Marxist Conquest of the US


Fucking moron

Just proved my point^^^ :wink:

so lemme get this straight…

everyone is a sucker and we’ve all been lied to.

you have all the evidence, but it’s too complicated for everyone to understand so you wont show it.

trump can do no wrong.

am i getting this right?

Even granting the lies, the majority of people (who are working class) will only benefit more. That’s what these numbnutts aren’t getting. The only reason why one wouldn’t welcome the lies, and everything resulting from them, would be because one was a lazy waste of space who doesn’t want to work and lives for free off someone else’s labor. That’s all there is to it, bro. I wish there was some profound philosophical insight behind capitalism and conservatism because at least then this might be challenging for me.

Oops I forgot the other type that doesn’t welcome the lies. The conservative working man, which is a euphemism for backward ass dumbbell. Like those proud boys, for example. Nine out of ten of them are working class, but they’re braindead at worst and brainwashed at best. They haven’t one iota what they’re marching for or against.

We should all hope and pray that You - are not “everyone”.

Having already admitted to being both a liar and a troll - which applies to that post? :-k

I concede that the premise sounds strange. That those being lied to are being helped by those who are lying to them. But this can logically work.

When I put my tinfoil hat on I am thinking that we are approaching a transition or are already in a transition into a gradual, orchestrated assault on private business small and especially large. I’m not quite prepared to say covid is part of a ‘plan’, but I might say that the covid event was an opportunity seized by Democrats to push for more government control of things, or at least a bigger role in the immediate lives of people either by directly mandated restrictions or by handing out stimulus checks. But all this happened on trumpf’s watch anyway. All I mean is Democrats came onto the scene with perfect timing and used everything happening (all the movements) to bolster the voters confidence and trust… all the while planning to radically transform the economy over a period of say five years… four at least, obviously… without openly stating it. This is an instance of that premise of the useful lie.

So imagine that the internal war happening inside of American politics and economy is being waged between government and the private sector just below the giants who will merge with them forming the corporatist state capitalist system (Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, AT&T, etc). Slowly but shirley companies will shut down and the workers will eventually transition en masse into the government/mega corporation sector to work. No more mom and pops, bro.

As a result of this centralization of sorts, production will become more efficient and while taxes might go up a hair, commodities and services will be muuuuch cheaper, establishing a balance with noticable advantage for the vast majority.

All I need now is an economist to prove all this and I’m good.

But that’s what I mean when I momentarily humor u and start theorizing about what might be happening if, in fact, the Democrats and the left in general throughout the ranks of government have an orchestrated lie going on to transition into a state capitalism or thereabouts.

But really for something like this to happen and fully mature, it would take decades, because there are countless competitors against those giants mentioned above who produce enough revenue to stay afloat for a long time. It isn’t enough that Amazon could take over dozens of industries and employ more people than any other company in the history of the erf, pay them significantly more and give them outstanding benefits. People still work for the competitors, so the competitors stay in business.

The trick is to give the workers a better option. That’s all u gotta do. And u can do this by taking a handful of monopolies and merging them with government. you’d eliminate all the little capital holders, reduce the costs of production by centralizing control and planning (not to mention the time and money wasted on needless advertisment), and be able to provide goods and services at much more affordable prices to the very workers who provide the labor to produce those things.

And also, reeeel important especially for u. There will never be some Draconian 1984 distopian world. Fuggetaboutit. Here’s why. Enacting such restriction and control on and over citizens is an unnecessary risk for any elite that might be hosting such a state. In shorter words, one wouldn’t have to impose such rule over people in order to exploit them sufficiently enough to maintain one’s place of power. Siriusly, think about it. Ever seen aeon flux? NO. It’ll never be like that bro.

I’m afraid that the new America and the new American life will eventually become as exciting as… well… ChiNuh.

“If the crisis revealed the incapacity of the bourgeoisie any longer to control the modern productive forces, the conversion of the great organizations for production and communication into joint-stock companies and state property shows that for this purpose the bourgeoisie can be dispensed with.” - Engels (on state capitalism)

I’m guessing that because you have almost every fact wrong that this has been sarcasm - right?

no but really

I think there are people who hold very strong opinions and have never practiced investigating or honestly analyzing what they are told by others - nor their own opinions. They talk a lot - but actually think very little. Those people are often very easy to spot (for me at least). Some are very educated - yet have never actually thought much about what they learned (to get through indoctrination classes requires a great deal of not thinking and just accepting - it becomes a habit).

I have watched 100s of people debate religion and politics issues - a very common defense - “I don’t see the evidence” - even when it couldn’t be more blatant. They merely want to push whatever they want to push - no interest at all in finding out if what they want is rational. That behavior distinguishes a common bloke and bludger from a rationalist. The rationalist filters propaganda - the bludger is just playing.

The differences are easy to spot with a little practice.

So when the common bludger asks for evidence - I know it won’t matter what he is shown - I see it all the time. He either denies it or very shortly forgets it. So it really isn’t worth anyone’s effort to go dig it up for him. It is like arguing Christianity with an atheist - claims and denials - denials and claims. Evidence is meaningless.

So with me - it depends on who’s asking.

That is YOU.

Yep. It’s you.

Just look in the mirror!

Okay - so not you so much.

This demonstrates a willful ignorance of education. Morons that for whatever reason did not do higher education - either because they neve made the grade or were too low rent to be able to afford it, tend to have a blinkered view of what goes on in higher education. Well it ain’t like kindergarten! You have to know how the think and have the ability to show it. Indoctrination is for Fox News watchers and children - that would be you, dingbat!

In your case no so much practice- but a lot of prejudice.

You’d not know evidence if it hit you in the face like wet fish.

And then there are those ^^^^

Dr Fauci is a US bureaucrat in charge of national public health - @ $450,000/yr.
Revealed through acquired Dr Fauci emails and public interviews -

2014 - Mr Obama bans gain of function research claiming that it is too dangerous
2017 - Dr Fauci moves gain of function research to the Wuhan bio-weapons lab - along with hundreds of $millions.
2017 - Dr Fauci announces that there will be a “surprise viral outbreak”.
2019 - An “October surprise” is given to the US
2019 - October - Three Wuhan virology researchers are hospitalized with COVID-like symptoms
2019 - November - confirmed cases of COVID are reported in Wuhan.
2019 - November - many COVID researchers are arrested and silenced by the CCP
2019 - November - CCP announces that the outbreak shows no signs of being human-to-human spread.
2019 - November - CCP closes off all travel from Wuhan into central China while promoting travel out of Wuhan to the rest of the world.
2019 - November - CCP announces the outbreak came from a wet-market just 360 meters from the lab.
2020 - January - Dr Fauci announces that no one should be wearing masks in the US.
2020 - January - Dr Fauci argues to Mr Trump to not close the border from China.
2020 - February - W.H.O. announces that there is no sign of human to human spread.
2020 - February - Mr Trump closes the border from China.
2020 - February - suspicions rise that COVID came from the Wuhan bio-weapons lab.
2020 - February - Dr Fauci announces that it is impossible that this virus was man-made or came from the lab.
2020 - February - US socialists encourage people to hug and party with US Chinese citizens.
2020 - February - W.H.O. head Mr Tredros warns Mr Trump to not politicize COVID else be counting many more bodies.
2020 - March - Dr Fauci announces that masks do not work.
2020 - March - Mr Trump announces that he must shutdown the booming economy.
2020 - March - Mr Trump announces that it is up to the governors to set COVID policies.
2020 - March - Mr Trump launches Operation Warp Speed and pre-purhases vaccines.
2020 - Dr Fauci announces that common inexpensive drugs do not work and might be dangerous.
2020 - Mr Trump initiates investigation team into COVID origins.
2020 - US governors throughout engage in a variety of lockdown mandates - crushing small businesses and closing schools.
2020 - Gov Cuomo of New York sends known COVID patients into nursing homes.
2020 - Big businesses and social media gain extreme profits.
2020 - Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook and Google/Youtube disallows any communication of a Wuhan lab leak.
2020 - Facebook and Twitter suspend Mr Trump’s accounts, shadow bans conservatives, and forbids any pro-Trump discussion.
2020 - COVID is used as an excuse to allow mass mail-in voting - inviting fraud.
2020 - Dr Fauci recommends multiple masks and goggles.
2020 - October - a vaccine is approved by the US FDA - but kept secret from the public until after the election.
2020 - Facebook, Twitter, and Google forbid any discussion of voter fraud.

2021 - O’Biden closes down the investigation team into the COVID origins.
2021 - O’Biden encourages extreme mask mandates and school closures for at least 100 days.
2020 - O’Biden halts further construction of the US border-wall.
2021 - O’Biden invites and facilitates illegal immigrants into the US
2021 - O’Biden restricts COVID testing of illegal immigrants at their Southern border.
2021 - Dr Fauci announces that mask mandates might last for years.
2021 - Dr Fauci denies any association with gain of function research and lies to the US Senate.

2021 - June - Dr Fauci emails reveal that he, Mark Zuckerberg, and the CCP have been treasonously colluding to produce and hide the origins of COVID-19 - resulting in over 3.5 million deaths across the world.

Currently research labs already have a virus strain 15 times worse that COVID.

Anyone remember those socialist Nazi cruel bio-experiments on their citizens?
That is just what socialists do. And they are still at it because it gives them wealth, power, and control.

Dr Fauci is a US bureaucrat in charge of national public health - @ $450,000/yr.
Revealed through acquired Dr Fauci emails and public interviews -

2014 - Mr Obama bans gain of function research claiming that it is too dangerous
2017 - Dr Fauci moves gain of function research to the Wuhan bio-weapons lab - along with hundreds of $millions.
2017 - Dr Fauci announces that there will be a “surprise viral outbreak”.
2019 - An “October surprise” is given to the US
2019 - October - Three Wuhan virology researchers are hospitalized with COVID-like symptoms
2019 - November - confirmed cases of COVID are reported in Wuhan.
2019 - November - many COVID researchers are arrested and silenced by the CCP
2019 - November - CCP announces that the outbreak shows no signs of being human-to-human spread.
2019 - November - CCP closes off all travel from Wuhan into central China while promoting travel out of Wuhan to the rest of the world.
2019 - November - CCP announces the outbreak came from a wet-market just 360 meters from the lab.
2020 - January - Dr Fauci announces that no one should be wearing masks in the US.
2020 - January - Dr Fauci argues to Mr Trump to not close the border from China.
2020 - February - W.H.O. announces that there is no sign of human to human spread.
2020 - February - Mr Trump closes the border from China.
2020 - February - suspicions rise that COVID came from the Wuhan bio-weapons lab.
2020 - February - Dr Fauci announces that it is impossible that this virus was man-made or came from the lab.
2020 - February - US socialists encourage people to hug and party with US Chinese citizens.
2020 - February - W.H.O. head Mr Tredros warns Mr Trump to not politicize COVID else be counting many more bodies.
2020 - March - Dr Fauci announces that masks do not work.
2020 - March - Mr Trump announces that he must shutdown the booming economy.
2020 - March - Mr Trump announces that it is up to the governors to set COVID policies.
2020 - March - Mr Trump launches Operation Warp Speed and pre-purhases vaccines.
2020 - Dr Fauci announces that common inexpensive drugs do not work and might be dangerous.
2020 - Mr Trump initiates investigation team into COVID origins.
2020 - US governors throughout engage in a variety of lockdown mandates - crushing small businesses and closing schools.
2020 - Gov Cuomo of New York sends known COVID patients into nursing homes.
2020 - Big businesses and social media gain extreme profits.
2020 - Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook and Google/Youtube disallows any communication of a Wuhan lab leak.
2020 - Facebook and Twitter suspend Mr Trump’s accounts, shadow bans conservatives, and forbids any pro-Trump discussion.
2020 - COVID is used as an excuse to allow mass mail-in voting - inviting fraud.
2020 - Dr Fauci recommends multiple masks and goggles.
2020 - Facebook, Twitter, and Google forbid any discussion of voter fraud.

2021 - O’Biden closes down the investigation team into the COVID origins.
2021 - O’Biden encourages extreme mask mandates and school closures for at least 100 days.
2021 - Dr Fauci announces that mask mandates might last for years.
2021 - Dr Fauci denies any association with gain of function research and lies to the US Senate.

2021 - June - Dr Fauci emails reveal that he, Mark Zuckerberg, and the CCP have been treasonously colluding to produce and hide the origins of COVID-19 - resulting in over 3.5 million deaths across the world.

Currently research labs already have a virus strain 15 times worse that COVID.

Anyone remember those socialist Nazi cruel bio-experiments on their citizens?
That is just what socialists do. And they are still at it because it gives them wealth, power, and control.

K: as we know you wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped you across the face,
these are simply another set of lies put out by your favorite entertainment channel,
faux news… just more conspiracy theories… which is the modern day conservative
set of beliefs…no more believing in small government or less taxes or a return to
conservative values… nope, just more conspiracy theories…that is all you have…
nothing about the future or of creation of values to uphold or to bring us into
a better future… nope, just really lazy conspiracy theories…


Even MSM though minimizing its reporting - isn’t denying it – anymore.

K: just more lazy conspiracy theories…


Says the bloke that believes that Mr Trump actually wore his pants backwards. :laughing: