Is loser someone who tries to achieve things but fails in the attempt. If, yes, then we are all losers at some stage in our lives.
If a loser is someone who is poor, weak, stupid, ugly. Then we are all losers. When someone calls another person a loser, that just goes to show how shallow they really are.
I don’t understand the rational behind calling others losers. If the word loser is an obscene word, then those using it should grow up. If those using the word use it to show their target that they do not want to be their friend. Then I say, why would anyone want to be friends with someone so shallow?
Could someone please explain why they call another person a loser? It is a facinating social phenonemon.
A loser is someone who commonly does not win. In some cases when only one thing has taken place and you didn’t win, this would make you a loser. In the case that many times you fail at attempts to do things then siciety would label you a loser. this is mainly an insult used against men because they judge who they are by what they accomplish so if they are a loser they do not feel highly about themselves. So calling someone a loser implies that they are not living up to their own standard of living.
in a 100 m race, when someone run faster than someone else, that person is known as a “winner”. But in actual fact, that “winner” only ran faster. He’s the fastest. The term winner and loser is ambiguous. People only feel insulted if they pay the insulter too much attention.
I myself hate the word “loser”. It is very demeaning to a fellow human being and does nothing but brings out the worst in those who use it. If someone chooses a simple life, no high paying career, and does not dream of material possession, he is dismissed as a loser by some. Why? Because he doesn’t choose the same dream as others? And yes, if people try at least to be good at something but fail, this does not mean they are losers—“trying” is certainly not a loser’s way. Being poor and not able to college is NOT being a loser. Yet, they, too, are being labeled this word. How sad.
I 100% agree. When someone calls another person a loser, it just goes to show how shallow they are. People who are shallow should be ignored. If people take them seriously, then they are getting too much attention that they do not deserve.
You ever met somebody who’s a washed up alcoholic who takes advantage of people, gets blind assed drunk by five thirty on a wednesday, can’t hold down a job, steals small boats for joy rides, harasses kind women, makes idle threats and things of this nature?
there are some real assed losers in the world and it don’t have dick to do with material things. Some people are just out there to fuck over their fellow man and no amount of blind marxist compassion is ever going to change that fact
Lol !! Hermes, hold on. Then we are talking about a con artist or a criminal who should be prosecuted. They, too have proper names you know. Also, Al Capone might have been successful as a mafia gangster, was he a loser? or a criminal? Remember, he chose to be a mafia gangster, and he was successful at it.
Still not quite there, for instance a retard is not a loser, a retard is just a retard (maybe even a ‘winner’, in the special olympics).
non-losers could be poor, or even ugly. If they make up for the fact that they are those things.
Lots of people, especially shallow people, would like to be friends with people who are shallow. You might want to be friends with someone because they have money, or because they are popular, or because they have big tits. And those people might want you to be friends with them. The more friends, the better!
If its in a general context, its usually because the person is a failure, socially. The word ‘loser’ means a little bit more than just literally losing at some game. You’re just losing in general. It has an equivalent meaning to when people either say a person is ‘cool’ or ‘uncool’. Being the loser is like the opposite of being pimp. It depends on what members of a group are saying it, what the exact qualifications are. At an online philosophy forums, being a loser might mean being stupid. In high school, it means you’re sexually deprived. In a circle of rich lawyers, a loser might be the guy not driving a BMW.
I think you’re obsessed by the way people speek. There is no need,
1 because language is flawed
2 becaue often people don’t mean what they say
3 because sometimes people don’t know what they are saying
4 because most people have the constant need of letting out the aggression and unsatisfacoriness in their lives
5 because the combination of all the above
I completely agree. The ‘loser’ thinking suddenly came up when I was reading Status Anxiety by Alain de botton. I really think our society, especially Australian society in Sydney is getting shallower by the minute. T.V commercials are full of sexual innuendoes. Advertising is everywhere. And people are using crazy words like losers non-stop. I feel like the whole world has gone mad.
i don’t know if you rememberor not mate, i posted a topic called “what kinds of people are most likely to become philosophiers” some time ago.
i did because i thought that the world is getting increasingly “mad”, i just wanted to know what is the attraction of the opposite to “mad”.
most people in the west gruw up with plenty of food, cloths, toys and the love and care of parents, so they’ve been enjoying all their lives. to enjoy an easy life is the most urgent desire to them: sex, drinks, chats, football… the need to think far and hard and deep, is gone.