Love pissing as number three

When should one take a love piss? In the company (and indeed the body) of someone else? Nah, too much hassle (getting into and maintaining a relationship, and all that bullshit), and rather messy. How about on one’s own, in an erotic way? Nah, it’s never actually erotic, and is very unsightly.

So, why not add love pissing to the other two waste explusion types (ie, numbers one and two)? Every so often, “go for a number three”. This is probably the most civilised way to think and go about it. In fact, doing one two and three in the same session is probably the optimal way to dispose of these substances.

If you’re talking about peeing inside of a chick, then I think one should do it any time they are allowed.

That’s what I thought he was talking about at first. When I realized what he meant I wished I could have not clicked this topic.

I can confirm that I’m not talking about so-called “pissing in action” - an unpleasant practise, IMO.

You mean I should be able to take a 10 minute break at work to “use the restroom” in the form of, um, expelling substances other than feces and urine?

If your job requires you to justify your bathroom break, whether the break is for business or for pleasure, I suggest you find another job.

Well, I don’t have to justify going to the restroom, but if someone inadvertently walked in on me taking a “love piss” it might be cause for alarm.
Incidentally, I took a love piss on my 2 exes ago ex girlfriend’s face this morning at about 7 am. What a way to start the day!

Every time I see this thread on my list I just bust out laughing. This is the first time I’ve encountered the term “love piss”.


Yes, it’s a very amusing term. I got it from The League of Gentlemen (the UK comedians, not the movies).

There should be special “urinals” in form of holes in the wall ~1m above the ground for men to do their love pisses in (with optional seats behind them, for those who like to slump down afterwards).

[I’m gunu take a piss, ranty-style,]

[b]That’s so HIV-impending-dimented-single-virgin-warped-media-based-fantasy-sexual that it makes me want to file for devorce, even before I ever marry.

You make me so mad that I’m not angry or upset at all.

And oh, low quality love, it’s like asking a naked person to prepair your food for you, after they stick each finger up their own ass. “Love”. God damnit. That one is just sexual-frustration, and the other is attachment. Heart snatching, soul-eating cunts!

Oh man!

Haven’t you seen how fucked up some people are, after they go through the ringer? I mean, I’ve seen more than a few, totally emotionally screwed, after too many “friends” and “lovers”.

Cold lisards, ice cubes, and the mutant-healing-factor of Wolverien may be able to handle all of that slashing, and distortion, but I’d prefer punching their face, as soon as they even think about being an irrisponsible, socially inept, ignorant bastard.

I’m not against love in any way,
But it’s become a consumeristic, deadly junk-food.

Really… A shit-hole is that exciting?
Or someone’s really lost a few marbles…

I’m not a psychologist,
But I know that most everyone,
Especially the psychologists,
Are insane and need to be put into an institution of some sort, fast!

Why is it a joke, forbidden, over-done, fake, and still mind-controlling, appealing and addictive, to the common person?
…That’s a hard question.
Love piss. Ouch.
Another form of excratory insertions.
Shit-eating is like… one step below that.[/b]

Dan, I’ve got some videos from the Phillipines that you’ve just gotta see.

Empty response.

Just read something into it that wasn’t intended by me but supports an opposing view. There are ambiguities anywhere you want them to be. Take advantage.
Or, maybe you meant that your response was empty. I don’t think it is. I think it totally proves my point(whatever it may be).

the cat is chillin

That’s what I like to hear.

you hear what you like thats what you like to hear

You’re alot smarter than you seem.

thats an insult? compliment?

You choose, you have to prefer one over the other. I’ll tell you if your guess is right.
