I don’t see myself as monogamous. I’m actually very much of a romantic and I can fall in love fast and hard and love more than one person at a time in a romantic way. I’m also a very physical person. I like to touch people, to hug, to cuddle, to have sex etc.
Because this is an opinion that is a part of me, I’ve never felt I had to justify it (you don’t ask people why there favorite colour is their favorite colour), but lately more and more people seem to want more of an explanation.
I think monogamy is very much an oldfashioned concept. Over the years it has gotten this “good” connotation; Monogamy is good, polygamy is evil. Most people don’t even think about why this is so. I think it is because people are very egotistic, they don’t want to share their partners. (I’ve noticed lately how many young people think it’s perfectly okay for them to be polygamous, but their significant other can’t be.) Furthermore I think the Church has strenghtened this connotation because they want us to believe sex is evil (so sex with different persons must be even more evil).
I’m very much a supporter of free will. I feel my free will is curtailed when I can’t express my love for other person than the one I’m in a relatoinship with. I don’t even mean I’ll have sex with every random stranger who crosses my path, sometimes I just want to kiss someone in a more than friendly way.
Well, this is quite the personal post. Now I’d like to hear wath you think about this, maybe have some better arguments (I know mine aren’t that great) pro or contra.