When you click on “new posts” here there are now 13 threads. And 9 of them are actually in the philosophy forum.
Wouldn’t it be nice if that became the rule again rather than the exception? Folks in a forum called I Love Philosophy actually proving it.
Maybe it’s because so many of the Kids are now gone. And so many from the KT claque.
Or, sure, maybe it’s an act of God. [-o<
For a moment I was horrified that people might think I had a claque. Then I realized my negative narcissism had misled me.
Not very likely that I’ll ever have my own clique or claque. My point of view is just too disturbing for most. “I” as an existential contraption embracing value judgments ever refabricated in a world of contingency chance and change?
No thanks most rejoin.
And it appears as though Satyr’s own clique and claque over at KT is about to tumble over into the abyss. Unless there is something going on there that I’m not privy to. Hell, a few years ago [here] the ILP/KT wars were being fought with fierce determination.
Now KT’s “traffic” has basically slowed to a trickle.
On the other hand, I’ve often yearned for the equivalent of “the dungeon” here at ILP. A place where I could engage the Satyrean ubermen no holds barred.
You simply don’t come across objectivists of their ilk everyday. Besides, his kind actually do take the pursuit of philosophy very, very seriously indeed. Unlike so many here. It’s just that there is only one way in which to take philosophy seriously in minds of that sort.
But that’s where “I” come in.
I’ll need some elaboration here. Or is this meant only to be ironic?