Martial Law Begins 2021

I think Mr Trump will do no more than solidify the US Constitution. Martial law in the US is the intent of the globalist left so as to force the new socialist/communist laws. Revolution and regime change tactics are being used to leave no alternative.

The war is between constitutionalism and communism. Socialism is just a short intermediate step. The USA is the icon of constitutionalism, if lost, the Chinese Communist Party takes over under communist marshal law.

I have to guess that the Jewish left thinks that they will eventually undermine and replace the Chinese.

obsrvr wrote

Didn’t they finance Chinese communism?

In order to destroy the capitalism of the US, America was encouraged to capitalize China, sacrifice itself for sake of financial greed involving the potential Chinese market.

The left is used to destroy establishments through rebellion and anarchy. The right is used to build up a new growing concern. The new concern to challenge the US nation, the Chinese, had to be built up.

China was allowed to spend trillions of US dollars on its military, financial, and biomedical strength. When they are on par, they are encouraged into social and perhaps military war. Without the warring, it would be difficult to remove the capitalists.

The US needed an enemy at least as great as itself and opposite so that both would be weakened. The Middle East was being used for that but Mr Trump interrupted that plan (notice that despite Mr Trump doing so very much for Israel, every Jewish leftist in US Congress votes against him on every issue). I would guess that the intent is to allow the warring with China to continue until Israel sees advantage to overcome both.

Mr Trump is making it difficult to weaken the US sufficiently. That is why they are allowing diseases, weather, social up-evil, deceptions, propaganda, and every dirty trick imaginable to take him out of the game.

It is the Devil vs Donald J Trump.

China was funded by the Arms Dealers, because they profit in war, doesn’t matter who’s fighting.

Keep that in mind.

Tldr it…

I’ll give it another go though, and see if it holds my interest this time.

Still a no…


I suggest : Try to use polite language, even if you feel your listener is a turd.


I went to hell for 3 reasons…

I have a mind way more powerful than yours and I worked to remote control everyone with my mind

I have a spirit way more powerful than yours and I tried to destroy existence

I went to hell to come out of it and make countless beings innocent

When the spirits judge you, they be like “that crazy Ecmandu fuck survived saying all that shit, just to protect idiots like Urwrong because Ecmandu came out of it?!?!”

There’s a lot you don’t understand Urwrong.

Earlier you claimed you went to Hell for other people. But now you admit that you only did it for yourself. Contradiction. Explain yourself.

Use strong language, even against the weak minded.

There’s no contradiction.

What I survive is what you’re innocent of.

You’re basically contradicting yourself.

Not really. I attempted to remote control people to stop violence.

I was myopic and ignorant then, I didn’t understand existence well back then and I had no clue what my options were back then.

After this, I thought all existence was shit, so my goal was to destroy it. I was myopic and ignorant then as well.

What I realized as I matured into my spirit from my spiritual adolescence is that everything I had previously survived (and was super fucking harsh hell) was in defense of other spirits. I’m drawn to defending people from hell. That’s the way my heart works. If anyone gets in my way, I get spiritually viscous… I don’t physically attack people (never have) and anymore, very rarely verbally attack them; but I do when people seek to eternally damn someone.

That’s when my spirit comes down hard.

You can’t use violence to end violence.

Maybe you should let Jesus H. Christ into your heart?

We all made this together. I’m not better than you. Jesus is not better than you or me. Do you understand that? I’m a counter balancing force of the cosmos that came with all of us. That does not make me a great person by the way. I just have a job.

I say crazy shit to suffer people’s hells.

ooooh yes you can!


Promethean is correct on this.

Only Jesus Herbert Christ can cure your Madness.

Violence only begets more violence.

Only Lord Christ can, and did, break the infinite cycle. Seek Him out. Or, stay in Hell. It’s your choice.

I never expected anyone on this board to say something like that.

I think I would propose a different argument. But let’s see where it goes.

Here’s why promethean is right.

Let’s say you’re the Dalai Lama, and some woman made a pilgrimage for two whole fucking years to see you.

There they are, discussing spiritual matters. Then some dude walks in and starts raping her right in front of the Dalai Lama… is he supposed to sit there calmly and say “that’s her karma”??

Fuck that shit. He’d get out of his chair and try to stop it. And if that ultimately means murder, it was a just murder.

Only 10% of the population murders people unjustly. If you could kill or encarcerate them all, most of them don’t go down without a fight to the death, which means that you have to murder them… we’d have no more murder.