 3rd parties, independents and dissidents.
Trump was a start, he’s far from my ideal candidate, but would rather see him in there than an establishment dem like Joe Biden or an establishment rep like Jeb Bush, John Kasich or Marco Rubio.
If the the masses don’t wake up, then in my view, we will continue marching down the road to serfdom and slavery.
As things continue to fall apart, revolutionary groups may appear, I may join one of them if I believe in what they stand for.
We may lose, or we may succeed.
Or revolutionaries may not appear, the neofeudalists may get what they want, or something like it.
On the other hand, things may systemically collapse, in which case no one but the nihilists will get what they want, and I’ll be just as fucked as the average person, I’m not a soldier or survivalist.
Where did I say I think everything will just work out for the people or me personally somehow miraculously?

Yea, I hope it doesn’t come to violent revolution, I hope the masses wake up and support 3rd parties, independents and dissidents.
Trump was a start, he’s far from my ideal candidate, but would rather see him in there than an establishment dem like Joe Biden or an establishment rep like Jeb Bush, John Kasich or Marco Rubio.
If the the masses don’t wake up, then in my view, we will continue marching down the road to serfdom and slavery.
As things continue to fall apart, revolutionary groups may appear, I may join one of them if I believe in what they stand for.
We may lose, or we may succeed.
Or revolutionaries may not appear, the neofeudalists may get what they want, or something like it.
On the other hand, things may systemically collapse, in which case no one but the nihilists will get what they want, and I’ll be just as fucked as the average person, I’m not a soldier or survivalist.
Where did I say I think everything will just work out for the people or me personally somehow miraculously?
K: if you don’t have a plan for the revolution or the day after, then yes, you are hoping
for miracles…


Hmm, there could be something else going on with this whole financial inssurection against Wallstreet other than profiteers, political activists, financial cynics, and conservative nationalists giving it a giant ‘fuck you’.

For instance I’ve heard people as far away as Brazil, Mexico, or Vietnam buying the short squeeze shares concerning international foreign investors and buyers.

This could be an example of the Asian dragon of the east deciding to devour the little Davids of Wallstreet, if that is the case apparently the alliance the little Davids of Wallstreet thought they had with the Asian dragon isn’t what they thought it would originally be, a potential strong ally of theirs has instead turned on them. China destroying the United States stock market concerning economic warfare? I’m no fan of the communist Chinese [love their ethnic cuisine however] but if this is a major power move by them exploiting the current economic vulnerability of our nation I’m not going to complain about it either especially when I view those that control Washington D.C. or New York City as a far greater enemy than China.

If your enemies or adversaries decide to take each other out, why should you care, right? I say, let them take each other out.

As of today the current short stocks threatening everything are:

2. AMC
4. NOK

I’ve seen this sort of argument quite a lot.
There seems very little substance to it, such as basic name-calling. “Establishement Dem”, does not mean anything.
What do you actually think is wrong and what do you think needs be done to fix things?

I hope for the best, but I don’t expect it.
I’m hoping things can still be solved democratically, and through civil disobedience and unrest.
If they can’t, as things continue to sociopolitically and economically decline, and they will in all likelihood, I hope populist revolutionaries will appear.
Again I’m not a soldier, so I’ll leave the soldiering to them.
I’m a thinker and writer on subjects that interest me, like our decline and how things could be remedied sociopolitically and economically.

Establishment dems, like Biden and the Clintons, are typically career politicians.
They have the backing of the mainstream media and wall street.
They’re what I call international fascists, by and large they’re corporatists and war mongers, not true social democrats and peaceniks.
They’re obsessed with divisive identity politics, altho not as obsessed as some relatively antiestablishment dems like ‘the squad’ (AOC and so on).
They’re globalists, and Zionists, not protectionists, they fight Israel’s battles for it.
Anti-establishment dems like Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard are their antithesis within the democratic party.
They’re true social democrats, peaceniks, protectionists and they’re not obsessed with divisive identity politics, they’d rather promote unity instead.
They’re shunned by the MSM and wall street.

Looks at news today

It would appear the short squeeze insurrection against Wallstreet was finally put down today. The feds squashed and annihilated it over the weekend, they must of had a pretty busy weekend. Nothing ever happens anymore.

I keep hoping for a fast quick accelerated collapse where instead we just get this slow painful drawn out bullshit [20yrs], I’m not happy with it. sighs

Also, if the Chinese were getting in on the action today, where the fuck were they? The Chinese equivalence of the C.I.A. must really suck over there, no wonder the Indians on their national border over there beat them with their bare hands, they must be really mentally inept or something.

The commie bastards had their chance to take advantage of the vulnerability or economic weakness of the United States in recent weeks, but didn’t. Stupid bastards.

Gloominary, there’s very little difference between political parties anymore, they infiltrate, blackmail, and bribe everybody nowadays. On the rare occasion they come across a politician they can’t manipulate, they’ll kill them or do a public character assassination hit piece against them through the mainstream media thus removing them from office. The mainstream media has become almost a quasi religious institutional church in this country anymore and anybody that challenges their perception of things are deemed heretics. You all can keep wasting your time on voting or political parties, that’s all it is, one giant waste of time.

I’ll say this about Wallstreet, they’re absolute Sith Lords of economic, social, and political warfare, and of course they are because they have practically invented the whole game as its creators. Us political dissenters and rebels are new to the game barely able to conduct an operation to put a single dent into them. Ah well, the great game continues.

Hmm, it’s starting to look like everybody got played with Wallstreet Bets, well, glad I didn’t invest any money even though I was half tempted there for awhile. The so called financial insurrection looks more and more by the day as a sort of astroturf ploy of hedgefund traders to bleed individual retail investors dry and give momentum to political economic regulations. [That comes next of course and Joe Biden with the democrats undoubtedly will lead that charge.]

If that is the case, it’s sort of a good sign, shows how really desperate they are in a way. You wouldn’t design something like that if you weren’t desperate for something. And here I was hoping it was a genuine insurrection against Wallstreet by a handful of individual investors, silly me. Won’t make that mistake twice. #-o :sunglasses:

I’m afraid, this will only stop after they have fought themselves so much, that they will either be willing to compromise or disappear altogether.

But the more important question for us is: Will we still be there then? And if so, how will we be then?

Did you realise that you are a Marxist?