Man is imperfect

Man as we know lives in an imperfect world, many attempts have been made over the past 2000 yrs to create a perfect one. Both in thought(philosophy) and in deed(Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler). However Man is imperfect so therefore a perfect world is impossible to attain.

looks around

I don’t you’re going to find much debate.

Well we’d be pretty lonely in a perfect world anyway. If nothing else, we need dichotomy, something normally not attributed to perfection. I think we should aim to make the world perfect, although not truly expect the human race to reach such a state.

On a sort of tangent: What’s scary is those who believe we’re in a perfect world now.

I planted this seed 4 days back and poured water everyday. Nothing came out. Therefore, I conclude that it is impossible to have a tree from this seed.

2000 years is nothing but a blink in the history of human race.

By the way, how do you define your perfect world?

How do you define your tree?

A tree here means a full grown plant that can yield fruits and thus give rise to more plants ( or simply a tree is an “adult plant”).

in my opinion, a perfect world is too subjective.

True yes, perfection is subjective though that makes it no less real.

But that’s beside the main point of this whole thing…

Eh, your whole argument is subjective. It seems clear to me that it is possible for a individual to create their own view of a perfect world and who would we be to tell them that it was not perfect? And since that person could be you, or me than that possibility of a perfect world exists for all of us.

unfortunately this is the truth, no time to have fun or to enjoy life, time is to work get to the roots, hold on to it tight the only way to survive, while the only tree alive threaten by the truth will try to through on you its bombs fruits, stick to the roots head down and dont move waiting for the time of God mercy to come, it will when all the work would be done, work of recognition that you hated God, because you are none and He is so strong of His fights towards what is right that you decided to kill God in your perspectives of life, this truth is God in His greatness reacting to the chaos agressing His soul. creating the earth of men with all its times to make order in Him forcing the roots for all to be, this truth is perspective of God in Himself judging the minus being in all it appeared of Him, seeing how it can lead to minus absolute infinity if he doesnt make one revolution now, killing the minus by the truth of plus, no life would be allowed outside the depth of God, because he is the creator He would give life only if he sees Himself being in all it appears, because God is first values in truth of evolving being who must move on to more plus, because these values are more to Him than Him as he can kill Himself to allow the more plus to be infinity to come, so yes in a certain perspective God loves to see Himself imperfect to enjoy dreaming of changing to the best all the times

A perfect world? I have created a perfect world. What the rest of you do as individuals or collectively can’t destroy my perfect world.

i suffer, I have problems, I cry, i get angry, i have horrible pain, i owe money to pay this home off and i owe a few other things , not much but a few. i have fears i get lonely, i get overwhelmed, i give up and quit .


I laugh, I love, I work with goals in mind. I learn, I grow, and I accept then I change. I pick my self up and start again with faith love and all the gooey goodnes I can muster, I could not do these things if it were not for the bad things. the bad things in my life help to create my perfect world. I share my perfect world with those that wish to be a part of it, then they too can have a perfect world. The secret is laughter folks, finding humor in pain and anger and sadness. I may have a twisted sense of humor but, it makes my world perfect. I would not ever trade my world for anything.

I am just one little person, I help where I can, and when I can, so what that, there is more crap flowing in then I can bail out, but, if I quit I won’t ever find out if the crap was going to stop eventually. If I quit, I drown in crap for sure.

NO kris this is not at all in the spirit of what i said of God work in being, i was hoping for another post following mine as a sign from God that He want me to feel heard, bad never is responsable of good this is so wrong wisdom coming of the blinding mind truth of being bad, you feel well in bad as much as lying making progress to good, that is why its work for God, as well as for me is to deny myself to speak to bad as more as there will be hope for plus truth, dont mix minus and plus together it is the ugliness of void

it is not mixing bad experiences teach us to be better we learn what not to do and how to react or behave, therefore we learn, which is a good and positive thing good can come from bad in this way it is a postive i refuse to allow bad to keep me from positive watch the lie that is hiding in heart of you i send patience but you send frustration learn to use punctuation please so that we can forgo misunderstandings easier then argue or send you hurt feelings i think you know this is hard to read for those of us that are trained to see punctuations so please an effort if you make will be happy making for us all and we receive your words clearer and better if you refuse to try punctuations of any sort then you are declaring us less then you and that is insult perhap as not intended but is interpreted we wish to speak with you and we try but you try not take a step we will help

iman,your speech structure is too hard to understand.

yes,oldphil,a perfect world coming from us,is like life coming from death or non-living.

it seems to break simple rules. but yes,what i said is far too broad.

we do not NEED dichotomy,we have ACCEPTED dichotomy to adapt to it,so our minds dont go nuts. so many minds adapted to this shit,and,settled down in boiling water now adjusted, waiting to be cooked in it.

perfect world:subjective or objective? nope. we die,we suffer, we are NOT happy, we are lacking in some way. does it ever get to you,or are you all complete?

mentally it CAN be a perfect world,physically it can’t be controlled by the imagination!(regertably) physically this world is so damn lacking. :frowning:

man, you are so right.

as for talking about how god fits into all of this,i’m discouraged about talking about that,but i’ve done it on previous threads.

you confirmed exactly what i said of you mrs whatever

end hey guy saying absolute in words in God and with love to some elected men in jesus who insist to deny what is above structure willing to kill the beauty of truth is my way

Goddamn it Iman, use periods!

Perfection can exist, but who in this universe would be capable of inforcing it, and who in this universe would agree with it?

It is the nature of earthly desire to keep wanting more then what is. The human condition will never be at a stand-still.

I don’t understand any of your posts. I guess you are a bot. If so, you failed the Turing test :smiley:

Bot ( definition from
A software program that imitates the behavior of a human, as by querying search engines or participating in chatroom or IRC discussions.

Turing test (from
The Turing test is a proposal for a test of a machine’s capability to perform human-like conversation.

A robo_sapien is saying that iman has failed the Turing test. :smiley: Irony

Iman is not a bot. =)

I think Iman has a problem, though.
And I don’t mean that as an insult, but if you can see it…

Taking into account that a perfect world is mentally conceivable and practically attainable, and considering that existence is a subordonate attribute of perfection without which a perfect world would be equivocal, we must conclude that a perfect world exists and that we live in it.

And anyway, the idea of a perfect world couldn’t have sprung in our imperfect intellects had it not been planted there by an a priori perfect world.

Also consider that we live in the best of worlds cpossible.

Now look around you and tell me what you see.