How much of male sexuality is tied into aggression biologically? Perhaps this why conflict of the sexes is biological.
Most if not all male aggression is connected to male sexuality, but its not often a direct link. Male sexuality, like any mammal sexuality effects aggression, humans don’t take a leave out of the mammal group just because we’re smart. As in, in species of wolf where they are monogamous, male/female aggression is roughly the same, in species where things are remotely polygynous then male/female aggression aren’t.
In any species where the male can increase its reproductive fitness by sleeping around male aggression in the species tends to skyrocket.
Human aggression is connected to sexuality but in more elaborate ways than just a byproduct of the chemicals which create sexuality. For example, one of the largest types of murder is ‘altercation stemming from trivial origin’ or ie: status dispute between men that leads to homicide, thats a result of an evolutionary history of status competition among men for things like resources, and women are just another reproductive resource. For example, a massive amount of these people commiting these murders AND the victims of such murders, are unemployed and unmarried men.
So yeah, sexuality and aggression even sexuality and specific types of aggression are connected in deep deep ways that most people aren’t inclined to think about.
I’m not averse to a bit of male aggression… but only with the guy i’m dating, of course.
…and I don’t mean being slapped around