By dismissing the bible out of hand, atheists are missing out on all the fun of speculating about some of the stuff in it
None of these would be what happened because if the Earth ceased rotation to turn the other way every being would have essentially been tossed and crushed by the impact.
The water of the earth would have more than sloshed. It would destroy most of the land.
And if the sun went the Earth prolly would have been burned along with the other planets close to the sun.
But what if the earths rotation was reversed slowly, perhaps people wouldn’t notice it gradually slowing down and then reversing?
As for the sun being moved in space, how far would it have to be moved to appear as a 10 degree shift? Not a lot I should imagine?
Therefore, if you were to hang above the surface of the Earth at the equator without moving, you would see 25,000 miles pass by in 24 hours, at a speed of 25000/24 or just over 1000 miles per hour.
If it slowed down steadily you would see huge cataclysmic events, and most likely would have some negative effects on the earth’s Magnetic field.
Think about it like this. If the sun is 100,000 miles (of course it is alot further away) and creates the current temperature on earth. If it moved however many miles in any direction the effects would be devastating. It would either scorch, freeze, or shift the biomes of not only our planet but all the others. It is an interesting concept and all but it would be the earth shifting rather than the sun which would be more plausible.