Lessons on Causality

Oh, so going around spamming threads with FUCK YOU! FUCK THIS! FUCK EVERYBODY! is not bullying?

You have much to teach me, prom, do go on… teach me to be innocent, to be a victim. Should I break down and cry, beg polishyouth to stop, PLEASE, PLEASE LEAVE MY THREAD ALONE!!!



By the way, that’s a flat hat, not a fedora prom, gawd…


Alright alright, prom and gib, both of you want a Lesson on Causality, I get it…

Spinoza’s Monadology was indeed a huge push forward in Philosophy and History, concerning Atomic Theory, Teleology, and a reinvigoration of Monotheism, an analysis into the Metaphysical Substance of existence. It was not only the basics of Physics and Mathematics (via the Cartesian Plot system), but inspired the move toward Metaphysics in the centuries to come. What is the basis of Reality? What is existence “made of”? Here is a simple analogy. You take a rock, a piece of wood, a drop of water, a hunk of iron, etc. You cut it in half, and again, and again, and again until its “base particulate” occurs. This occurs on an infinitesimal ‘Nano’ level. It is “beneath” human observation and ability.

I will make a side-note here, prom pay attention. Kant later made analytical arguments and reasoning that, because this singular ‘Monad’ substance must “pre-exist” everywhere in nature and existence, at all times (a priori) then it must also be inherent not only in the physical body of humans, but also of the mind. And because it is within the mind & brain, that any insight humanity can have into Nature, is a reflection of that innate-substance or base-particulate. To Kant, this meant that “The Universe” is somewhat “informing itself” via the human mind. This he differentiated through his concepts “a posteriori” (after realization), along with his descriptions of Analytic and Synthetic Reasoning, which he deemed “Pure Reason”.

Essentially Spinoza’s Monadology today is simply “Atomic Theory” and represented in Chemistry as the Periodic Table of Elements.

But, all of these theories and insights have progressed to today.

Ding ding ding!

Oh, the school bell is up already? Darn, I was just getting started. Prom, you are dismissed.

Prom, to you Spinoza is Guns N’ Roses. But Kant came along like Aerosmith, cannot be beaten even to this day. You may disagree, you may not like all or most of his songs, but there’s definitely one that gets you. And nobody can dispute his Reign.

Kant made some bold mother fucking claims, like, that Mathematics is ingrained into the fabric of existence. And that if you have a feral child, with no education or human contact, that that child will still have ‘innate’ reasoning and logical ability concerning the nature of existence, and that mathematics is understood on a purely logical level, which he called Analytical a posteriori reasoning, if I’m not mistaken. Unfortunately, I haven’t cracked the full walnut of Kant yet, was kind of saving that for my retirement years… but Kant is the powerhouse still today.

Hey polishyouth, not right now… mmk?

You’re talking to the purple dragon, bro :evilfun:

Okay, gib and prom,

I agree with Kant. I believe there are innate logical structures within the base-particulate matter of existence. And this appears as their metaphysical structure, which also appears in chemistry and physics.

For example, that this or that element or compound acts a certain way, that some metals are liquid, that some fires burn cold, that some liquids and gasses freeze at different temperatures, etc.

Kant recognized this, and applied it to the “mind” and to human reasoning, which is simply mind-blowing.

It appears through analogy.

That a statement or argument can explode like a phosphorus grenade, and you can’t survive that.

Kant analyzed this, and believe there is a connection between the understanding and the “thought itself”, which admittedly is a bad description, but humanity isn’t necessarily sophisticated enough to communicate what the ‘reasoning’ actually is. Like, how exactly is this or that sentence or statement like a phosophorus grenade? How does any brain even make the analogy, unless, there is something innate between both the phosphorus grenade and any particular idea.

There has to be a ‘connection’. And because there has to be a connection, then this applies to Causality too. I’m not necessarily saying all of this is ‘known’ or agreed upon, hardly. What I mean to say, is that the Big Mystery goes deeper.

No doxxing me… :frowning:

Okay, let’s go even further.

I can be wrong on this one, quote me…

There is something about the base-particulate Nature of Matter, that the connection between a thought and a phosphorus grenade, is essentially the same “thing”. I believe Kant referred to this as A priori Synthetic Reasoning, if I’m not mistaken. Regardless, he seems to be the first to tap deeply into it. But, Spinoza connected it with ‘God’. The initial analyses were pretty rudimentary.

It’s kind of like… the very essence of matter, has a memory. Isn’t that fucking insane???

And that that memory, doesn’t even need to be in the Past, but it can be in the Future???

According to James - matter IS memory - the universe’s memory of a past event.

It makes sense to me. There is something about the “Order” of particulate matter that conveys messages and “memories” universally. I believe it goes beyond time & space as well. Memories of the past, and the future.

This isn’t overly-complicated. It’s as simple as witnessing a repeating pattern, and you expect it to continue. That’s it. Yet, what the Big League Philosophers already did, was they analyzed that repeating pattern, and discovered that there are countless within the base particulate matter, compounds, physics, chemistry, etc. and that they persist throughout Nature. They are Timeless.

They can also be manipulated, which sparked the discoveries of the Enlightenment Era, to today.

I don’t think I can go along with “memories of the future” because that defies both causality - and language definition.

I don’t think that worked out as they expected - size and form actually turned out to have both a lower and upper limit - extrapolations don’t always work. :smiley:

I would speculate that also constructive complexity has a limit. :-k

I’m a bit upset with Joker…he convinced me the end of the world was at hand and I took out my life savings, bought a dune-buggy, a couple of machine guns and thousands of rounds and I kept waiting…and waiting…for the borders to open so I can go down there and establish a Mad Max warrior cult band.
He, of course, will be the brains, and I the entertainment and go-fer…or his royal fluffer.

Cause = me gullible
Effect = me broke and frustrated

Solution = determined …no solution. Cosmic fate.


And for all those, out there in the wastelands who had spectacular dreams and high hopes that never panned out…gold dust washed through the mesh of time.
Ah, my friends…we all had such amazing dreams.

Don’t worry, 2024 and another Trump presidency is right around the corner!
