We all go through journeys in life. We grow, change, gain experience. We have an ending (so to speak), we achieve so much through the simply journey alone. What can be said about the journey of a soliphist?
That is to say, soliphism is real… what would the journey of that person signify, what can that say about the person’s outcomes etc?
I’ve been wondering about this for a while, so any discussion would be really appreciated.
All life is a journey. I agree. But does the acutal journey have meaning or is it the person at the end of the journey that has the meaning? Maybe I’m not grasping your question correctly, but I don’t think the journy has any significance beyond it being the motivating factor in the transormation of this individual. I’m falling asleep at the keyboard agan… let me go.
Everything and everyone is in your head. Fine.
Nothing is real? Over it already.
If everything is in your head and the world is created by your mind, then exploring and learning about the world would be a voyage of self discovery.
Why did I put that there? I made some people to love and some to hate? What does that say if most people are indifferent to me?
If everything is in your head does that mean you’ve put everything there for a reason?
Wouldn’t soliphism be the most fulfilling life possible? I mean it should be fundimentally more meaningful than the alternative… that everything is real, things can happen for no reason at all and your purpose in life seems to be to work weekdays, pop out children and live until you don’t.
Soliphism? Sign me up!