You can’t escape it. Even the denial of Dichotomies is a Dichotomy in and of itself, Dichotomy vs Bichotomy. I’m not saying all things can be rigidly divided into two opposing categories, a and b. To be conscious is to discriminate. If everything is exactly the same, there would be nothing to be conscious of. Unless you die, or you lower your consciousness to that of a worm, or elevate your consciousness to that of a God, you will think in terms of dichotomies. I’m not saying this and that are completely unrelated (absolutism). How could there be tall without short, fine without coarse, pleasure without pain, etc. In other words, this has to be different from that in order for us to differentiate and distinguish things. Even if everything is really everthing, it is at least a persistent illusion that this appears to be this and that that. My coffee cup is not my computer, my computer is not my coffee cup. Of course, this can become that and that can become this. If we rearrange the particles of my computer, we may be able to construct a coffee cup and vice versa, but at least for the moment, they are two very different objects with very different properties.
Yes, life is a series of things and dichotomies. Notice there always seems to be two, not three or four. Good and evil, black and white, red and violet, beautiful and ugly. Is the world of opposites and things just a mental construct. Are our brains designed to decode a monistic, bichotomic (it should be a word) world into a pluralistic, dichotomic hallucination?
Some dichotomies and things seem to be more complex and broad than others. For example, galaxies are made up of trillions of individual things and some dichotomies appear more fundamental than others. More being vs less being is perhaps more fundamental than tall and short, big and small, wide and narrow.
Life is a series of dichotomies and we must inevatably choose which opposite is more real/good than the other. Scientists have made their choice. The vast majority of them believe consciousness is a byproduct of chemistry and not the other way around. They believe the creation is real and the creator (god) is a projection. They believe that empirical (experience before thought) methods are superior to rational (thought before experience) methods. They believe the whole is the sum of it’s parts and wholes are made up of parts and not the other way around (reductionism). Those who believe the opposite are just as Dichotomistic as scientists (idealists, theists, rationalists, wholists, etc).
Perhaps both sides of the dichotomy are equally real/good and dependant on each other for their continued existence, and this endless choosing between this and that is tantamount to insanity, perhaps not. Could matter exists without someone to be conscious of it? Conversely, could consciousness exist without something to be conscious of (objects, other subjects)? Like I said earlier, the ultimate dichotomy is dichotomy vs bichotomy, or is that just an illusion too (albeit a rather persistent one). Maybe dichotomies couldn’t exist without bichotomies and vice versa. Both dichotomies and bichotomies may exist.
So what stance do you take on this? As philosophers, it is our job to remove ourselves from the particulars of life (telephones, bridges, apples) and focus on the universals. It is our job to focus on the broadest, most fundamental dichotomies, and not get too wrapped up in the narrow, trivial dichtomies of everday life (should i smoke a joint, or not, should i take my dog for a walk, or not). Love vs hate, life vs dead, similar vs different, which one is more true/good, or are they mutually dependant on each other for their continued existence. We must decide for ouselves, which side of the debate we’re on, but one thing is for certain, the debate will go on. Right or wrong, This or that. To philosophize is to discriminate. Hmmm, this would be a good place to end this post… but I have more to say.
All things may have the potential to become their opposite. Animate objects become inanimate objects. Soil becomes plants and animals. Day gives way to night. Joy gives way to sorrow. Are we kidding ourselves? Is all this endless cycling between opposites an illusion, a snake chasing it’s tail (ouroboros)? In the long run, everything may be everything and division may be an illusion. How absurd is that? Am I an orange? Am I a table cloth? If so, what is the point of this existence?