Again, there is a reverse mortgage on the house. I will never have it.
What i am experiencing now is a combination of the consequences of financial incompetence (the cat lady) and capitalism.
If at any time the cat lady is away from this house and at a hospital for x amount of time, the bank can declare the house theirs, seize it, and hope that the cat lady dies rather than return to the house.
This means that unless the cat lady can afford care when she’s in her 80s, she’ll have to surrender the house and go into a old cat ladies home… in which case i don’t get to sell the house and at least get a little something after the bankrobbers get their share (in reverse mortage loan interest that at this point in time is $159,000 and getting bigger).
This, therefore, obligates me to trying to prevent her from having to leave this house. I’d either have to pay for a nurse to visit or do the shit myself.
I will not do the shit myself. Instead, i will declare, again, that the state is at fault for this mess. There is no justifying the fact that working class families have to go through such a thing as this. I should not be panicking over my future because of such reasons as not being able to sell a house. I should not be having to depend on doing so for my own wellbeing. The catlady, a lifelong wage earner and tax payer, should not have to trap her son into a nursing job so the outrageously priced house she had to take a reverse mortgage out on isn’t lost when she goes into a nursing home and her son gets fucked as a result.
All this nonsense is a giant tangled ball of shit created by the state, capitalism, and a financially incompetent cat lady.
If again you were trying to somehow make me feel guilty by making it look like I’m a thankless creep who has a house given to him by a loving mother, I apologize for ruining it for you again.
That’s off topic & ignores my question, since you won’t lose the house if you start paying the debt, permitting me to then clean house & promptly kick you out of it.
“since you won’t lose the house if you start paying the debt”
Lol ‘buy a house’ she said. You’ve lost your fuckin marbles. I can build a house in two weeks, and you think I’d pay some bank for thirty years to own one?
What is happening to you poor people? This looney talk about messiahs who lived 2000 years ago and now you all think its normal to pay a thirty year mortage for a box made out of wood.
So build a house, genius. Or is it that you just love your mom so, so much and you just like to complain to sound like a complainer?
I knew it. Typical mama’s boy.
I bet after you stop recording your conversation, you apologize all over yourself, thank her for letting you look dominant, and empty the cat shit and go get her a new vape.
The time spent with your mommy is unbeatable. Treasure it my good man. Be her slave. I wish l could have my time back with my mommy and be more of a slave to her.
Ignore the vicious person insulting you by the way.
Ignore that person regarding me. Listen to them otherwise.
Do you even pay rent? I demand an answer. Tell me you do not leach off your mom and then have the freaking whatever to have anything negative to say to her.
A fox got caught trying to eat a farmer’s chickens. The farmer cut its tail off.
The fox felt ashamed at having lost its tail, it felt incomplete, less of a fox. So it called a meeting of the forest animals and extolled the virtues of being tail-less, and exhorted them all to cut their tails off too: the blackbird, the crow, the badger, the squirrel, etc.
The animals all paused to silently consider what the fox was proposing.
Then they all burst into raucuous laughter at the sorry-ass fox.
Please stop going around spreading calumnies about other people and other faiths, It sounds like you are depleted and chewed up by life and are trying to shame other men into wanting bitter older women. Let men choose live as they please, marry as they will, grow old together content with their spouses. It’s not your concern my dear.
Back to the topic: @promethean75 I think you’re lucky to have her still with you.
Three teachings I hold dear about mothers / parents (l wish l could have my time back with both parents):
“We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth” (Qur’an 46:15).
The Prophet Muhammad said, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him: Heaven lies under the feet of your mother (Ahmad, Nasai).
A man came to the Prophet and said, ‘O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said: Your mother. The man said, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man asked again, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your father. (Bukhari, Muslim).
It is the faithful that are tailless.
They have lost all reason and want to inflict their disease upon others.
You are the Fox. You reject facts and reason for a willful ignorance and delusion about beliefs you can neither support nor verify.