let us take Sammy at his word....

and we do as he asks, which is a genocide of black people
and deport all immigrants… now that is to pretend that
those two actions don’t cause the next civil war because they will,
but hay, Sammy isn’t an American, so what does he care?

let us pretend that a civil war doesn’t start, and we successfully
kill all blacks, as Sammy wants and we deport all immigrants…

now what?

the betting money on how long America lasts is, the over/under is
5 years before America collapses… some optimist might say, 10 years
before America collapses, but they are optimist…

and why would America collapse after 5 years? and because Sammy only
lives for his act, and not see/focus on the consequences of the genocide
of blacks and the deporting of immigrants… I shall bring them to you…

for the most part, virtually all restaurants in America collapses…
and why? for several reasons, if we deport all the immigrants, who
exactly is picking our crops? that lettuce on your plate didn’t
miraculously get there…or the potatoes didn’t mysteriously appear?
someone has to go out into the fields and pick them… are you willing
to work in the hot sun for a couple of bucks and no benefits of any kind
to pick tomatoes… or Garlic?

when immigrants come into this country or any other country for that matter,
they get the really shitty jobs, they don’t take away IT jobs or become
lawyers or instantly become a teacher… Nah, that takes years of training
and collage… they pick crops or they buss tables or they do yard work,
and all of those industries requires labor and the only people willing to that
shitty work, is… immigrants…remove the immigrants and America itself
will collapse in 5 years… for do you realize that those relatively cheap
prices of produce is because of the cheap labor picking it? the more expensive
the labor to make a product, the higher price of a product will be…
that is basic business practice… if labor costs are high, the product
price will be high…

and once we remove the immigrants, a plate of salad will cost 20 or 30 bucks…
easy…and all produce prices will go through the roof… as will meat prices…
our economy is really based on the production of two items, corn and wheat…
recall that I am a Midwest boy… if we don’t have cheap labor bringing in
those two crops, the price of everything will go sky high… a steak that
now costs $50, will go to $300 or more dollars… as the bottom line of
business cost is really labor, the cost of labor really determines the cost
of products in America…no labor, no products… it is as simple as that…
and that is one way Sammy’s deportation of immigrants will destroy

Now let us take a historical situation and follow it out…
let us think about Nazi Germany and its attack on the Jews,
gays, communist and Gypsies… would have gone without WW2…

Would Nazi Germany have survived, as a country without the Jews,
or gays or communist or Gypsies? Nah, for exactly the same reason
America collapses without the immigrants… Nazi Germany was
doomed even before WW2… for the reasons that the state of Floridia
is collapsing… in FLA, there is a massive brain drain going on…
people are leaving FLA in droves because of the incredible
fascists things going on there… the banning of books, the turning
collages/universities into theological schools, the attack on gays
and trans people…I have a sister who lives in FLA and she is very right
wing, and even she says that the state is quickly turning ugly before
her eyes… she works in real estate, so she quickly sees what
the trends in the state are… collage professors are leaving,
as is medical personnel, and students… are leaving the collages
as quickly as possible… the state is badly run and has infrastructure
issues like clean water and electricity issues…

and given these broadcasts from the present, One can see how the future,
is going to work given the ongoing attempts to deport immigrants and
attack liberals and intellectuals… FLA is close to collapse as a state…
and it won’t be pretty…

that is the future that apparently Sammy wants…
for those are some of the consequences of what will happen if Sammy is
allowed to carry out his deportation of immigrants and the genocide of
blacks… the US collapses and we take the rest of the world with us…
don’t just accept what he says, think about the real world consequences of
acting as he suggest we should act…

it isn’t pretty…


Acts are consequences of minds with plans.

…or bodies without the mind’s plans, but preprogrammed or glitching stuff that occurs regardless of awareness.

Who is Sammy?

Quote where he has ever advocated for genocide, you vicious, evil Liar.

Go ahead, quote him.

Pretty hard to misinterpret this language…

K: Sammy is Lorikeet… cause I am convinced that Lori is really Sammy Davis Jr…
for a lot of reasons… so, I call him Sammy…


K: I thank you Costard for your posting… It would have taken me days to find
that post…


Hmmm, maybe I can’t read too gud, Costarded… where did he mention “black people” in that response???

Fucking liars.

The Libtards are scared shitless. They fear Hitler in every dark corner. They take ‘culling’, as is done regularly on farms across the US and entire world, every year…as meaning that Hitler is going to jump out of the shadows and start exterminating American Negroes and World Jewry en masse. But, the Libtards are too stupid to differentiate their own, personal fears, with objective reality. Culling means, killing cows when a farm is overpopulated, or diseased. The overpopulated or diseased bovines are taken to the slaughterhouse, cut apart into meat.

The Libtards believe, that because this happens to cows, that it’s going to happen to them and their precious House Negroes too. This is why they jump between Lies so willingly and obviously, so readily. They don’t understand the main point.

Are humans culled? How? Can you imagine how this would be done, willingly? How about a mass pandemic? How about “vaccines”? Wouldn’t that be a perfect vector to which to cull the “Human” masses? No war needed. No Hitler Version 2.0 either. You just inject the masses, and boom, your work is done. Sounds like a perfect method of culling if it were to be used on people.

War? I don’t see Lorikeet advocating for war or “killing black people”. That’s entirely within your own minds, Libtards, your own Psychosis and Fear.

You are revealing what you Fear.

are you kidding me? Sammy attacks black people and immigrants
on a daily if not hourly basis… every single day… he makes it clear
that he hates them… with every single post attacking black people…
where their only crime is really just being black… he does this a lot…
and if you can’t see that, you are blind and/or really stupid… and
my money is on being stupid, but hay that’s me…


So you’re admitting you have no quotes and are lying???

Got it, anything else?

If I say life is mortal… am I advocating the extermination of life.
If I say dolphins are smarter than sharks, am I advocating for the extinction of sharks?
When I say predation keeps herds healthy, am I advocating the extermination of herd species?
If I say pit bulls are more violent than poodles, am I advocating the extermination of pit bulls?

When is speaking the truth a plan to do anything?

That’s implied, throughout many of his posts.

What, exactly, is a ‘holocaust’ in animal husbandry? Does a farmer say I’m just going to go out today and holocaust the pigs? It’s a particular term, meaning devestation by fire, which is associated with the barbaric acts committed by the Nazis against the Jews in WWII. It’s hard to misinterpret it especially when it comes from an admitted Holocaust denier like Lorikeet.

Quote me denying the “holocaust”…the only holocaust you know of and acknowledge.
Do you only know of that holocaust, Androgyne?
One quote.
Fuckin hypocrites.

One quote where I advocate the killing of blacks.

Fucking cowards.

Implied, by YOU and the moron OP. Not stated. Not quoted. The difference is your fear and your projection.

Farmers “holocaust” their herds, sometimes, when they’re diseased with certain ailments that they cannot butcher. The livestock are burned.

aphis.usda.gov/animal_healt … urning.pdf

I can’t find the exact quote now, but I clearly remember you saying that the Nazis did not perpetrate a Holocaust on the Jews, they had no plan to do so.

My god… you’re retarded. Yes Dragon, a farmer burning dead livestock is the definition of a holocaust.

Fucking hell.

I said it wasn’t as severe as the Jews later propagandized it.
There were far worse holocausts in the history of man…one being the one perpetrated against native Americans, by Americans…you lying sack of shit.

But brainwashed automatons, like you and your buddy, only ever parrot the same shit.
More than just Jews died during WWII…and there’s ethnic cleansing occurring right now in Palestine.

What a simple desperate mind you have.

I am permanently embedded in your mind.
I will be the last one you think of when you die.

Where do you think the word came from, before 1945, Costarded???

Do you think it was just magically created, then, and never heard of beforehand???

World History began in the 1930s???

You people are weird.

Of course culling means separating or killing.

That’s all you have to say about lorikeet.

As for Peter. It’s really sad that people are payed below minimum wage to make food accessible. Slaves and money…. Wage slaves and money.