Modern Day Nazi

When you here the term Nazi, aside from the thought of mass murder, arn’t we all. You experience it everyday, you are teased, selected,or talked about for being different. What is it about us, that we reject what is different, what hasn’t “conformed” to our lives. Maybe it is a survival characteristic, imbeded within us at the beginnings of time in order to stay healthy and thrive. Religion, here me out. Although it gives us insight, guidance, purpose and hope, can also be a close seconde to Nazism .You may have heard, Atheist? oh your going to hell, Buddhist? 9th relm of hell, you can be the sweetest person in the world but for some Christians, not all, if you arn’t baptized or a christian too, your going to hell. So, are we now being scared and threatened to conform to one religion, where is the sacredness in that. Gods are for guidance, an example to lead a productive life. Buddha once said, " Use my teachings as a guide to find your own way, you need not follow mine." So in a sense, are we all like nazis, in a desire to be alike and make others like everyone else?

Only blue eyed blondes goto heaven. [-X

The Nazis helped start a war that resulted in the death of 50 million people. They used mass extermination and totalitarian control to coerce people into following them.

So no, most of us are probably not Nazis. :wink:

Firstly Nazism is a political ideology which was centered around one man, good old Mr. Hitler, Nazism in its original sense could never outlive him since everything within the ideoloy was based upon his personal ideas and whims. And nazism spreads beyond mass murder and concentration camps, it WAS a complex political idea and system, exatcly like democracy or communism. And to simplify it to the degree of saying that Nazism only embraced conformism and death is only childish and uneducated.

As for the conformism, that is only human nature, the way to difference between “us” and “them”, us being friends and them being enemies, and religion is the way to secure and tighten the bonds between us, and an easy way to control us: "Do what the lord says (lord being the original term for ruler) or you will be punished for eternity. Makes control of the masses easy.

So, no, it is not Nazism to want to fit.

Sometimes to better understand something we have to reduce it to its lowest terms, note: “aside from the thought of mass murder” there was nothing said about death, try thinking outside the box.

By simplifying Nazism to a point where it can be applied to anyone, you are diluting the terror that was their regime.

creating an ideology for a selected group of people (in this case the arians) is a positive action in nature’s terms. To create a whole new civilization which is bent on the very laws that determine our kind’s future (survival of the fittest and natural selection) is a respected notion…Don’t take me a for a nazi or racist, but imagine if they hadn’t started a war…I’d be screwed, that’s for sure, because they would be the dominant “specie” of the human race.

ps. I abhore racists/facists/nazis

Seems to be a bit of a touchy subject. The term nazi in modern day has bad feelings attached to it due to recent history but like alot of things the roots were based in an ideology that was supposed to benefit people. Hitler in early days believed in bettering man kind and had many ideas that are in place today. Unfortunatly with power comes all to often the dilution/corruption of the principles that were first believed in. No one can ignore that hitler ultimatly resulted in the death of millions of people but ideas and ideologies are not to blame mankind is, it is us that choses where to draw the line what is right and what is wrong. Religion has had similar outcomes,e.g. the spanish inquisition, todays affairs in iraq. As always we will be the undoing of us all, not ideas.

Actually, since anti-semitism is rooted in Nazi ideology from the time even before the Munich Putsch, I’m gonna go ahead and disgree with that grossly ignorant statement there.

In 1927 Hitler wrote that the jew is the incarnation of the devil and the symbol of evil. What “early day” are you referring to?

I did not state that most or even a quater of what hitler stood for was of any benefit to anyone, and yes he along with many others are responsible for many of the worst atrocities of all time but there were elements of his ideologies that were of merit, it has been written ( by Anrew Bolt can be read on under Eugenics and the left , Paragraph entitled the green connection.) that hitler was probably the first major supporter of organic farming and the benefit it would have to the masses, also homeopathic medicines, banned animal testing (in favour of jewish children which I do not in any way condone), created many national parks. It also goes on to point out that not only did hitle take part in many abhorrent things but also other countries did also, like america during the time between 1907 and 1940 california state took part in the inforced sterilisation of tens of thousands of women, this was also the case in sweden between 1930 and 1970.

"In the 1920’s, the eugenics movement was … popular. So popular in fact, that mandatory sterilization laws were passed in 34 states from the mid-1920’s to mid-30’s. Basically, these laws stated that sterilization was mandatory for socially undesirable persons. “The socially inadequate classes, regardless of etiology or prognosis, are the following: (1) Feeble-minded; (2) Insane, (including psychopathic); (3) Criminalistic (including the delinquent and wayward); (4) Epileptic; (5) Inebriate (including drug habitues)…” [etc]. So basically, if you were hyperactive, promiscuous, an alcoholic or drug addict, had cerebral palsy or Down’s syndrome, were epileptic, (etc., ad nauseum), or exhibited ANY socially undesirable behavior at all, you were eligible for mandatory sterilization. And not you, nor your parents (if you were a minor) had any right to say “No.” "

What i was trying to say that yes hitler had a terrible affect on the world ultimatly but it would be unfair to dismiss all without further looking into and investigating further because PROPOGANDA can twist history to the victor`s version of history.

So . . .

You’ve gone from justifying Nazism by saying that everyone is, to some degree, a Nazi to saying that there were good things about the Nazi Regime.

I think I know where the wind is blowing, and I’d rather not be downwind of that particular stench.

Justifying Nazism (the ideal)not necessarily, but trying to point out that they were people too with ideals of their own and that they should not necessarily but put into some abhorrent sub-group. Yes they got it terribly wrong overall but not completly and also trying to point out that we are not all saints either. Maybe each individual doesnt have an ounce of nazi in him (refering more to the ideals labelled as nazi rather than the people) but they as people were not so disimilar from anyone else but rather it was the result of their actions that ultimatly set them apart. thay are born like we are all and eventually when we die we are the same once again.

I can agree that everyone has the potential to become a Nazi . . . but so what? All that means is that we have to learn to be dilligent to try and prevent that sort of terror from occuring again.

Everyone recognizes that they were indeed people, and they did indeed have ideals, but they were people who commited atrocities on a level rarely seen before or since, and these actions were supported by their ideals.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the autobahn, and I have a soft-spot for flashy uniforms (Fascists have an impeccable sense of style, I must say. Roehm – the original fashion diva?), but one can view these things quite comfortably in isolation from the National Socialist ideology.

Instead of doing that, you have suggested that (rather than the potential) people are indeed partially Nazis, thereby grossly reducing the horror of their atrocities. When that wasn’t greeted the way you wanted, you suggested that it was a worthwhile ideology that was manipulated and abused by failed humans (neglecting that the atrocities that were committed were indeed intrinsically a part of National Socialism and inseperable from its ideology, as well as the fact that Nazism isn’t a revealed system, so even the most fervent believer can’t lay a claim to perfection and no one else should even entertain such a though). Next, you claimed that it had good elements to it. While that is true, my faeces also have some nutritional value – would you advocate eating them to gain that back?

If your interpretation of what i have said has lead you believe that then i am sorry ,my eloquance can be a little lacking in trying to explain an idea.I was trying to seperate the general ideology of nazism as to be wrong and totally at that but as people some of the more basic ideas they had, basic as in the more simpler like eating organic food is good for you, rather than the fundamental ideoloies of the party as a whole, i dont feel that i represented myself as saying that we are nazis but people capable of making mistakes like themselves.

Weird thread.

Seems a strange kind of question. Kinda like “if Satan wasn’t evil… he’d be good, wouldn’t he?”

Ummm… maybe.

Trouble is, all we’ve extracted from Nazism in this inquiry is the mass murder. Sounds like we’ve kept the totalitarianism, racism, propaganda, bullying, war-mongering, theft and hate.

So yeah, I’m still not joining :sunglasses:

Just to clarify…

I’m not sure it’s still Nazism if you remove all those elements. They might have been vegetarians, but you could remove the diet and they’d still be Nazis. Remove all but the diet, and you wouldn’t have a Nazi.

Some of the things they did were just a feature, not something they’d be defined by. My car is an Integra. It has a spoiler. If you put the spoiler on a motorcycle, it’s not suddenly an Integra.

I also grant your point about propaganda, but I think we all know who introdued propaganda as a science to the modern world, don’t we? What a pity it’s become such a double-edged sword over the years #-o

Anyone who’s read “Mein Kampf” (and I did for high school) will know that if there’s one defining philosophical conerstone to Nazism/National Socialism, it’s the philosophy of struggle and violence. It’s violence for it’s own sake - as a discipline, as a purification ritual, as an evolutionary justifier, and as a source of meaning.

This philosophy was probably more central to Nazism than putting a couple of national parks out there, which look more like a singular action than a philosophical outlook.

oddly enough if you remove the word nazism from that statement it could be a reference to every religeon known to man :slight_smile:

totalitarianism: our religeon is the only true path to god …

racism: these red men are savages and know nothing of god …

propoganda: our god is the one true god …

bullying: if you dont become a _______ you will go to hell …

warmongering: spaniish inquisition, the crusades …

Im sure you get the idea and can easily find more examples to fill in for yourself. I will not try to defend the actions of Hitler, but I pose the questions regarding his mass murder, how many people have been killed in the name of god (by any name)? how many wars have been fought in the name of god? Was Hitler “evil”? Most likely yes but by the same staements used to condemn him does one not also condemn unto god the title of being evil.

I have no challenge with that perspective at all. Actually, I quite share it. It;'s not the point we’re discussing here, but it’s a perfectly valid point of view.

A person can live without being a nazi at all. But most people are nazis at least once in a while.