Kant doing Hegel/Nietzsche B4 it wuz kewl ;)

If I had no respect I wouldn’t even engage.

You need to offer stronger counter arguments & stop getting so butthurt!

Straw man!

…and you have totally missed the point… it’s not that you post in other people’s threads, it’s that you post off-topic derailments in other peoples’ threads. How easy you forget.

Moot irrelevance… after having totally missed the point.

No need to respond further… I’ve made my point.

throws gloves down

I demand an example.

Wow. Merry Christmas!

There it is…text.
If it’s text…it’s over.

It’s only just begun.

I surrender.

Soon, I will flee…helpless to cut through the intertwining matrices of codes.

Your mask(s)? Or the rest of you?

Among the masked, participating in a masked ball, a theater of the absurd…I always wear my mask.

So why flee?

All is pretence…even my fleeing…all is fake…all is a lie.

Oh. Charles says “same”.

Among liars…the honest man risks his life.
Among thieves…nobody is guilty.

“Way to hold, defend, and enjoy the fruits of your/the truth.” - name withheld


Meaningless word salad.

Ok, I’ll start over.

They don’t need a law to live by because they are the law they live by. (At first it sounded like we were going to agree.) The law describes them. Only one (triunity) is described by that law because only one exists their essence. That is the fullness of Being.

Correspondence with God. Synchronizing of the wills.

I have heard a subset of Christians say something along the lines of the law not applying to God. I can’t remember their reasoning, but God is the substance of the Good — otherwise it’s a mere abstract nothing. That’s why also he demonstrates it. Love is an abstract nothing without demonstration. And not even a sweet one!

You seem to be saying, more/also (moreso), though, that Nietzsche turned all vengeance/retribution into revenge & if he was innately good, the idea of which he kept, he would not have needed to invert/overcome anything. Insightful. :slight_smile:

note to selves^^