
After 20 years in Philosophy, and learning real, actual Philosophy from a real, actual Greek-Hellene, I can begin formulating some conclusions, or hypotheses at the very least…

A main pattern I notice in Westerners is: illiteracy. Protestantism/Liberal-Leftism/Secularism prides itself on “taking back educational control” from Old World Vatican-Roman Catholic Europe…by “educating everybody” in the masses. Hence they believe that all societal problems can be “educated out of”. And that you can ‘integrate’ the recently freed Southern Negro farmhands, forcibly put them into Southern white schools (at gunpoint btw), and white and black children can be “educated/nurtured” together under some type of Universalist (Protestant) doctrine or Manifest Destiny.

They failed…big time.

It’s been decades, nearly a century since Jim Crow and De-segregation, and look at the results today. There is no “Equity”. There is no Equality or Sameness. There is no Similarity, between the races and genders. It’s the opposite, everything is going in different directions, more starkly, more extremely, more specialized. Because Protestants…Liberal-Lefty-Secular-Zionists, have their logical premises and core metaphysical beliefs all fucked-up. They were founded on an “Empire of Lies”, and so they shall produce Lied-upon results. The masse are mystified, becoming mortified. How could we be so wrong?! -they think to themselves. Because they don’t understand the original intent underneath their lies. And lies compared to what??? -except Nature. Except that, you cannot train a beast to become a man. And I don’t mean this racially per se, but even, individually.

So it is with (IL)Literacy. The masses cannot be trained to read and write. I mean, you can try, and we all see the results right here and now, but they are doomed to failure. Because they don’t know how to read and write. They don’t know what to read and write. They don’t know why to read and write. And they don’t know who to read and write to. Thus, the Protestant Westerner, cannot become Literate of his/her own accord and intention.

According to the Roman-Catholics and Hellenes, the Græco-Romans, only certain classes of mankind has the ability to read and write in a Literate fashion. These types are called ‘Sons of Ariston’. These are the types who eventually became and developed Roman authority, into Catholicism. They became Priests, Bishops, Dukes, and European Royalty, in how they controlled education, information, and the power that comes from authentic Literacy. The peasants were Ignorant by comparison. They might be gifted access to education, learning the alphabet, but never about what Literacy is for.

How to understand Existence, and Why to understand Existence.

Instead, the backward and ignorant European peasant classes, the serfs, the slaves, the rural pagans, clung to their Illiteracy as a badge of honor and pride. They would stay backward and resentful, out of spite, against those damn Catholics! -to “the end” of time. Hence why, instead of through the European levers of power and class-ascension, they found in Jews and Judaism, a useful backroad to literacy. If they could not (and did not) succeed through Catholic institutions of political and cultural powers…then they would use the backdoors and backroads. They would make “their own” churches.

Now these failures appear in every small facet and crevice in Western Civilization.

I’ll give everybody an example of the usual Illiteracy, simply, repeat a sentence or statement back to me:

A man feeds 50 doves a bag of seeds.

The average Westerner cannot understand nor accept such a sentence. S/he feels an invasion to her brain, an affront and offense. Why should she receive such a statement and integrate it into memory? Why should anybody, listen to another? Unless you are an Authority? Unless you have political power? Unless you have the Authority of God-Himself? Anything short of such, absolute power, is irrelevant and offensive. Not tolerated. Thus you cannot repeat the phrase, A man feeds 50 doves a bag of seeds, because you cannot accept the premise prima facie. Because there is no basis for Intellectual Honesty.

In order to have Intellectual Honesty, hence any type of Philosophy, you need a Dialogue between two minds which can ‘Open’ (and receive data) and ‘Close’ (to project data). Without this interchange, a Dialogue cannot be had, dissapates into Monologue. The average Westerner is Monologuing, attempting to fulfill a sensation of Vanity and Narcissism, wanting to be Heard, to be Seen, to be Accepted, to be Received, but finding no community or society which will heed them. And why not? Because this average Westerner, “Protestant”, Liberal-Lefty-Secular-Humanist really has nothing to say! S/he is not saying anything new or relevant. She is not connecting with another. She has NO empathy! She has no intent to learn about the world. Or at least, to learn in such a way that diminishes her own self-value. Thus the Egotism and self-centeredness of average people, prevents listening/reception, and hence, blocks Literacy and Dialogue.

Communication cannot be had. And this forum is proof of it…simply browse from thread to thread were dialogues hypothetically take place, or at least, arguments!

Where are the premises being shared, and received? Being repeated? Because if you cannot understand your opponents’ premises…then you CANNOT CLAIM TO BE LITERATE!

Word Magic

Hollywood = art of semiotic manipulation.
Marketing = science of semiotic manipulation.
Politics = power through semiotic manipulation.

Superstitions, Placebo effect, hypnosis …the power of suggestion on gullible, needy, vulnerable psyches.
Magic incorporates the subject into its methodology, triggering emotional reactions using semiotics: symbols/words.
Symbols/Words are used to exploit a subject’s need/desire, helping it self-deceive.

Sequential order of triggering words triggering esoteric dynamics, experienced through their effect on the physical, the body.
Magical powers always have a linguistically determined range of effect. Beyond this range they are entirely impotent.

Literacy requires a large degree of creativity and artistry, on top of intelligence. Intelligence, by itself, is not enough. This lends credence to Autism and anti-social disorders, all involved in communication and thus illiteracy. How can a coward, who cannot look other people in the eyes, expect to communicate properly or successfully? You can tell, quickly, who on this forum would be respectful in real-time conversation or debate. It doesn’t take long for most people to balk on controversial issues or basic argumentation. Few people are willing to defend their core-values when it comes to complex intellectual deconstruction.

Most people cannot justify their core-beliefs. Hence why they hesitate in conversation.

Or on this forum and those like it…expose themselves in textual conversation.

Take the concept of free-will and how it has been defined in a way that makes it impossible.
Defined out of existence.

We act freely every day…yet we can never choose the supernatural options, so we declare ourselves unfree.

We participate in the determination of our fate with every conscious and unconscious act of will, but we cannot fully comprehend nor control it, so we declare ourselves innocent, because we are not gods.

We succumb to our base needs and desires, and are unable to control our impulses, so we feel enslaved by them…un-free…and seek absolution.
We could not resist…we could not stop ourselves…so we are innocent…not to be held responsible for our actions.

We are unable to control unconscious cosmic forces, nor the actions and judgements and choices of other living being, so we feel helpless, powerless…
How can we control other beings, or unconscious forces?
If we are not omnipotent then we are impotent.

If we are not absolute masters of our fate, then we must be victims, slaves to fate.

It’s all in how you define words.
Is it to clarify the experienced, or to conceal it; obscure it; mystify it?