Lessons on Causality

I’m thinking water-world----Mad Max on the waves.


Let da farmers farm…we’ll take it away from them.

This will be our battle song.


Pirates on the deserts of the real.

A follow up question:

How is causality and modeling of the past(history) related?

Cause = what I participated in to produce an effect.
Cause = reason why I am happy or sad.

Causes - past - manifesting as effects - present - which are the causes of what has yet to be determined - future.
My participation is in the form of choice. Will directing an organism towards a objective.

Meaning = interlaced matrices connecting causes and effects.
Every connection evaluated subjectively. Every subjective evaluation tested through application - action, movement. Every subjective application causing effects - successes or failures in relation to the objective, intent.
Failure indicates an insufficient evaluation. Success a sufficient one.
Judgement adjusts and retries…re-trinagulates, gradually moving closer towards an objective, if it is realistic, i.e., realizable, and not a figment of the imagination, and if the subject has sufficiently evaluated the objective and itself.

Different genes are responsible for different brain structures and logical circuits, some ethnic/racial groups across the world are more logical than another, some more creative, some more willing to take risks, etc. Learning and accepting these mental differences is critical to understanding the causes of behaviors. Behaviors are also ingrained in instinct, resulting in: Morality. Across time, ethnic groups build their own Cultures to identify themselves and to secure their Pride.

You may want to skim through some of the recent responses, try to ignore the madness and insanity if you are willing, to where Gib responded and brought the discussion back to essential Causes. Causation is physical. But in humanity, and life, the primary motive (motivations) of organisms are encoded in the DNA, which creates an unconscious impulse (reflex) to various stimulations in life, for example, the fight/flight/freeze response.

Uh oh, the Khanate is back …count me in!

History = precedent.
The map of a geography. A product of meticulous measurements and applications.
Mental map.
Reality = geography - fluid, dynamic.

If the map sufficiently represents the geography the traveler - subject - may hope to reach his/her destination - objective.
If not, he will be forever lost in the deserts of the real …in his mental maps of nothing and nowhere. A map of Tolkien’s Middle-Earth will not help the nihilist reach any destination in the real world.
It will only frustrate his every attempt to reach what he so desires to reach…and may cause him to constantly complain and declare the world as entirely imaginary.

For Instance…if you want to reach Rivendell where beautiful Elves reside…you ain’t never going to find the desired one and give her your onme-ring to bind them.

Even on the high seas triangulations are necessary to reach a destination.

Subject = ship.
A star = a not so fluctuating point in the world, and the objective.

It’s also now clear that you’ve never read Kant, urwrong. And it looks like you didn’t even make it four pages into Kant for Dummies either.

This forum is like a bubble of bumbling boobs who all appear brilliant and insightful to each other.

Now that catharsis has expunged all the angry retard energy at the forum, the retards all huddle up, make friends, and post links to horrible music videos.

It truly isn’t a fascinating study of human nature. I think there might be more cutting edge science and sociology in studying a cage full of gerbils.

Cause: A public defender gets cold, stale coffee at McDonald’s from the night before, putting him in a bad mood
Effect: Zoot gets 5 years in the slammer

Cause - rage craze veering towards intoxicated in-sanity.
Effect = calming, soothing…return to sober sanity.

Keepin’ it real brah…
Real dumb.
For the kids…as the genius would say.

Brain evolved to manage risk - risk assessment organ.
Computing odds…
Cause…negative vs positive Effect.
Assessment, judgement…does the positive outweigh the negative probabilities.

Choice is the problem.
If choice is “an illusion” as the mentally healthy foreskin bothers told us in the movie, then is the consequence also an illusion?
So, there’s no “anomaly” in the system.
There is no “problem”. Only destiny. Determined by the program.
The mind turns to superstition.“I am cursed”…“I’ve wronged god”…“It’s in the stars”.
I am neo, the one

Choice = will.

Look at the lack of conviction and self respect. This piece of trash lorikeet has been calling magsj a ‘brown cow’ for years… and now their rubbing elbows at an ILP cocktail party.

You people are made of silly putty.

They’re all yours, Biggs. I’m out.

The instinct underneath intelligence, that precedes the brain’s development across Evolution, is pattern-seeking and recognition.

The pattern “itself” is deemed cause or effect, based on the Subject’s perspective. One person’s Cause, can be another’s Effect.

The mind then compares that pattern to other similar patterns, and intuits when a pattern is close or nearly exact.

There can be no ‘exact’, no Identical, because of displacement across time & space. Progression of time makes a pattern repeat.

Thus no pattern, even if “identical” can be the same. Therefore, Cause & Effect, assigning cause (Causality), is an Artistic/Creative process.

I luvs me chocolate milk.
Suckling delights.

Diggin’ and diggin…historical revisionism…narratives, building a case to send me to the bird cage.

Willing…intending…choosing…hoping a desired effect will follow the narrated cause.

Aw c’mon, don’t goooo…! We haven’t done the gift exchange yet!

Cause…a beautiful piece of ass.
I likes what I sees…or it is accessible, and I like it.
That is a factor.
What is accessible is automatically more desirable than what is not.

I make risk analysis.


Imagine how we participate in the determination of an effect, unconsciously, impulsively…
Subtle gestures, tones of voice, facial expressions, physical mannerisms each contributing to the probability of A occurring instead of B.
Each subtle thing contributing to a probability, compounded by how others react to it, consciously and unconsciously.

Imagine all the data we perceive, but do not process consciously, each one contributing to our subsequent reactions, our mannerisms, gestures, facial expressions.
We give off and receive data without knowing it.


Add of this the multiplying factor of time.
Years, decades of data processed unconsciously and reacted to unconsciously. then producing an effect we consciously do not know how it came about.

Now imagine that this consciously and unconsciously perceived data is not entirely ordered, but has chaotic factors affecting them.

A moron takes himself as an example and projects the conclusion that others are envious of him…
He projects his need to be envied as a fact.

Mistaking interest in him as a product of envy and not because of some other reason, another cause.
For instance, a desire for conflict…for banter…for creative trash talkin’.
A product of disgust…rather than fear.
As in homophobia, as in xenophobia.

The US uses this “reasoning”.
Why do other peoples hate America?
They are jealous of her power.
They fear her power.

The possibility that it may be disgust…a consequence of a reaction to perceived toxicity, never enters the minds of simpletons. There’s no philosophical manual on it, no idol to refer and defer to…no will to outsource their opinions.
Like when you come across faeces…do you fear it…do you hate it…are you jealous of it?
No…it disgusts you.
Gag Reflex.
You may want to clean it away so that it no longer assaults your senses.

Now you off and keep quiet, you’ve “won” already.
Hush…let the usher lead you to the door.


Well, many here told me to stop talking to you, but I didn’t… coz I have a mind of my own, you see.

I debated with many like He when I first joined ILP, and they’d always end up DMing me to offer their penis/sexual services, but I kindly declined. 8-[

Satyr and I have a secret love-child… :-$ isn’t he adorable… he’s more cow than goat… took more after me than He, but has both our brains…
