i’d like to quote seeker04 from the Farenheit 9/11 thread
not havin watched the movie i observed that [bush] administration frequently raised and lowered the terrorist threat levels right before the war and made numerous claims of weapons of mass destruction in iraq. Now i’d like to ask why werent they so alert before 9/11 and what were the terror alrets based one, and where are the weapons of mass destruction???
Cuz Bush is buddy buddy with the Bin Ladens. They probably attacked as a favor to him. They are one of his number one investors you know. You should’ve seen when Mr. Moore was in front of the Saudi Arabian embassy and the secret service came over and asked him what the hell he was doing. I guess Bush was curious about whether he was busted or not… He is busted… See the film. I used to think Bush let 9/11 happen. After seeing that film, I realized just how connected to the whole thing Bush is, and now I think Bush not only let it happen, but probably helped plan it with his buddies in Saudi Arabia. (okay, roll in the critisism now and call me extreme, I don’t care) Of course I don’t know any of this for sure, but the evidence sure suggests it, and I wouldn’t put it past Bush. He obviously has no concern for human life, he’s prooved that. Most Americans seem to be shammed by the “no no no it can’t happen here, we bought a t.v. dinner and it can’t happen here” to quote Frank Zappa.
I saw my name on this message board and thought I should comment. Michael Moore’s movie should not be taken as the truth. Do your homework. Most of what the movie says is not true. Bush is a good man. There is no way he would want terrorists to attack our country. You say he doesn’t care for human life, where would you get such an idea? He cares a great deal for life. I guess he wants to make abortion illegal because of his lack of caring for life? No, he wants to save their life from murder. Terrorists should die. I’m tired of hearing that because some innocent people have died in the war, Bush is a murderer. Evil can’t be destroyed without a price. It’s sad, but it can’t always be helped.
I do not trust this. I believe that the means one uses show what he is. Some will say “Terrorists killed 3000 persons in the World trade center.” And they’ll be right, of course.
However, Bush had no good, sound reasons to attack Iraq, and this did cost the live of many Americans, and over 10,000 Iraqis, and, up to now, the violence has not stopped. That is evil. The lives of people in other countries matter too, you know.