I think there was a Burrough’s quote somewhere that’s been flipping around in my mind like a trout in a waterless bucket for about two years. Let me start by saying I’m not religious…I never say things like “I believe in God.” These are just musings…God for me is the MT (Mysterium Tremendum).
Burroughs loosely (and paradoxically) said: “God is, by definition, devoid of friction, and so he had to create his own friction by creating the world…”
It implies two things for me:
God was lacking something and our existence is the biggest self-help program of all time. This notion might explain our feeling of disconnection, or any morosity that might result from failing to see any sort of extrinsic meaning to life.
Disconnection is precisely what God needed…maybe a way to learn or watch by witnessing the stories unfold…the brave quest of people in a world that threatens to seem pointless at every turn…or on another day God can watch as we revel in various gifts and offerings…as we bite into apples and marvel at the tingling of our tastebuds.
Overall, this song/poem is my hopeful vision of God exalting those people who ADMIT they don’t know things, or think they are a fuckup BECAUSE they seem to have no footing. I think watching us admit we don’t know things is what really rocks God for the better, and hearing him admit as much is my fantasy, which is self-defeating, but a nice fantasy, nonetheless.
Also, there’s a feeling that there are things about MT we can’t know. And when we nibble (philosophize) all the way to the outside membrane of the sacred truths, we butt up against the impregnable and yet we gnaw and gnaw because we can’t stop…until our teeth flatten, and we keep gnawing until we gnaw ourselves away…and maybe that’s okay. Maybe that’s what’s best.
And I think sometimes OUR very existence is the result of God gnawing herself away, gnawing against some impregnable membrane to get at some Truth that WE, you and me, are supposed to be earning the hard way and passing on like nectar, and no it might not seem FAIR to us. And all along it is not the content that lies on either side of the membrane, God’s side, or our side, that holds the sacred Truth. Rather the sacred Truth is the membrane itself. Maybe when we realize that, God will, too.
And the beat goes on.
So next time you feel devoid of friction, derealized, depersonalized, isolated…maybe God is watching to see how YOU deal with it. And he’s taking notes.